

Well-Known Member
Urca why this obsessed need to be in a relationship? Are u so unhappy that u need to validate your self worth by taking any shitty attention whatever asshole is willing to give? You're young and there are plenty of guys out there. Focus on you for a while, do the school thing and set yourself up for greatness, man or not. Sounds like you fall for any guy that will look at u twice and that's just a setup for dissapointment. Relationships are over rated. Kinda like a yard sale. Looks great from a distance but you soon realize its just a bunch of crap you don't need.
why you ask?
because ever since i was 13 ive watched my friends, my siblings, random people i know, but generally 95% of them have been in a relationship, and I was the one always single. Guys always made fun of me and never wanted me. I had one dude spit in my face for being fat, another pour milk over my head. One guy in middle school put a desk on top of my feet and then jumped on it. Or how about the people who drive past me when I am walking down the street and scream hurtful things at me?
And all i ever wanted was to meet somebody like my friends and my sister and my brother did. To have somebody to talk to, make happy, kiss and etc. never happened in middle school. Im like ok well definitely in high school. Then the years went by i made alot of friends and still no guy would even look at me. My sister's bf of two years told me no one would ever want me, if i got a bf he would leave because i am such a bitch and ugly, took my pictures and wrote piggy on them. But I still hoped and tried to look good and be myself, despite how much it hurt.
I didnt even get my first kiss until I was 18 years old.
And then I spent hella long making him happy only to be denied the same happiness in return. And then one day after I did alot for him, he just vanished. After 8 months just stopped talking to me and vanished.
Coupled with all the guys I ever talked to who said yeah yeah i want you i like you you're pretty to me, but then they vanish out of thin air, leaving me wondering what i did wrong, or they call me up and let me know that they have a gf now so they dont want anything to do with me anymore.

It makes me feel like I deserve it and I know I dont. but thats why I feel the drive to finally have my first boyfriend, instead of a bunch of men who hurt me, or vanish once they know im theirs hook line and sinker


Active Member
Urca you seem a real sweet woman your sises bf seems a real cock sucker you will have to go through alot af assholes to find the one that wants you for being you.

Wish i was about 20 years younger i would show you your a beutifull woman always hold your head high and let them see you are a stronger person.


Well-Known Member
why you ask?
because ever since i was 13 ive watched my friends, my siblings, random people i know, but generally 95% of them have been in a relationship, and I was the one always single. Guys always made fun of me and never wanted me. I had one dude spit in my face for being fat, another pour milk over my head. One guy in middle school put a desk on top of my feet and then jumped on it. Or how about the people who drive past me when I am walking down the street and scream hurtful things at me?
And all i ever wanted was to meet somebody like my friends and my sister and my brother did. To have somebody to talk to, make happy, kiss and etc. never happened in middle school. Im like ok well definitely in high school. Then the years went by i made alot of friends and still no guy would even look at me. My sister's bf of two years told me no one would ever want me, if i got a bf he would leave because i am such a bitch and ugly, took my pictures and wrote piggy on them. But I still hoped and tried to look good and be myself, despite how much it hurt.
I didnt even get my first kiss until I was 18 years old.
And then I spent hella long making him happy only to be denied the same happiness in return. And then one day after I did alot for him, he just vanished. After 8 months just stopped talking to me and vanished.
Coupled with all the guys I ever talked to who said yeah yeah i want you i like you you're pretty to me, but then they vanish out of thin air, leaving me wondering what i did wrong, or they call me up and let me know that they have a gf now so they dont want anything to do with me anymore.

It makes me feel like I deserve it and I know I dont. but thats why I feel the drive to finally have my first boyfriend, instead of a bunch of men who hurt me, or vanish once they know im theirs hook line and sinker
The question is "how do you feel about yourself ??? Do you like who you are ???


Well-Known Member
I understand the want for affection but u can't rush love and you certainly can't force it. Just focus on you and he will show up when you least expect it.


Staff member
Hell you young...focus on you...if you get you together everything else will fall into place. 19 hell I have a child older then you. Leave them damn boys

are you in school ???
exactly as much as i dislike you urca, you need to get YOU figured out, you need to love yourself before you can love someone else, sounds like you might be prestering boys way to much , guys need alot of space along with that being said, you really should focus on yourself, make yourself feel good if you feel your ugly or fat then do something about it, youre obviously looking for love and not for casual dating, you cannot find love until you casually date, dont look for guys who say all the right shit, because those my girl are the players. love will happen when youre not desperately searching, again i would seriously suggest just doing you and making yourself happy first, people pick up on desperate needs for love, and they back away from it. its my guess youre searching in all the wrong places and looking endlessly and waiting for anyone to take a hint for you, however you dont need that. Work on going to college, getting drunk , hanging out with friends, do productive things with productive people volunteer at a animal shelter, work with children, go to community events and be apart of them , then you'll find real people who value life, and dont like to hurt others.


Well-Known Member
i can see what you guys mean and I dont try to force it. I never ever say how I feel or bother them all the time or any of that, because I learned from past experiences. and sunni even though we dislike each other you do make a very valid point.


Well-Known Member
Urca you are still sooooo young and in for a lot more heartbreak!!!!! It happens! You are only 19 and expecting the world... well hate to dissapoint but it's very rare that things turn out the way we want them to...
Everyone has said it... work on yourself first! and the rest will come in time. Don't go looiking for love cause you'll never find it, it will come to you when the time is right. Hell girl you can't even make decent/true friends from what I've read from you, how the hell do you expect to find true love???
Kissing a lot of frogs to find your prince??? expect heartbreak. Worried about what everyone else has had around you??? Lame!!!
It's not about everyone else it's about #1.
My stepdaughter is 19 and has never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend... cause she is busy taking care of herself first.
You are going to hear all the right things from a lot of guys, trust me I have said the right things to 100s and 100s of girls and let so so many of them down... and vice versa.
I didn't find the perfect girl for me till I was 32... been with her for 6 yrs now... and I hope we have many more good yrs together, but there is no garauntee... hell she might tell me to fuck off tomorrow..., I don't know.

Bottom line find yourself first and the other things will come.
Relax the time will come.

stay high


Well-Known Member
exactly as much as i dislike you urca, you need to get YOU figured out, you need to love yourself before you can love someone else, sounds like you might be prestering boys way to much , guys need alot of space along with that being said, you really should focus on yourself, make yourself feel good if you feel your ugly or fat then do something about it, youre obviously looking for love and not for casual dating, you cannot find love until you casually date, dont look for guys who say all the right shit, because those my girl are the players. love will happen when youre not desperately searching, again i would seriously suggest just doing you and making yourself happy first, people pick up on desperate needs for love, and they back away from it. its my guess youre searching in all the wrong places and looking endlessly and waiting for anyone to take a hint for you, however you dont need that. Work on going to college, getting drunk , hanging out with friends, do productive things with productive people volunteer at a animal shelter, work with children, go to community events and be apart of them , then you'll find real people who value life, and dont like to hurt others.
Hell I wanted to "like" that twice, so I "unlike" just so I can "like" it again


This is nothing new, it has been going on for a long time, and your only one of millions of Fat Chicks who are treated that way every single day in this country. This is a very shallow generation, which is all about image, so you can expect to go through this for your entire life.

My advice? Lower your standards. That lonely looking ugly guy over in the corner there might not meet society's standards of image and people might look down on you for dating him, but you just might find all the things you've been looking for your entire life, right there in him. Why not at least give him a chance...and see what could be there. Many people don't put themselves out there or show exactly who they are until they fully know someone. You might just find a Diamond hidden in a lump of Coal, you never know until you give the person a chance. If you continue to always pursue the type of guys that you have been, you can expect the same results again and again, and doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is the definition of insanity. Peace. :leaf:

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up


Well-Known Member
Secondly...wouldn't it be awesome if Urca was a troll account? Like what if "Erica" was really her sisters friend, TALKING about the REAL Erica? Man, that would be fucking EPIC!


Well-Known Member
maybe she's the mean boyfriend of her sister?
Yeah, unfortunately, I think that is giving her too much credit...A scheme like that takes a lot of effort and planning, definately not something for the weekender troll, more like the work of a professional.


Well-Known Member
if you're constantly sayin the problem is you then you're right. its your attitude that is the problem. i know its terrible to make fun of someone for their weight, but if you feel thats the cause of your problems take all this sad/depressed shit you got goin on in your head an turn it into determination to get healthy. an dont do it for dudes do it to make YOURSELF feel better. if you dont love you how you gonna expect another to love you? na mean?