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  1. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    lol yeah damn that fucking sucks.
  2. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    yeah ive burned fingers before too. i just cant believe how i burned my boob. lmao my sister and my friend were too busy laughing at me to even help me get rid of the burning peice
  3. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    Lol im not bitching. just hoping im not the only one who did something stupid and hurt themselves while smoking
  4. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    wow thanks for the one star. anywho.
  5. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    have you ever gotten hurt smoking? I never thought I would until yesterday. was smoking a blunt with friends and telling a joke and knocked a burning peice of weed into my bra. burned the fuck out of my boob. hopefully it doesnt scab. so what about you guys?
  6. Urca

    Robin Meade....(from CNN headline news)

    in the video she looks so much better, but either way she is beautiful.
  7. Urca

    Your opinion

    my arizona cousins say cool beans. people from boston say wicked. hella isnt that bad, just something you grow up saying.
  8. Urca

    Your opinion

    lol your using it wrong. think of hella as a substitute for really or alot of something. "man i got hella weed" "that bitch hella pisses me off"
  9. Urca

    Your opinion

    :( i know i know. fucked up again.
  10. Urca

    Your opinion

    ok ill work on it. i use it so much when i talk that its hard not to use it
  11. Urca

    Your opinion

    no i actually like her, but like the stuff she does makes me think less of her as a person, if that makes sense. like, i enjoy her company and talking to her, but leaving your daughter with me so you can go out and drink at 1 in the morning is ridiculous, or her smoking pot in front of her...
  12. Urca

    Your opinion

    i dont think you understand. she's crazy. fights dudes. girls. anyone really. like if you get her mad be prepared to get your ass beat. the worst thing is, is she has a 2 and 1/2 year old daughter and still fights, drinks, does drugs, has hella bfs/and one gf, but like mentioning how any of...
  13. Urca

    Your opinion

    lmao that girl would beat my ass hella quick and my sister would problably let her too. she's a little fighter that one, for dumb ass reasons too.
  14. Urca

    Your opinion

    basically we had an idea she wanted him to come over but we had no clue they were actually coming.
  15. Urca

    Your opinion

    lol we've had the hella conversation on this forum already. those of us from northern california use hella alot. its the perfect describing word
  16. Urca

    Your opinion

    its not her place either, she pays no bills and she didnt even know they were coming over either, her friend just invited them without telling anyone in my family.
  17. Urca

    Your opinion

    hey i had no idea she actually invited them over. i was hella mad but i couldnt make them leave without causing a fight. so my stepdad freaked out like i knew he was going to and thats why i didnt want them over, its hella disrespectful to my parents.
  18. Urca

    Your opinion

    19. my sister and her friend are 20.
  19. Urca

    Your opinion

    she's my sister's best friend. i like her most of the time. but sometimes the things she does makes me think that she's not the kind of friend my sister needs.
  20. Urca

    Your opinion

    not really. no one i know uses this, i figure most of you (especially you ww) have pretty good ideas and what not. basically i need someone to say this too, and when people arent talking shit, they usually end up saying something helpful