Big night tonight


Well-Known Member
Lol so since my family is out of town, decided i'd try some pills... i'd hate to call it thizz since no one i know called it that since i was like 14, but yeah, we couldnt get shrooms today, so I am trying this tonight, and getting shrooms tomorrow. Its weird, I actually wanna do this.. excited because I've never really went beyond the realm of pot before... to those of you who dont know what thizz is (fuck i hate calling it that, we'll just call it schmacks like everyone else does), its ecstasy cut with some other kind of drug, idk what kind because every pill is different.
So yeah, Urca's stepping her game up.


Well-Known Member
ecstasy is usually cut with meth/speed or some type of opiate.

you're fucked if it's cut with meth, i wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Well-Known Member
to be honest, i only wanna do this once, because I know too many knocks who will do anything for pills. Im good off of that, Im basically only doing it cause I cant get shrooms


Well-Known Member
dont do it, u could end up dead.
all of my friends have done it multiple times, and havent died. my sister has done it over 60 times, over the last 5 years, nothing has happened to her except she was a little knock for like a year or two, now she only does it rarely


Well-Known Member
Smack that thang back urca ! If its green or blue I would only smack half and wait a little while before you take the other half.

I don't take ex but I do have friends that smack all kinds of extasy pills..