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  1. fishindog

    X Games

    i have to agree with major toke...rally races are the shit!!!!!!!
  2. fishindog

    8x Bluewidow

    very nice....i cant wait to see how much u get out of that!!!!!
  3. fishindog

    400W HPS - first grow - very proud of my babies

    damn man nice plants looking good :)
  4. fishindog

    The Crotch Master 6000

    hahahaha fdd that is an awesome pic lmao!
  5. fishindog

    Any Pics of Huge Plants?

    ya fdd i wanna see a pic of the biggest one u got....cuz i know you know how to grow em into monsters
  6. fishindog

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    damn that is rediculous!!!!!! wut i could do with all that money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. fishindog

    Obtaining seeds while in A-dam

    no im pretty sure that seeds are legal in the us, i read or heard something bout it somewhere that due to wutever bill was passed along time ago stated that....marijuana seeds are legal because they carry no THC in least wut i heard, u might wanna google it or something tho just to be...
  8. fishindog

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    k guess that one isnt gunna work
  9. fishindog

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    one more pic
  10. fishindog

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    here are a couple more pics
  11. fishindog

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    k so i was on earlier today and i found these pictures of a drug bust, and all the money that they found in this house, i would have to say its bout 80 million bucks there...i think it is a rediculous amount of money! and why would they not have stopped by now??? who honestly...
  12. fishindog

    Big thanks to Rollitup

    ya i would like to say thanks RIU i have learned alot of helpful information on everything i have ever had questions on :-)
  13. fishindog

    Cfl's Urgent Help Needed!

    ya oz u could be right bout the death of them, 2 were transplanted and 2 my buddy i think watered too much, but i just put a few new ones in the soil that were sprouted today so ill be able to tell wut goes wrong now with these ones since they havent been transplanted and my buddy is off of...
  14. fishindog

    Cfl's Urgent Help Needed!

    i have the same question man, i bought 2 42 watt (on the package it shows 150 watt equivilent) cfl's and i dont think that they r gunna work or are even the right light....because after i got em back home and on after a day nothin was happening at all to the lil plants i put under there and they...
  15. fishindog

    do i have enough light??

    so basically i should move up to the hps lights huh?
  16. fishindog

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    i am actually agreeing with skunk on this one :)
  17. fishindog

    Just got hit with a drug test

    o damn that is a lose lose situation right now for you isnt it? damn i would love to kick his ass for u, wuts his name?? lol
  18. fishindog

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    u probably could if u cleaned it like u said but there prob still is some of that fiber shit in there that you cant see.....i personally wouldnt, y risk it? throw it out and go beat that guys ass who u got it from for ur money back :)
  19. fishindog

    do i have enough light??

    ya wigmo they r 42 watts equivelent to that gunna be way to weak??? i only have room right now in this little area for 2 of these lights, they r both in 10 1/2 inch domes hangin above the i gunna need stronger or will the 2 do the trick for awhile till i move them to a...
  20. fishindog

    do i have enough light??

    more of the same bulbs or different ones?