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  1. Urca

    for all the grads, your not special

    lol buck doesnt dislike me, just shaggy
  2. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    fuck so im doing some research and i am pretty stoked.
  3. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    ugh how is the taste?
  4. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    she wanted us to each pay for an 1/8th but i was only going to eat half of it. I wanna work my way up...
  5. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    yeah my friend wanted to do them at night, but i wanted to do during the day, in my house, where i dont have to trip about anything or anyone.
  6. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    that worries me. please discuss what will happen
  7. Urca

    What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?

    nothing for me yet, but my friend and I are supposed to shroom sometime next week. what can i expect
  8. Urca

    Drug testing

    So, I am looking for a job. And surprise surprise they drug test. I figured I'd have to quit smoking, which makes sense, but how do I clean out my system for when I "hopefully" get tested. Sounds weird to hope to get tested, but getting tested means they're interested in you, or want you to...
  9. Urca

    Scumbag father of the year hits his own kid with a belt for not catching a baseball

    there is nothing wrong with beating a kid with a belt... but only when they deserve it. This fucking video is ridiculous and wrong. I've had my ass beat plenty of time with a leather belt, but never for something so trivial. poor kid
  10. Urca

    Where to move in Cali, any suggestions?

    cali isnt the promised land, you'd be better off in another state, its hella expensive here, especially in the big cities. I live in the central valley and rent is still like 1200 bucks a month for a duplex, prob like 800 a month for an apartment, etc... groceries are expensive, the social...
  11. Urca


    so for non chocolate candy, I prefer taffy or jelly beans, or skittles. as for chocolate, pretty much anything in the reese's spectrum... the cups, the candy bars, etc. But if its plain chocolate, then it has to be dark chocolate
  12. Urca

    Failure equals sucsess

    I was trying to be helpful. Like smoking weed isnt bad, but the other drugs? You need to lay off of those, those aren't really conductive to being the best parent. no offense
  13. Urca

    Ummmmm i wasn't finished yet .....

    wow. no respect for your lady at all. take this shit down. its not right.
  14. Urca

    Failure equals sucsess

    damn two kids? I thought you just had the one. You can still fix yourself instead of admitting defeat and living life like a worthless loser. Focus on school and work for the kids, and quit getting high and doing drugs. Be fucking responsible. Save yourself, save them from following in your...
  15. Urca

    Another bug?

    I just removed a trojan from my system. :/
  16. Urca

    swisher sweets foil wraps

    white cats have an interesting taste, im not sure if i like it
  17. Urca

    marital bliss

    hmm alot of girls I graduated with, or my age (19) are engaged. I think they should wait. If they were a little older, they would have a better chance of making it last. So many girls my age dont know what they want in life. They just started college, no career, but they wanna settle down and...
  18. Urca

    Monster in law

    Saw this show on a&e... does stuff like this really happen? like im sitting here getting so angry and I was wondering if this is a common thing that happens alot? Seriously this mom just told her daughter to annul her marriage to her husband since when she got pregnant, she had a miscarriage, so...
  19. Urca

    Do You Have The Courage?

    lol well true.... but, you can ask dsb, he knows im a girl.
  20. Urca

    Do You Have The Courage?

    haha nope. not nusky