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  1. STLbudz

    Powdery mildew

    after you should clean your room or set up , spray it down .. PM is more airbourn than anything itll come back after your treat the plant
  2. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    No prob man , if you remember , post a pic ina 7-10 days to see the results
  3. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    when plants are stressed and shock they wont grow at all, if the plant wasnt going to grow no more itd be dead, its just in shock , itll be fine man , i use to react like you when i firtst started growing lol, in your journey in growing youll find out MJ are tough. back em up let them recover...
  4. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    No veg is veg , flower is flower , as long as they didnt transition your fine if so yea there revegging or what ever the case is ,but if you have em in a veg light scheadule it doesnt matter as long its at least 14.5 hrs . i would use 2 and back em up like 12-18 inches, once you see them...
  5. STLbudz

    Yellow lower leaves

    Nitro is right , when the bottom leaves are yellowing its due to lack of nitrogen, feed em bro, you get better results/answers with pics btw
  6. STLbudz

    What am I doing wrong? please help

    For real, and i already answered your qs and reason why with pics , be patient bro , dont go running up threads, ...You tryna get more posts of something lol patient bro
  7. STLbudz

    How soon can I flip after Topping?

    yupp nameless was on piont! yeah the better idea would be to let em recover a few days . i do my last top 10 days before 12/12, you want them to transition into flower 100% ,remember when you do any training your stressing the plant especially topping, becuase you stunt the plant, nameless was...
  8. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    this is how they all looked befor bouncing back FROM LIGHT stress....Notice only top leaves are droopy, and your seedling looks similar to that , just from looking at the pic it looks like you got those lights blasting over them back em up , if you have a good mix soil it should have lime in it...
  9. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    a few symptons of light stress , is taco leaves, yellowing and wilting, sometimes people confused between over watering nute burn or light stress, nute burn itll be tips and in your case since its a seedling itd look worse, overwatering the whole plant has heavy droopy leaves, and light stress...
  10. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    Lights can do that ! that is not true my perfectly rooted clone wilted from to much intense light , this is my hardening station with only 2 cfls on a splitter , 1 wilted and turnded yellow on the effected leaves , ive came across this problem a few times too know. the 1 on bottom is the...
  11. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    3 24 watts is more than enough for a seedling , the qs is , is it TOO much , although plants love light, in early stages too much intense light will cause the leaves being effected to wilt and turn yellow thats there response to light stress , only use 2 and keep it about a foot away let it...
  12. STLbudz

    Gdp,phantom,candyland outdoor

    3 seeds have sprouted to day in the after noon, plants bushing out nicely only 5 days in and Noticeable growth really starting to show, cant wait to veg outdoor next weekend, greenhouse under construction!
  13. STLbudz

    SD's dyna coco hempy grows, Girl Scout Cookies, OG, Blue Dream x Tahoe

    that og looks like its going to be another 30 days ,..long flower, what about those cherry pies? 2-3 weeks to chop??,really eager to see the harvest:) lol
  14. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    Yo what up guys plants are still alive but i pulled them cuz they where STILL in shock and not progressing. total amateur mistake not to harden em first. palm 2 face....... well i got some better plants/strains now going tho to replace...
  15. STLbudz

    ban outdoor growing! in merced county, ca, who's with me.

    oh ok good stuff going on CL now haha, whats that size you got?
  16. STLbudz

    ban outdoor growing! in merced county, ca, who's with me.

    1.5 per day? and oh you didnt make it out of pvc ? uglyblackman cool avi haha, im digging that black looks nice n cool under. wouldnt it attract more sun tho from the black?how did you make that stand?
  17. STLbudz

    SD's dyna coco hempy grows, Girl Scout Cookies, OG, Blue Dream x Tahoe

    Man that some plants to droll on , good stuff , i like how that cherry pie purples im gnna take a few cuts each mine , see what kind of phenos i get, that og some fire! how long you veg that outdoor cherry pie? and what day flower is that?
  18. STLbudz

    HSO Purple Trainwreck: I think she's hermi-ing... are these BALLS?!

    id start over bro , that sucks, you could keep plucking the pollen sacks off . but id start over
  19. STLbudz

    ban outdoor growing! in merced county, ca, who's with me.

    awesome man thanx iv been in the process of building a little 8x12 maybe a little bigger, do they got diffrent colors? hey quick qs how is your process from bringing them indoor to outdoor. ive never really had a problem with that, even in the summer, but this time i put some clones outdoor and...
  20. STLbudz

    ban outdoor growing! in merced county, ca, who's with me.

    where did you get that tan tarp? i was looking for 1 in home depot but couldnt find any except for the landscape garbage tarps