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  1. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    no. they werent. they invaded india, and the indian culture is descended from the aryan patriarchal one
  2. Urca

    Gay marriage?
  3. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    yes but the germanic people colonized england and died out on the european continent
  4. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    actually the aryans were a race on the indian subcontinent. not in europe
  5. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    lmao anglo only means from england. jesus
  6. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    how slavic? since that is their genetic desgination if you want to be all fucking correct about it. they are slavic people.
  7. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    thats the most fucking retarded thing i have ever heard. what do we call them then? so fucking politically correct, get over it. they are white
  8. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    lol italians have always been white.
  9. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    eastern europe is where they are from, it doesnt designate race. that would be like me saying since my family was from nebraska, im not white im nebraskan
  10. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    which is the same fucking thing. they have white skin. white. european ancestry, white. get over it
  11. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    italians are olive skinned as well, yet they are still white. and ive met mexicans whiter than i am. they can choose whatever label but since most mexicans have native blood mixed in them they fall into the hispanic
  12. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    haha why? she is white. armenia is part of the balkans, which in turn in a part of europe. she should get over it. and rainbow, i knew about white people in africa. not news to me
  13. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    i agree but i didnt want to mention it because people get all worked up
  14. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    even now when we deal with people from africa, we dont say they arent black.... we say they are black and their heritage is (insert tribe/country here)
  15. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    usually race is a sum of a ethnic group of people on a certain land mass. white=european ethinicities, black=african ethniticies, etc...
  16. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    lol wow. its a summation of many different european ethnic peoples, we dont break down black ethnicity by tribe and country.
  17. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    lmao because i thought we were speaking about ethnicity and not nationality.... since nationality is nothing more than what country you live in. ethnicity is your race, and your heritage is broken down my countries your ancestors came from
  18. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    wow wtf?????
  19. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    ^lol im 100 percent white. family records agree. but even if i had some mix in me i wouldnt care at all.
  20. Urca

    Gay marriage?

    quick question, how is it any different? two people who love each other denied the right to be together by the way society operates in the time period in which it took place. marriage is a legal contract. get over it