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  1. Urca

    Why are you single?

    um ok so to be brief. I am very overweight, and act like a doormat (to make guys happy) so guys really dont want me, and those who say they do always end vanishing out of my life or meeting someone else before we get together. Then Ive only kissed one guy and spent 8 months trying to please him...
  2. Urca

    Why are you single?

    well you all know why i am single. but ive been doing alot of hard thinking from the other night and decided to stop trying and focus on my schooling, my internship, my health. And even though I crave a relationship, I have been really hurt, and ive never even been in a real relationship. Maybe...
  3. Urca


    i never tell them i feel this way about myself though. I just try to be pleasent and pleasing but i guess that comes off wrong. At least I dont tell them what I think about myself or about how gross i think i am
  4. Urca


    whats up with the portuguese condom advice?
  5. Urca


    haha unfortunately its me.
  6. Urca


    i can see what you guys mean and I dont try to force it. I never ever say how I feel or bother them all the time or any of that, because I learned from past experiences. and sunni even though we dislike each other you do make a very valid point.
  7. Urca


    why you ask? because ever since i was 13 ive watched my friends, my siblings, random people i know, but generally 95% of them have been in a relationship, and I was the one always single. Guys always made fun of me and never wanted me. I had one dude spit in my face for being fat, another pour...
  8. Urca


    yeah i know. i know i dont really do much for men except for my chest.
  9. Urca


    i am a whale.
  10. Urca


    why isnt who i am good enough? especially when i treat guys really good. plus id have to lose about 130 to be good enough for a guy
  11. Urca


    the funny thing is i tell myself everyday i need to go on a diet but my will power is shit and i dont exercise enough
  12. Urca


    shamar moore. young denzel. etc. are nice but it doesnt change anything. i just feel like i have no options. seriously, what girl is still a virgin at 19 and never had a bf? even the girls i know who look worse than me but weigh less have had lots of bfs. my mom and sister get lots of guys...
  13. Urca


    i cant force a physical attraction that doesnt exist. im not into black guys though i have tried to give them a fair chance based off of personality alone. and i just didnt like it.
  14. Urca


    moving is not going to make a guy want me. even the ugly ones dont notice me. these guys just happen to be friends of friends or whatever, run into each other, exchange numbers just to chat, get my hopes up, and then crash them. men see right through me, or with disgust. the only ones who ever...
  15. Urca


    the funny thing is, everyone tells me i am such a bitch, (in my family) then in the same stroke they tell me to stand up for myself outside of the house. but i cant. seriously. if you look like me and dont treat a guy the way i treat them you're fucked. they have no reason to want you
  16. Urca


    i was so hurt i didnt know what to do. and that night he accidently sent me a text meant for his brother about this hot girl who was making out with him after the date that they went on. i was 17 at the time. i chose them because the chemistry is there... i click with them. and we get along...
  17. Urca


    well no. never dated anyone before. they never wanted to get that far with me, just spend a few months getting my hopes up and getting me really into them and then leaving. or with the case of that one guy spend 8 months getting all the benefits of a gf, the cuddling, the sweetness, the sexual...
  18. Urca


    well dont you think if i was better somehow, not so huge, etc... that they would want me? I try really hard to be the good girl. I dont argue, i dont start drama, if he gets mad i apologize, i do everything i can to make him happy and to make him smile, even if he doesnt do the same for me. and...
  19. Urca


    not even. i never had a guy try anything with me until i met the one i spent 8 months trying to make him happy. i always got him off and never asked anything for myself, he never returned the favor. one night i tried to put his hand in my lap, he pulled away from my kiss and took the next 10...
  20. Urca


    because i dont let it come out when i am interested in someone. i tell myself that well, they like you for a reason so you need to stop being so hard on yourself. but then it falls through and im like oh. maybe i was right all along. self esteem? its crushed. one time i was really into this...