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  1. Urca

    Rugs For Cannabineer

    how do they do it?!
  2. Urca

    Man Flees Naked From Home After Finding Spider In Bed

    my high school had hella of these. super dope and can kill spiders
  3. Urca

    what piercings have you got?????

    lol yup. haha my biggest crush was like 9 years older than me. lmao i never had a chance.
  4. Urca

    what piercings have you got?????

    haha gross misquote ftw
  5. Urca

    what piercings have you got?????

    wanna get my nose, but that will have to wait, i have my ears peirced, just one hole. my sister and i are supposed to get the industrial bar in our ears, or the tragus peircing
  6. Urca

    Fat people starving to death

    dont mind silas not replying, he has a train to catch
  7. Urca

    Fat people starving to death

    you deserve a standing ovation. maybe afterwards you can stop giving me the run around. but then again sometimes a man has to stand on his own two feet. fucking asshole.
  8. Urca

    What is Your Favourite Anime?

    rose of versailles, any saint seiya, any gundam, beast player erin
  9. Urca

    Where do you think the line is...

    the line is bruises. too many little kids go without a good smack and they turn out to be little shits. I've had my ass beaten plenty of times... with belts, hangers, open hands, fists. i deserved it too. its not to say you should hit your kid for every wrong thing they do, and spanking should...
  10. Urca

    Big night tonight

    lol i live in a big city surrounded by farms. weird i know. thing about picking random mushrooms is that you can easily die
  11. Urca

    Big night tonight

    they could find so much worse stuff about me other than i was on an online forum. lol.
  12. Urca

    Big night tonight

    so tell me how to do this? and the only reason i said it seemed hard cause i looked it up and they were coming up with some crazy fucking things you have to do in order to grow
  13. Urca

    Big night tonight

    i was actually thinking about it, but it seems really hard
  14. Urca

    Big night tonight

    fuck problably not, we cant find shrooms anywhere.
  15. Urca

    Big night tonight

    yeah it was horrible.
  16. Urca

    Big night tonight

    my dumb ass friend she's seen it before. i heard it, and saw on part after they were dead and saw a hatchet go into a neckbone. i couldnt watch any more than that one second of it
  17. Urca

    Big night tonight

    turbulent, yes. but the waters have been clam for a few months. anywho, baby steps sounds awesome. man last night my friend, my sister, and my sister's ex were all hella gone and turned on a video of a man in mexico being chainsawed to death for working for the wrong people. they were hella...
  18. Urca

    Big night tonight

    lmao i'd hate to be using the fact im a girl to get weed. and you are giving pretty good advice. i wonder where heph is though, i remembered to take a snapshot of my eyes last night for him
  19. Urca

    I have alot of rabbits in my yard...

    kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit! lmao actually those little guys look like they'd taste good, but i'd never eat a wild one, only eat one raised for consumption. my grandma used to make me go out every night and feed the wild rabbits outside, its funny, desert rabbits go apeshit for lettuce
  20. Urca

    Big night tonight

    thanks i'll remember that. and no weed cause i only have a certain amount of money to get me through the summer, if i smoke, i will not have enough money. and i need a job. gotta get a clean piss test