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  1. Urca

    Do You Have The Courage?

    meh one time when i was like 16, some chick pecked me on the lips in the locker room. like barely brushed lips. she did it for a reaction... i just sat there stupefied. did this chick really just kiss me while im changing? Lol i was in shock all day, not sure to be upset or be like just brush it...
  2. Urca

    Females - Which male looks better Poll

    lol what do you think this is, yahoo answers? You both look under 18.
  3. Urca

    What is your first name in real life?

    I normally dont like country but this song is great
  4. Urca

    First time

    it wasnt about the sex, mainly even though it was irritating, it was making every goddamn thread about rainbow. get what i get? So throwing some of the most painful parts in my life in my face is a fucking joke to you?
  5. Urca

    First time

    Not really. Did I say anything personal about her kids themselves? Nope. Have I even attacked her in the last few days Nope. But anyways thanks for coming onto my thread rainbow, the one that was about me doing something stupid last night, and instead making it about my past, and throwing...
  6. Urca

    First time

    Ok I wont. I doubt I'll do it again.
  7. Urca

    First time

    I never said shit about your children. Wow. All I stated was the number you had, and it seemed like you have alot of time on your hands for having four of them to be bullshitting on the internet, Never did I make any personal statements about your children. So fuck you for bringing that shit...
  8. Urca

    First time

    They were low dosage over the counter shit, I had to take that much to feel them, but it was pretty fucking stupid. Never again
  9. Urca

    First time

    That was the lowest blow. I hope your happy. Like seriously, wow. Way to start up the argument again. And that wasnt a relationship between me and him, he used me. Ok, are you happy now? He used me hella bad and hurt me, I hope you're getting laughs out of this
  10. Urca

    First time

    because it was something Id never done... and I went over there to get drunk but I felt like that would be the better choice over waking up puking everywhere.
  11. Urca

    First time

    wow. way to derail the thread with insults, when I havent said shit to you for days. Not waiting for someone "special" I just want to be in a fucking relationship when I do it, because I know myself, and I cant do the sexual stuff anymore with someone who just doesnt give a fuck about me.
  12. Urca

    First time

    To be completely honest, it didnt really do what I expected. I felt like my body wasnt mine, it was hard to think clearly, a bit blurry, felt like a heavy body high, but no couch lock, didnt see anything except for when i went to lay down, some kinda patterns that happen when you eyes are shut...
  13. Urca

    First time

    cause im tired and i dont know if i am feeling it until i am in the dark
  14. Urca

    First time

    lol i bet. holy shit laying in the dark is fucking creepy
  15. Urca

    First time

    whew. it hit me and i felt different at first, now im just like ... whatver i guess
  16. Urca

    First time

    yeah they called it robo tripping. so what happens
  17. Urca

    First time

    i feel pretty normal right now to be honest
  18. Urca

    First time

    meh she did it hella times so I was like fuck it lets do it. they were low milligram anyway
  19. Urca

    First time

    Tonight is the first night I have ever done something that is not weed, tobacco, or alcohol. Im not used to the feeling, my friend got me to take some pills ( 18, 30 mg each) of some stuff she called dex. Or basically lean in pill form she said. the usual dose is 16. blah no words to describe...
  20. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    this thread.... meh. like Im reading all the stories from the guys and Im like... great, so technically all the girls a guy fucks with become stories? Because Ive heard some fucked up ones from my brother. And I would hate to be someone's story like, "Man, I got head this fat chick, blah...