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  1. Urca

    So fucking mad

    to be honest im kinda confused with times, im sorry, its problably closer to 2 than 3
  2. Urca

    So fucking mad

    i agree but it was super late and its scary to walk in the dark at 3 am. she knows im scared to walk at night
  3. Urca

    So fucking mad

    lmao that pillow pet sits in my room, watching me.... speaking of which saw the dude who gave the pillow pet to me at my college, i ran and hid
  4. Urca

    So fucking mad

    well thanks :) im just feeling not only angry but also hurt. like thats supposed to be my friend, and she just booted me out for a selfish reason. I would never ever let that happen to anyone, even if I didnt like them
  5. Urca

    So fucking mad

    I like sleeping over there, its not too bad and I've been doing it for the last seven years. and the thing is, she hella asked me to stay, made plans, said i miss the nights like this, blah blah blah...
  6. Urca

    So fucking mad

    yeah i do, but that never bothered her before. Its just that little ocd thing where she is in control of every detail. and seriously, who the fuck does that? she meant for me to walk home alone, not even with anybody, at 3 am, holding all the crap she had me bring from my house since i was...
  7. Urca

    So fucking mad

    maybe you're a troll who's being a dick to get me riled up? yeah i think so for wordz, not kush
  8. Urca

    So fucking mad

    no, its not id be out by nine, its happened hella times where we set a specific time and then she wakes me up and im out the door 5 min later. but if you ask me to stay the night, go with me to my house to get sleepwear and etc, and then tell me at 3 am to go home then thats a bad friend
  9. Urca

    So fucking mad

    she basically kicked me out at almost 3 am so I wouldnt "interfere" with her getting sleep, and then getting ready for a movie that started at 12:45 today
  10. Urca

    So fucking mad

    if i had said 8 she woulda bumped it down to 7:30, shes controlling and likes to change plans like that
  11. Urca

    So fucking mad

    hey i dont choose my problems ganjames, and i cant help that people act in petty ways. she's a super control freak, that problably played into it. she tells me i have to go home because she just realized that i would "make it hard for her to sleep, and she just wanted to sleep, plus all the...
  12. Urca

    So fucking mad

    i just feel like it was hella rude and shady to do that to me, especially so late at night, and with no warning.
  13. Urca

    So fucking mad

    Like half a mile. and that was the plan but she was adamant that i leave right then
  14. Urca

    So fucking mad

    im mad that she sent me home so late
  15. Urca

    So fucking mad

    no i went over there to han out around 2, then she said stay tonight, im like ok, so then im like i wanna smoke lets get some weed, at like 10. we smoked and yeah.
  16. Urca

    So fucking mad

    hell naw he's fucking stupid
  17. Urca

    So fucking mad

    tf do you mean?
  18. Urca

    So fucking mad

    was suppposed to stay the night at a friends, been hanging out all day, and leave early tomorrow. Not once during this night do i get any forewarning, I smoke them out, and then we go back to her place. 30 minutes later that 1:30 she tells me she doesnt want me to stay anymore so that she can...
  19. Urca

    Fooling around with my roommates ex...opions?

    hey whatever happened to mickey mouse hand girl? dont cheat on her with your roomates ex. however if you're free and she's free, dick her anywhere but your place
  20. Urca

    The People of Craigslist :D

    Hi. I'm a tall white mid 40s SINGLE man looking for a Beaitiful Big Black Lady WHO KNOWS HOW TO BE THE BOSS. I'm a real nice guy, good job, fun to be around and I am really turn on by THE SUPERIORITY OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND YOU KNOW HOW TO TAKE IT. I'm...