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  1. fishindog

    do i have enough light??

    k so i am gunna try n grow some plants indoors and i just bought 2 150 watt cfl's that put out 2600 lumens....r these gunna work??? any advise from anyone?????
  2. fishindog

    Miracle grow?? good/bad idea???

    ok thanks for the advise but is there anyone out there that thinks differently???
  3. fishindog

    What happened to my clone? Did I kill her?

    they look pretty gone to me....
  4. fishindog

    Grow Of Nothing

    how much molasas do u use???
  5. fishindog

    Miracle grow?? good/bad idea???

    I was wondering if using miracle grow is a good idea or not....i have heard good things and bad things bout using it....but im growing outside and tryin to grow nice strong plants n wondering if that'll do the trick???
  6. fishindog

    Hey when growing outside how long does it usually take to flower???

    just wondering how long i have to wait or if there is anything i need to do to help em flower or if they just do it on there own??
  7. fishindog

    If u leave plants outside over the winter do they grow back in the spring??????

    ya feel free...ill tell him everyone on here told me to tell him he was fuckin retarded
  8. fishindog

    If u leave plants outside over the winter do they grow back in the spring??????

    ya k good, i was hooping he was wrong cuz he always thinks he knows can can just call him a retard
  9. fishindog

    If u leave plants outside over the winter do they grow back in the spring??????

    Hey just a quick question...i am growing outside and i will not be saving my plants for next year....and my buddy told me that if left out over the winter he said that they would grow back in the spring and that i wouldnt have to plant new ones, i think he is full of shit....but does anyone know...
  10. fishindog

    How many grams do you smoke a month? min/max

    ya man seriously that blunt is amazing....i wish i could roll em like that damn....
  11. fishindog

    What can i use!!!

    damn thats a good one...the hair thing
  12. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories america taddle tailing is pretty much telling on someone for something that they did wrong....its wut little kids do
  13. fishindog

    What can i use!!!

    how bout to keep deer away??? any ideas besides chicken wire????
  14. fishindog

    What can i use!!!

    any body else have some advise???
  15. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    ya thats wut i was talkin bout lol
  16. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    o and sry if i type differently in any questions on words feel free to ask
  17. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    haha u sure he doenst want any sausage?? lol
  18. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    i know wut ur gunna probably say...."its not me talkin bout other things its you"...and then ur gunna try n quote some shit and say "u r the one u lil bitch"...then u'll prob say something bout being gay and how much u like the just shut up once n for all damn!
  19. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    o so now ur getting angry??? u didnt get ur beauty rest i guess....and actually u r the one that is going on and on and i said before you always seem to want the last word...and wut do u know after someone else says something you have to say a lil something too u cant just leave...
  20. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    ya skunk it seems like u r getting a lil frustrated....wut nerve was it that we hit??? ur also havin a hard time comin back with anything that is even clever at all.....and as you have noticed im not a lil bitch so i am not gunna send a complaint in cuz thats wut lil bitches r for.....we r all...