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  1. Urca

    Big night tonight

    :/ i just wanna stay away from drugs in general. even weed sadly, but after i get those shrooms, i'll be officially done with everything until i am employed.
  2. Urca

    Big night tonight

    eww. lol yeah weed is fucking great, id rather smoke than most other things, even drinking alcohol.
  3. Urca

    Big night tonight

    like what else could i like? i dont want to take anything that's gonna be habit forming, i dont like the feeling i get from chemicals
  4. Urca

    Big night tonight

    its weird, those pills made my sister hella nauseous too, and her friend who took the same one last week felt sick too and kuroi, no opium. i see what that shits does, im already lazy enough. funny thing though, i did hella clean the kitchen last night, came into my room and cleaned it halfway...
  5. Urca

    Big night tonight

    my sister took 4 and my friend took two like me. both hit them hard. my sister still hasnt slept, and my friend felt it. idk they told me i should took 3 but fuck that. I will never do this again. Idk how people even like doing this
  6. Urca

    Big night tonight

    damn i slept like a fucking rock. So I was so fucking miserable, extremely tired, at 5 am, I popped into the shower and started dry heaving, but then the hot water made me feel so great. not like "oh im on like shit", since i wasnt feeling anything anymore, but it clamped down on the nausea and...
  7. Urca

    Big night tonight

    damn kinda harsh. and naw i feel like im dying so fuck this, not even worth it for the little amount i got out of it.
  8. Urca

    Big night tonight

    ok so I am alive... and yeah nothing great, i didnt get like my sister and my friend did, guess i was too fat for that shit to work the right way. i just felt hella amped, cleaned some shit, but now i feel like total shit. never again. not even worth it. im miserable and like the feeling wasnt...
  9. Urca

    Big night tonight

    my pupils are big and i feel different. still ok though. feels ok.
  10. Urca

    Big night tonight

    eh i can feel it creeping
  11. Urca

    Big night tonight

    lol im fine im just away from the computer talking to them. not feeling anything yet.
  12. Urca

    Big night tonight

    ok so my friend and my sister made me take two red pills. crushed up and licked, washed down with lemonade. Not really feeling anything so far, but hey the night is young. was high before i took them so idk if I am still feeling that
  13. Urca

    Big night tonight

    all of my friends have done it multiple times, and havent died. my sister has done it over 60 times, over the last 5 years, nothing has happened to her except she was a little knock for like a year or two, now she only does it rarely
  14. Urca

    not another teen shooting!

    lmao where im from too many people die. I think we're already up to 50 murders for teens this year. So fucking sad. the other night I was across the street from a shooting. We were smoking in a car and i hear a faint pop, dont hear any sirens but see hella red and blue lights. Someone was...
  15. Urca

    Big night tonight

    to be honest, i only wanna do this once, because I know too many knocks who will do anything for pills. Im good off of that, Im basically only doing it cause I cant get shrooms
  16. Urca

    Big night tonight

    why one star?
  17. Urca

    Big night tonight

    Lol so since my family is out of town, decided i'd try some pills... i'd hate to call it thizz since no one i know called it that since i was like 14, but yeah, we couldnt get shrooms today, so I am trying this tonight, and getting shrooms tomorrow. Its weird, I actually wanna do this.. excited...
  18. Urca

    american dream is a myth!

    lol well duh, thank you captain obvious. the american dream.... who needs it? lol your so negitive and pessimistic about this country, but i'll tell you this... the american dream is for each person to define, instead of the material version we have been fed which has been rejected over and over...
  19. Urca

    for all the grads, your not special

    well a high school diploma does matter... and everyone should have one, but now a days its the bare minimum, thats why its not special or valued. Same thing sorta of a bachelors, its nessacary for good jobs, but since so many people have them, they are becoming devalued and so masters are more...
  20. Urca

    for all the grads, your not special

    lol the funny thing is, i knew it was him from the very first time, and when I called him on it, he started a shit storm of hate that stills echoes to this day