Extremely happy


Well-Known Member
Just thought i would share. Met a great guy who really likes me, but its not a sure thing yet. Class got canceled tomorrow, and my brother will be here in the afternoon, havent seen him since christmas, then saturday im having a party with all my friends for turning 19 on 4/21. It feels so good to be happy again!


Well-Known Member
aha no. not at all. for some odd reason he thinks im gorgeous and funny and yeah, he pretty much wants to be my boyfriend but i wanna take my time and do it right. :)


Well-Known Member
I mean congratulations on b eing happy again, is sure sucks to be stuck in the doldrums. Wooooooooooooooooot! Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle........

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
true. i guess i should man up
would you have felt better if i said cameltoe instead? im sorry , im trying to be more sensitive in this new year.

i think you should bang this guy, he sounds very genuine... plus the only way to get good at sex is by having it right? boxing your beaver under the full moon only goes sofar :)

im happy for yur happiness


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest guys... come on.. the fairy tale ending you're hoping for Urca doesn't exist. The sooner you realize this, the better off you'll be.


Well-Known Member
im not hoping for a fairy tale, just something nice that lasts as long as it's healthy


Well-Known Member
you gonna quit being negitive if i tell you to fuck yourself? Nope? Ok then.
God i cant even be happy on here without some hazing


Well-Known Member
God i cant even be happy on here without some hazing
You made your bed, now you get to lie in it. That's life.

That being said, I wish nothing but the best for you and I hope it pans out in a good way. But realize that what ever you are given, even if it's just fleeting praise, is a gift, and should not be squandered. Try to appreciate the way you feel now, regardless of what happens in the future. That is how you cultivate and maintain a positive life attitude.