

Well-Known Member
doing an internship on a congressional campaign.
this is how we all lose our virginity.

[h=2]Kerry Volunteer Gets Some Kerry-Primary Victory Sex[/h]
T. PAUL, MN—Following U.S. Sen. John Kerry's win in the Minnesota Democratic primary, campaign volunteer Ron Pelles, 24, got a little Kerry-primary victory sex off of fellow volunteer Dawn Beecher Monday. "Dawn and I were on such a
high after Kerry took the state," Pelles said Tuesday morning. "She gave me a congratulatory hug while we were loading up the van, and there was just so much energy in the air that—bam!" Pelles said that he and Beecher, a political-science major at the University of St. Thomas, went back to his apartment and had intercourse twice, once with Beecher on top and once in the spoon position.


Weed Modifier
sounds like you've only been meeting the boyz ;)

you have to work on your self esteem girl...if you don't feel good about yourself can you expect to have a healthy relationship with someone, if you're feeling down about yourself?


Well-Known Member
yeah start my 2nd year of college in august. doing an internship on a congressional campaign.

as for heph, i really do feel this way and have felt this way for years.
I've felt the same way as you.. All of us have (even the people that don't want to admit it).. We have all been pussies that got our hearts broken lol. Have you ever wondered why older people are more hard edged? They almost have a "badass" feel to them. That's why I try to be more like the older generation than my generation. Between me and you, our generation sucks. The dudes are dicks and the girls are sluts. That's why you can't just fall for every guy that says you're pretty. It might sound a little harsh but they just want to get in that vag of yours.. Choose your guys wisely.


Well-Known Member
because i dont let it come out when i am interested in someone. i tell myself that well, they like you for a reason so you need to stop being so hard on yourself. but then it falls through and im like oh. maybe i was right all along.
self esteem?
its crushed. one time i was really into this guy and he kinda liked me and we were trying to see if we could make it work when one day he told me sorry, i like your mind but i cant stand to look at you. i apologized to him.
the guy i loved told me once most men would be embarrassed to be seen with me.
the list goes on.
i can change my weight i should too. because a man will never want me or treat me right looking the way i do. and i feel like i deserve it


Well-Known Member
if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up
Your a virgin by choice, thats no guys fault.


Well-Known Member
Your a virgin by choice, thats no guys fault.
not even. i never had a guy try anything with me until i met the one i spent 8 months trying to make him happy. i always got him off and never asked anything for myself, he never returned the favor. one night i tried to put his hand in my lap, he pulled away from my kiss and took the next 10 minutes explaining why he wouldnt have sex with me or why he wouldnt touch me below my waist. and every other guy who i was talking to did this big talk and stuff, but when it came down to actually kissing me or etc, they never did.


Well-Known Member
because i dont let it come out when i am interested in someone. i tell myself that well, they like you for a reason so you need to stop being so hard on yourself. but then it falls through and im like oh. maybe i was right all along.
self esteem?
its crushed. one time i was really into this guy and he kinda liked me and we were trying to see if we could make it work when one day he told me sorry, i like your mind but i cant stand to look at you. i apologized to him.
the guy i loved told me once most men would be embarrassed to be seen with me.
the list goes on.
i can change my weight i should too. because a man will never want me or treat me right looking the way i do. and i feel like i deserve it
OMFG go to your room NOW!! lol

This is what I mean, the guys you're hanging with are dicks. I don't see how you can believe it's you. Those little pricks are only worried about image.. They're just boys that want to be popular and look cool.

Best advice I can give you is "Fuck em all".. Not to be taken literally.


Well-Known Member
well dont you think if i was better somehow, not so huge, etc... that they would want me? I try really hard to be the good girl. I dont argue, i dont start drama, if he gets mad i apologize, i do everything i can to make him happy and to make him smile, even if he doesnt do the same for me. and yet i always end up like this. has to be my fault


Weed Modifier
Fuck being nice...time to be a bitch.... and get what you Need out of your relationships, otherwise Next LOL...after all it should be about you do have needs no?


Well-Known Member
one time i was really into this guy and he kinda liked me and we were trying to see if we could make it work when one day he told me sorry, i like your mind but i cant stand to look at you. i apologized to him. t
Holy fucking shit balls. Where do you find these guys? Only a complete douche would ever tell a girl that. And why would you apologize? If a girl said that to me I'd tell her to fuck off.

I do think the problem is you, yes. But it's not how you look, it's the men you go after. So actually it's the guys, not you. But it is you because you choose them... ughh, ahh.., *head explodes*


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... have you ever dated black guys before??
well no. never dated anyone before. they never wanted to get that far with me, just spend a few months getting my hopes up and getting me really into them and then leaving. or with the case of that one guy spend 8 months getting all the benefits of a gf, the cuddling, the sweetness, the sexual parts, but refusing to date me or return the favor. and i dont really like black guys though i have talked to them and they have done the same thing. it spans all races.


Well-Known Member
Holy fucking shit balls. Where do you find these guys? Only a complete douche would ever tell a girl that. And why would you apologize? If a girl said that to me I'd tell her to fuck off.

I do think the problem is you, yes. But it's not how you look, it's the men you go after. So actually it's the guys, not you. But it is you because you choose them... ughh, ahh.., *head explodes*
That's what I'm fucking saying.. Her judgment is way off..


Well-Known Member
Holy fucking shit balls. Where do you find these guys? Only a complete douche would ever tell a girl that. And why would you apologize? If a girl said that to me I'd tell her to fuck off.

I do think the problem is you, yes. But it's not how you look, it's the men you go after. So actually it's the guys, not you. But it is you because you choose them... ughh, ahh.., *head explodes*
i was so hurt i didnt know what to do. and that night he accidently sent me a text meant for his brother about this hot girl who was making out with him after the date that they went on. i was 17 at the time. i chose them because the chemistry is there... i click with them. and we get along great and then it ends like this


Well-Known Member
well no. never dated anyone before. they never wanted to get that far with me, just spend a few months getting my hopes up and getting me really into them and then leaving. or with the case of that one guy spend 8 months getting all the benefits of a gf, the cuddling, the sweetness, the sexual parts, but refusing to date me or return the favor. and i dont really like black guys though i have talked to them and they have done the same thing. it spans all races.
Start hanging out with more black ppl. We will accept you for ur body type and you being white lol and everything. Black men dont see fat and skinny.. plus most black guys prefer alot of meat on the bones. That will solve your problem. With an added bonus (great stroking).


Well-Known Member
well dont you think if i was better somehow, not so huge, etc... that they would want me? I try really hard to be the good girl. I dont argue, i dont start drama, if he gets mad i apologize, i do everything i can to make him happy and to make him smile, even if he doesnt do the same for me. and yet i always end up like this. has to be my fault
You just wanna be like dem sluts that look good.. Don't be like them. If you want to lose weight, do it for yourself not so you'll have guys wanting to fuck you.

You're too wussy IMO. Don't be a slave to these little pricks.

I may seem a little harsh but you know it's for your own good.


Well-Known Member
the funny thing is, everyone tells me i am such a bitch, (in my family) then in the same stroke they tell me to stand up for myself outside of the house. but i cant. seriously. if you look like me and dont treat a guy the way i treat them you're fucked. they have no reason to want you


Well-Known Member
the funny thing is, everyone tells me i am such a bitch, (in my family) then in the same stroke they tell me to stand up for myself outside of the house. but i cant. seriously. if you look like me and dont treat a guy the way i treat them you're fucked. they have no reason to want you
Fuck your family then.. Move out. Fuck all your friends and BF's too.. If I looked like you I wouldn't give two shits. I'd grab my bong take a big rip and mutter "fucking little pricks" on the exhale.

You hang with the wrong people urca, seriously. Get your own place and then you can control everything that goes on in your social life.