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  1. fishindog

    This Is What I Did!!!

    ya man lookin good...cant wait to see how this one turns out ;)
  2. fishindog

    Growing in a tree

    ya lets see the bud shots!!! and let us know how much u get from that one
  3. fishindog

    24 week experiment so far...

    nice....keep the pics coming
  4. fishindog

    is 15w bulb too small ???

    depends where u live at...but if u are gunna move it inside then u need to go get some good lights....either like a 400w hps or make a good cfl set up urself...
  5. fishindog

    24 week experiment so far...

    yes....yes it will :)
  6. fishindog

    is 15w bulb too small ???

    ya grow that light will basically do nothin but end up killin ur plant cuz it'll be getting no light...i say throw it back out in the cant buy better lighting then that
  7. fishindog

    Almost There

    looks pretty food to me...but fdd will let u know for sure :) hes better at this shit then me....
  8. fishindog

    24 week experiment so far...

    ya man good job...she is gunna be a beauty!
  9. fishindog

    Growing in a tree

    ya this one has me addicted too...+rep for u man i have never heard of this idea till now :) its awesome not gunna lie....
  10. fishindog

    Osama Bin Laden........

    this is a very interesting thread....
  11. fishindog

    shes gettin there :) skunk 1 on nft

    hey just a quik question but how does the net help?? i have no idea....
  12. fishindog

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    come back please!!!!!!!!!!
  13. fishindog

    early budding

    ya man there is nothing wrong with that....looks gorgeous :)
  14. fishindog

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    o gotcha man...haha i was wondering why the hell he hadnt been on lately, maybe got shot or something lol :joint:
  15. fishindog

    yield predictions

    Damn man! those are looking nice as hell!!! and my guess is like 15oz if not much much more!
  16. fishindog

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    Hey man its been quite awhile......someone call this man some help!! lol
  17. fishindog

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    so did u go over there and get shot or something???? where u at???? is there some of this goin on:hump:???? lol
  18. fishindog

    Getting a little too friendly wth dealers.

    ya man go for it.....smash that!!!!!!!
  19. fishindog

    update man

    u say u have been growing for 10 weeks and its only that big???? im no profesional here but that seems to me like it is goin pretty slow....
  20. fishindog

    Help i think plant is dying.

    have faith.....i believe in