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  1. Urca

    Your opinion

    i am rarely irritated like this, its just when I am and I have no outlet why cant i post it on here? Its not like I can say my opinion in the day to day without offending someone or causing a fight. and i was asking for an opinion whether or not i should be irritated that all of that happened...
  2. Urca

    Your opinion

    i didnt have to my stepdad flipped out and kicked out the guys. and im not the victim here, just irritated.
  3. Urca

    Your opinion

    i couldnt. it'd be like world war 3. they would be hella defensive and back each other up and it might escalate to bad points, knowing them. both got anger issues and have no problem getting into fist fights over nothing, because they get hella irritated if they get called on it
  4. Urca

    Your opinion

    no one matched. and like no one hould have to tell her that she should ask before inviting people over to other people's houses at 12 am to drink their beer and smoke their weed without bringing anything. especially since i told her when she vaguely mentioned it earlier that day that she...
  5. Urca

    Your opinion

    So I was wondering if I was right to be irritated by my sister's friend. She has been over for a few dyas and thats whatever. Spent the 4th with us. But then like she's glued to the phone all night trying to get this dude she was talking to to come over to our house. without asking any of us...
  6. Urca

    What is 'American Culture'?

    the american culture doesnt exist... if anything we can be defined as "diverse, with a love of personal freedoms and rights" now there are regional american sub cultures, within each state, but that is not an "american culture" to a lot of people though, american culture is defined by our mass...
  7. Urca

    Quarter Blunt! :D

    bout to smoke a blunt if my sister hurries the fuck up. Ive never smoked a blunt that had more than two grams in it, did get some papers and roll an 1/8th into a big joint though
  8. Urca

    funny funny

    i wanna dance like duane
  9. Urca

    funny funny

    lol nope. they are undergrad classes required to transfer to a university
  10. Urca

    funny funny

    you know when you inwardly realize you may be screwed, then you're like "Fuck...." As for racer, basically units=credits, and represent how many hours of class you have. ten units=ten hours of class, so about 20-30 hours of work. ten is full time, and most people who do full time take only...
  11. Urca

    Quarter Blunt! :D

    lmao i was just about to say that. seriously you coulda rolled 6 or 7 fat blunts with that
  12. Urca

    I live with my mom and I'm proud of it

    i live with my mom so i wont go into debt at a university. simple. I am trying to find work but my area has like 16% unemployment and so its a struggle. but i do chores, etc around the house. i cant imagine living like my friend who does whatever she wants all day, no school, barely any...
  13. Urca

    funny funny

    haha funny. but seriously, im taking english, anthropology, eastern religions, ethics, and french. im like fuck.... but i only have about two classes a day with 3 classes on wednesday. doesnt seem too bad but idk yet
  14. Urca

    funny funny

    lmao also in other news just registered for all my classes this semester. idk how im gonna pull off 17 units but lets do it!
  15. Urca

    funny funny

    lol saw these and been laughing my ass off.
  16. Urca

    What are your favorite recipes? (pics appreciated!)

    its not nessacarily healthy but its muy bueno. 1 pound bag boneless chicken breasts 1/2cup soy sauce, 1 cup teriyaki So you're gonna take your chicken, poke a few holes in it, add some garlic powder, and then combine chicken, and sauces into one big ziplock bag. marinate for 3 or 4 hours...
  17. Urca

    FinShaggy's back from Mexico (and not in pieces)

    ..... lame comeback. but seriously, you look like like a bum, do you not believe in using a comb?
  18. Urca

    FinShaggy's back from Mexico (and not in pieces)

    why do you look like a geico caveman?
  19. Urca

    not drunk, but need an explanation

    i know i only had two small manhattans before I had to quit because of the way i felt
  20. Urca

    not drunk, but need an explanation

    lmao a fifth isnt a fifth of a bottle. its a bottle size that kinda big