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  1. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    wow. so because i had a failure in my judgement, i deserve to be beat by a man? no. and i will never forgive myself. so stfu
  2. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    I dont know why my friend in the back thought it was ok, but i sure as hell didnt and neither did my sister. I wanted to do something but they told me not to. Wish I could go back and change it but I cant. I do blame myself all the time so its not like im sitting back and making excuses for...
  3. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    and by casual i dont mean like its ok, but this happens and all you can do (in her opinion) is let other people handle their business or else risk getting yourself seriously in trouble
  4. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    no she's just hardened to this kind of casual violence.
  5. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    lol find me a quote. i smoke all the time. lol
  6. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    I know i still cry about it. and it eats at me everyday. my sister told me not to worry so much, that there was nothing we could do so just put it out of my head, but i cant
  7. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    yeah i did but i couldnt prove it. and my sister said it wasnt her. but i swear i heard her
  8. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    i have so much guilt. and wish i could have just said no to my sister, my friends, and done something. bad things happen when you interfere though. They found a body in that apartment complex and last time i was smoking in the parking lot someone was shot execution style across the street
  9. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    i was in a car in a parking lot they were in the complex like a good distance away. its not like i didnt want to do anything, but everyone told me to ignore it and mind my own business, but i couldnt stop thinking about it... even though the whole scene lasted for like only a minute its just...
  10. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    when? if i had called the cops everyone would have made me hang up. they told me to just stop watching and keep smoking, its not my business. and now i think about it all the time
  11. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    everyone in the car told me there's nothing we could do but watch it and get over it. people get shot out here for calling the cops
  12. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    i would have called the cops but that shit doesnt fly around here. it would have been very bad if i had called the cops. and plus even if i did call the cops they cant do anything unless she goes with it.
  13. Urca

    I watched a woman get beat the other night

    While I was smoking with my friends outside of an apartment complex, i see her holding her baby and then her man choked her out, she slumped down the wall, then he brought her back up, punched her a few times, then they went down the hallway. 10 min later all i could hear where the occaisonal...
  14. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

    she's in trinidad i think right now
  15. Urca

    The Corporate World or Total Freedom?

    number one can make you really happy. good money, the ability to travel within 100 miles, being able to have a good life
  16. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

    oh my god come on tell us
  17. Urca

    Been wondering about FDD and KMK

  18. Urca

    The People of Craigslist :D

    woah at those eyebrows
  19. Urca

    Making snickerdoodles

    who called who dumb?
  20. Urca

    R.I.P. Riley!!! We'll miss you!!

    this seriously made me cry. i hope things get easier, and thank god he went knowing how much you loved him.