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  1. Urca


    i dont like girls like that. i want a man. sadly men dont want me. oh well
  2. Urca


    yeah start my 2nd year of college in august. doing an internship on a congressional campaign. as for heph, i really do feel this way and have felt this way for years.
  3. Urca


    i wont feel better in the morning. i always feel bad, every single day. from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep. all the thoughts of what happened between me and that guy i loved, everything that happened with the others, how no guy will really approach me or want me. knowing im...
  4. Urca


    ok if 10+ guys did the exact same thing to me, not knowing each other, the problem had to be me right? i always know when they are done with me. i get this strange feeling and then they stop texting.... i tell myself im being stupid, overdramatic, and then what do you know, they just vanish with...
  5. Urca


    if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up
  6. Urca


    he wasnt even my bf. we were talking about it and he made all these promises, told me all thr right things, etc... then i get ignored for three days, text him tonight and he told me he met someone and its not gonna work out. and that despite everything he said that someone else will feel the...
  7. Urca


    i am. just had my heart ripped out again. same old story as it usually goes. i give up. no more trying.
  8. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

    i had no idea you were so close
  9. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

    what in the world is that?
  10. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

  11. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

    people who bitch about hella make me wanna shoot them. since we're obviously of the same mind, would you rather hold the gun or should i?
  12. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

    yeah thats what i was thinking... though i kinda prefer chicken wings made at home, on the grill, and tossed in whatever sauce you decide... but sometimes its nice to go there... the mango lemonade though is my favorite, i drank like three of them today, and the guy brought me another one, saw...
  13. Urca

    Buffalo wild wings?

    Do you like it or not? I really like it, but not as an all the time thing. Pros: Love the mango lemonade, its the only thing I drink there, its like a $3.30 drink, hella good, and unlimited refills. The wings are good too, when they do them right. my favorite sauce is the Wild sauce, which is...
  14. Urca

    Morgan Freeman

    morgan freeman is pretty awesome... this just is like icing on the cake. great actor, love his show too
  15. Urca

    Fuck Chipotle

    tastes like shit. idk maybe its because I hate cilantro
  16. Urca

    Fuck Chipotle

    Ive filled out all the local online applications, so now I am doing in house paper ones, where I know for sure they only do paper applications
  17. Urca

    Fuck Chipotle

    Yeah life sucks. Oh well since Im all dressed up anyway I am going to walk around town today putting in applications. Then I gotta grin and bear it and go into my internship
  18. Urca

    Fuck Chipotle

    No, I didnt, but I am not adverse to working there and getting them to pay me. cause while I am an intern right now, I need something that pays. Fuck chipotle though, i hate their food so much, and after how they handled interviews today, I will never ever eat there or apply there again...
  19. Urca

    Fuck Chipotle

    And their nasty ass food, and for calling me in without reading my application, or any of 900 applications, then tell everyone that if you're a college student, you might as well leave because they want someone who can work 40 hours a week, and work any shift day or not. lazy motherfuckers...
  20. Urca

    Otter pop mob

    i got shot up like 50 cent but i made it out alive