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  1. Urca

    Did you know that the Olympians pay taxes on their medals?

    thats so sad. they should never be taxed for winning for their country.
  2. Urca

    Does listening to certain songs bring back the feeling of certain drugs?

    Ok bear with me here. One night back in june i took "thizz' for the first time. I wasnt hella on, not like other people, even though i took two doubles. Thank god. Anyway so my friend played J Stalin the whole night, especially this song now everytime...
  3. Urca

    Why are girls that smoke pot are ten times hotter than non-smokers.

    heffers like weed too. its actually strange, people actually think because of the way i look, especially with being over weight and generally having an average way of dressing myself, that i could never be into smoking weed. they all look so shocked when i show up places hella high, or invite...
  4. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    snickerdoodles were a hit, even my cute boss liked them
  5. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

    and exactly what i was referring to in my post. well done. ;)
  6. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

    well i for one am shocked that you are a female. surprised me. congrats on having a vage, they're great arent they? :)
  7. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

    well after i sifted through many pages of a cat fight, id like to thank londonfog for the great recipes. and as a side note, like seriously? the girls on here already get enough bullshit from the guys, lets not give it to each other. Im sure you both raised valid points about each other's...
  8. Urca

    Why are girls that smoke pot are ten times hotter than non-smokers.

    well not all girls that smoke are cute. and i notice the cute ones who do smoke tend to have this entitlement mentality "im cute so guys should always pay for my weed or smoke me out or plug it fat when i buy it". like no bitch thats not how the world works you have to actually meet a good...
  9. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    haha damn dont know what to tell ya
  10. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    that is an ingredient that always makes for a delicious dessert
  11. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    you've never had them? oh they're so good. thats the recipe i used. its a type of cinnamon sugar cookie...
  12. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    because i rock :D and because everyone gets the munchies when we work
  13. Urca

    To Ban or Not To Ban

    lol what about when a mod sits back and lets harrassment happen, or joins in it? It was much simpler back in the days of fdd being a mod... at least we wouldnt have some of the issues that have happened now.
  14. Urca

    who has the prettiest dog?

    im on my knees
  15. Urca

    Who has the prettiest cat?

    orf was sitting on top and nini, well she wanted the fish in the tank
  16. Urca

    Who has the prettiest cat?

    Orf and Nini. Orf was 23 pounds and was very old when he went to the big couch in the sky. Nini is my little baby and a fiesty old bitch
  17. Urca

    who has the prettiest dog?

    my dog chevy on the day i graduated high school
  18. Urca


    i love thunderstorms. its.... like my heart goes into my throat and i feel alive
  19. Urca

    The People of Craigslist :D

    wow and he wonders why his wife left. pretentious, egotistical mother fucker. oh my god he is lame as hell
  20. Urca

    Why are you single?

    no its fine. i tried to keep it succinct and emotionless.