24 week experiment so far...


Well-Known Member
Update: Nice pictures below. It looks like 1 is a female (I can't get a good pic close up) and the plant is a dude. Little balls all over the place, doh!

The bigger plant (busher) is the dude, while the tallest is a female!

The closeup are pictures of my dude. I just want to make sure before I kill him. Will post closeup on the lady as soon as I can get a good pic (spent an hr trying to!)

What you think?



Well-Known Member
Update: Here are some new pics of my female plant. She's thin because that other bastard that I just killed was taking up all her room, but she's growing nicely! I'm gonna get me some Fox Farm Big Bloom and start spraying her with that every few days.

Any ideas how much this plant will yield?



Active Member
Update: Out of the 5 clones, 2 of them actually rooted after 2 weeks! They are both growing nicely now in their ocean forest soil! I'm gonna toss them in the flowering mode next week. Can't wait to see what happens!

Attached are pics I took last Friday...I never did top them as I was curious how tall these plants could get. I have no choice but to trim them down some now.

i keep hearing about topping plants, um...what is this, what does it do and how would i do it?


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot everyone!

I started this as an experiment 8 months ago not knowing wtf was gonna happen, now I have this tree full of weed....lol man, life is only gonna get better in the coming weeks!


Well-Known Member
likwe 5-8 more weeks.all i see is white hair let her blow up like a dead cow before cutting her down


Well-Known Member
I'll be damned! I don't want to harvest early and lose out on some fat buds, so I'll just keep her flowering!

I just hope the weather doesn't turn on me. Been nice here in Chicago so far and I don't expect any real weather change until sometime in Nov.

Thanks for the help!