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  1. fishindog

    12 Hours at different times

    ya how the hell would that work???
  2. fishindog

    Seed to Flower Week 2

    how tall is it???
  3. fishindog

    i'm gonna call this one "jack herer"

    u always seem to amaze me...
  4. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    hahah i like rkm's view...
  5. fishindog

    Sets on marijuana plants

    i like the pots.....
  6. fishindog

    24 week experiment so far...

    looks good man :)
  7. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    i dunno man...and my mistake not 5 times the size of the sun....5 times the size of earth...
  8. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    k here is the best link that i could find on this topic so far...there are like 5 videos pic n choose Surviving 2012 and Planet X
  9. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    i dunno man from wut i heard its headed this way...ask NASA :)
  10. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    :bigjoint:ya dude shit is gunna go smoke while u can :bigjoint:
  11. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    hwere is one link.. 2012 — Planet X / Nibiru google it and there are many more...
  12. fishindog

    Planet X!!

    ok so i was just wondering how many people have heard of this so called planet that is surpossed to come around the earth in 2012.....from wut i have heard/read it is 5 times the size of the sun and will be creating 300 mph winds....and surpossedly 1/3 of the worlds population is surpossed to...
  13. fishindog

    weed or boobs

    ya love the site too fdd ;)
  14. fishindog

    is she ready or not

    ya damn....wut kinda lights u got it under?
  15. fishindog

    Why do you smoke?

    ya i never smoked till i got to college and tried it for the first time....was a good feeling...i also smoke to relieve the pain in my back from fracturing it 2 almost 3 years ago now snowboarding and it never healed right or completely...feels like there is a knife in my back 24/ weed...
  16. fishindog

    I have harvested!!!!!!!

    we're all waiting.............:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::hump::hump::hump::hump:
  17. fishindog

    day 28 My baby--PICS

    ya man the pics are workin out nice, good quality....i hate shity pics u can never see the true quality of the plant in shity pics....good pics make all the difference
  18. fishindog

    I have harvested!!!!!!!

    pics! asap!
  19. fishindog

    day 28 My baby--PICS

    damn man lookin great!
  20. fishindog

    24 week experiment so far...

    damn dude that sucks....stealing is bad very bad....but payback is a bitch!