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  1. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    ill try and get some up later tonight if i can....they are looking much better....chris how is your setup coming along?
  2. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    they are sweet tooth and dutch passion....and ya good luck on ur grow man what are you gunna grow?
  3. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    to get the fixture to plug into a plug in the wall, i totally forgot to mention this in the beginning, but you have to buy a cord at home depot....all it is is a 2 prong cord with the wire ends showing on the other end, you have to twist the wires from the cord with the ones on the back of the...
  4. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    o sry i forgot to say the soil i got was just some good organic stuff i dunno what the best is but thats what looked good to me when i was shopping....
  5. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    the pots are 2 gallon pots...and i got my rubbermaids at wal-mart they were like 17 bucks a piece i think...
  6. fishindog

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    this is amazing only 20 bucks damn.....
  7. fishindog

    My Latest Grow

    Lookin good man, i have some sweet tooth that i just started too...i hope they turn out long are you planning on flowering your for??
  8. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    Ok bigchris i got the light fixture at home depot im pretty sure, it is just one of those fixtures that goes above the mirror in a bathroom, it only has 4 sockets on it so i went and bought 4 double socket spliters or whatever you want to call them they screw into the single socket but have 2...
  9. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    I just use a pair of sharp scissors to cut the plants :joint::joint:
  10. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    ok update it is now December 9th and the plants are finally starting to show signs of new growth....looks to me that the re-veg is working....i also had to clip some of the leaves off because they were looking like they were dying and so i clipped them so that the plants could focus more on...
  11. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    O i forgot to mention that i have a sustained temp of around 84 degrees.... the high is sometimes 89 and the low is about 81
  12. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    Thanks, and ill be uploading pics as things progress :joint::joint::joint::joint:
  13. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    This is my first grow so any advise and expertise is always welcome :bigjoint:
  14. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    OK now that i have all that together i got a good start with my plants....i have a buddy that just harvested his crop on the 4th and i got 3 of his plants that i am going to do this by leaving some buds and a few leaves on the bottom and it will grow back, saves me time with...
  15. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    You are going to use your 12V plug and do a little surgery with your cords but they will work. I have 2 thingsd plugged in for this grow, the lights and the fan plug that is it. On the top i have two screw in hooks with the shoe laces attached for the lights, makes it easy to lower and raise...
  16. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    My Stealth Closet Grow Ok everyone I am starting a closet grow built out of rubbermaids....i got this idea at least a year ago when i saw jethros stealth grow found here I also got a few ideas from this guys...
  17. fishindog


    page 100 this time??????????????????
  18. fishindog

    legal bud

    its just bud with no THC tastes like shit
  19. fishindog

    day 28 My baby--PICS

    damn tough plant....
  20. fishindog

    12 Hours at different times

    ya then ur daylight will not be a full 12 hours.....are u wanting to do an experiment or something?