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  1. fishindog

    When you were high what kind of food did you munch on?

    damn i could go butcher my own pig for some bacon that looks so damn mouth is watering...
  2. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    o and ernie i like ur new profile picture :-)
  3. fishindog

    What can i use!!!

    ya thats wut i was thinking...bout the beer, and not even gunna try it...but thanks bout the peeing around the area never thought of that one
  4. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    skunk seriously i was tellin you to shut the fuck up and quit arguing with not just me but everyone....u r being a lil bitch and wont just shut seems like u have issues and always have to have the last fuckin word with everything....thats the kinda shit u do back in middle...
  5. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    shut the fuck up u obviously have no life
  6. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    shut the fuck more smartass comments geeez!
  7. fishindog

    What can i use!!!

    k well this is my first grow and i have some plants that are growing outside, and i was wondering if anyone had any tips/secrets that could help me to keep animals away and bugs off....stuff that i dont have to go friend told me to pour beer on it but i think he is just fuckin...
  8. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    the whole arguing bout shit...shut the fuck up and talk bout the main topic or dont say shit at all....if u wanna talk bout something else start a discussion in a new thread
  9. fishindog

    Who are you? a/s/l

  10. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    there u go again...let it go n shut the fuck up:spew:
  11. fishindog

    When you were high what kind of food did you munch on?

    grape or orange koolaid and doritos r good too :-)
  12. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    wow skunk seems to me like u always have to be right, if ur not interested in anything in this forum shut the fuck up and quit arguing with everyone that is actually tryin to discuss this stuff....u r just being a pest and pissin everyone go find a topic that u can actually have a...
  13. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    k well then y the hell r u in this discussion if u know EVERYTHING then????
  14. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    ya my buddy brought that subject up the other day n showed me a vid on moon hoaxs and watch the one where the light falls down in the background, wuts up with that??? and there is also one that kinda shows a camera man in a as of a few days ago i am curious on if we...
  15. fishindog

    Conspiracy Theories

    how bout the conspiracy of never landing on the moon??? anyone think that we never landed there and it was all a fake???
  16. fishindog

    Im in need of a little help

    that would be a good question, i have no idea if that is possible or if that would be good or bad if they could???? good question maybe someone else out there can help us answer that one
  17. fishindog

    Im in need of a little help

    ya thats kinda weird, do u know wut the hell it is? im trying to find out at least wut kinda plant it is???
  18. fishindog

    Im in need of a little help

    k thanks guys for the advise
  19. fishindog

    Im in need of a little help

    ya thats wut i was thinkin because the plant is really skinny, and its not really full of that many leaves, there are some lil yellow flowers on a few of em at the tops maybe ill take a few more pics and attach em within the next couple days to show u the whole plant