The Corporate World or Total Freedom?

Which option would you choose?

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If these were the only two options, and you had to stay consistent from age 18-65, which one would you choose and why?

1. You have a very successful career that nets you $85,000/year. It's a corporate job with the requirements being that you have to be there at 8am every day, 5 days a week. You get an hour for lunch and leave work at 5pm every day. The job requires you to stay within 100 miles at all times, and you can only go outside the boundary one time per year for 2 days maximum.


2. You have no job that provides you with a monetary income. You live in an isolated area with very few neighbors. Your daily life includes hunting or fishing for food, tending to your gardens to make sure enough food (or uhh... anything else) is growing to ensure your survival/level of comfort. You can earn money, but the rule is you can't keep a job for more than 3 months, ensuring you never reach the 'corporate' level of employment. (this doesn't affect later employment) There are no restrictions to where you go or what you can do as long as you can make it there and survive.

For #1, the job is whatever you want it to be as long as it fits within the guidelines. But please try to remain within reason, blue/white collar, middle-upper class type jobs


Well-Known Member
number one can make you really happy. good money, the ability to travel within 100 miles, being able to have a good life


Well-Known Member
#2 I wouldnt want to be dependant on any corporate system that could potentialy become defunct at some point of my career, leaving me with more problems than anything, to be blunt.I know without any doubt i could survive in the boonies and would prefer to take my chances there.