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  1. Urca

    Otter pop mob

    lmao damn someone brought this back from the grave. it was just a joke but good times!
  2. Urca

    I'm going to be a daddy!

    What kind of names do you and your wife like? :) i think it would be nice for her to have a name that reflects her chinese heritage, since presumably she will have your last name which in my understanding is european last name. Im sure there are names that can fit both in her chinese side and...
  3. Urca

    Favorite stupid joke...?

    what do you call fake noodles? Impasta! so the 7 dwarfs went to church one day, and after the service Dopey pulls the priest to the side and asks, "father, are there any midget nuns?" The priest says, 'no my son there are not" all the other dwarf bust up laughing. a week later, the 7 dwarfs go...
  4. Urca

    sorta sad "story" i just read but makes you think

    damn... so sad. makes me think of my dog. who could just give away part of your family like that?
  5. Urca

    thinkin about drinking

    great that you are taking your grandkids to disney! my mom saved up for a long time to take me when I was 10 and it's something I will never forget
  6. Urca

    If you HAD to change your name (irl) what would it be?

    Lmao call me Troy McLure
  7. Urca

    If you HAD to change your name (irl) what would it be?

    Id keep my first name and change my last name to Roosevelt. lmao people would be tugging at their forelocks to try and curry my favor
  8. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    we shouldnt even have people living long-term on welfare. like seriously, i know people i went to school with got it generation after generation, free lunch and subsidized health care, but some how my dad gets cut off after two years, went hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt, where...
  9. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    you dont seem to get the concept of a social contract. they could just take your money and be like fuck it, we're spending it like we're the romanov's, fuck public schools and hospitals and roads and welfare and medicaid and all the other wonderful shit the govt gives us. we do have corruption...
  10. Urca

    What's the best movie in the past 2 decades?

    way too broad of a topic. too many good movies have been made.
  11. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    lmao. how about paved streets? bridges, roads, etc. all infastructure that you benefit from. and you do have a say in what laws are made. you decide who will have your vote in congress. you decide who you vote to state assembly. you decide who gets to be on city council. they have the law making...
  12. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    pretty much. you live in the united states, you pay taxes, you benefit from public works, therefore you give implied consent to the govt. and if you have an issue with the laws and rules and the unfortunate corruption, you have the option of living anywhere else where you agree with their laws...
  13. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    i agree that does happen and that it should change but that doesnt devalue anything of the principle, if it means anything, it means we need to work on making our courts fair again, instead of just sitting back and being jaded about it.
  14. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    but thats the thing. we when know what is illegal and legal, we have a choice to make: do we follow the law or do we diverge from it? by living in america, paying taxes, etc, we are choosing to live by the terms and laws of the govt. and we have the power to repeal laws and to make ourselves...
  15. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    its not laughable. its true. if we look to the guiding principles of our country and how far away we have gotten from them, we should be ashamed and do what we can to fix it. If we dont like the way our country is run, then we must strive to fix it or accept the situation. Just like socrates...
  16. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    well except my smoking pot, i dont do anything that could get me into trouble with the law. people make stupid decisions and get punished for them. if I was caught with my weed tomorrow all I could do was blame myself and not the govt who passed judgement on me.
  17. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    blame the govt that makes the laws, not the people who have to enforce them. the solution to most problems with the govt is social action, not just sitting back and saying how fucked up it is
  18. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    its this attitude of "its corrupt and we can never change it and everything the laws states is a lie because corrupt people dont follow it" that really fucking pisses me off. you have a problem with it so much? Change it. it is within your power as an average citizen to protest, to file a...
  19. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    hey well im sorry you did something illegal and got punished for it. doesnt make me retarded, how about the person who got caught in the first place? Our belief in the innocence of the accused and an impartial jury is the only path to true justice
  20. Urca

    Zimmerman-Martin Case

    are you one of those people who like to affect apathy and distrust in anything govt related? like fuck our system works fine we just got fucked up people who like to warp it and abuse it. i agree our justice system needs an overhaul... not with the rights we give to people, but the actual people...