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  1. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    how long does sun scalding last ?, i should be in full flower 2 week today instead there bouncing back:/ lol ,
  2. STLbudz

    Spider Mites! (using Fungicide3 (neem oil), and Hot Shot No Pest Strips)

    Id reccomend buying a 10 dollar sprayer at home depot aswell if not a regular sprayer will do, i give a light mist on soil first(LIGHT) then really start spraying starting at the bottom of stem and work your way up make sure to hit Under the leaves then hit the top. if you do anything diffrent...
  3. STLbudz

    Spider Mites! (using Fungicide3 (neem oil), and Hot Shot No Pest Strips)

    mixing azmax , neem oil, and a watering agent(optional), will get rid of your spidermites no problem, thats my all mighty mix and never has let me down . Even when i grew my blue dream outdoor i didnt have problems with mites except a week before flower treated the problem and that was it ...
  4. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    problem solved ! thanx man well since this thread is up already i will post progress pics to see how much i get out of em. I think gods gift was more suscptible maybe being because there indica dom maybe ? you think 20 grms a plant is realistic? there topped and about a foot should top out to...
  5. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    Lately it as been and will be cloudy days thank god, when they were first out they were being blasted. as for the droopy plants could it be to still being in shock? because the day after i planted them they were ALL droopy and slowly 1 by 1 they were bouncing back as the day passed but the 1 in...
  6. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    Thanx AA and i know I have some black berry kush vegging under a 600 watt lsting topping now goin to throw em out next month:), this was more experimental heard of some people starting to take advantage of the Ok weather to flower before may came
  7. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    its not Under watering for sure , and yeah didnt know about hardning going to look into that! and will it? damn! well i was looking into getting around 40 grams a plant if i can atleast get 20 grms per plant ill be happy;)
  8. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    haha thanx man yea now that im looking/thinking about it ,looks like the sun was just too much for the lil girls , 100watt t5s to the powerfull sun lol, i know any kind of stress messes up growth , but being that technically there flowering now, do you think it drastically messed up my yield? or...
  9. STLbudz

    1-2 weeks from harvest and noticing a few issues

    what kinda strain is that? looks nice n frosty. yea it happens most during flushing from all the nutrients be unavailable, i like to flush with molasses makes it a bit sweet n a tad denser
  10. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    thats also what i was thinking , well wont get to get the ph down till tomorrow (ran out) and ill flush them whith ph water, whatever it is should play out i hope wish i knew exactly what it was, if its not ph or burn then im guessing bleaching as well. Also the plants drooping could it be from...
  11. STLbudz

    1-2 weeks from harvest and noticing a few issues

    nitrogen deficiency that normal cuz your late into flower and you probably cut back on grow nutes and using more flower nutes , just make sure your ph is good preferably 6.5, looking good tho man
  12. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    I forgot to add im using tap water and its usually Hi about 7.5 ,i was thinking of flushing it out with phd water at 6.8 then to 6.5 . Yea i was thinking of putting em in 3 gal pots with better soil, my brother has the same mix in 5 gal his are better than mine but has a few leaves here and...
  13. STLbudz

    Shock,Plant deficiency or light stress??Help!

    what up guys not a total noob just having some problems cant figure out , I transplanted 2 week clones 6 Bullrider(hybrid) , 2 Bull Dream(H,Sativa), 2 God Gift(H,Indica) veg/rooted in party cups with happy frog soil under T5s 100 watts . On monday night transplanted clones in ground patio plus...
  14. STLbudz

    Homemade Set up ideas

    well to make this short thinking of doing vert ,so i dont have to buy more lights, and just use what i have, i am trying to do a SOG 60-100 plants, i have 4 600s , been looking at the pre set ups and there pricey, I know theres a lot of smart and handy people on here and looking if any1 knows...
  15. STLbudz

    Hydro set up Q

    thanx and yea it would drown em i thought it would kinda work like a bubbler cuz its the water just running thru along with plenty of oxygen put ive been thinking of just using slabs and flood and drain, would 4x a day ,10 min each be good or?
  16. STLbudz

    I need 60 ounces or more in three months

    Dont count on it man, hopes are waaayyyy to high, since this is your 1st grow who knows if itll even finish all the way to the harvest ,especially aero, try 6 600 watts ,5x10, 100 plants, some good or decent nutes ,C02, AND MAYBE youll have a chance, well way better than you original plan atleast
  17. STLbudz

    Hydro set up Q

    what up guys had a Qs ive done a good amount of soil grows and looking into getting back in the grow scene first of all im thinking of doing a 5x10 50 sqft, using 5 600 watt lights would that be enough first of all? ,im looking to do about 80 plants of blue dream(My Favorite Strain)1 week veg...
  18. STLbudz

    Grape ape -Gods gift

    just looked at the date and its been almost a year now that i havnt grow dam lol
  19. STLbudz

    Grape ape -Gods gift

    Whats up guys sorry bout the undone journal, been out the growing game due to a custody battle,(seperation), but thinking of getting back in the game hydro this time anyway,i did finish the grow ill put pics later, NEVER grow a revegged plant lol, throw that shit away and start a new clone do...
  20. STLbudz

    Re Vegging potency

    Ok im around 40 days into flower n the tri devolopment is not as fast as the first go round cant speak for grape ape but im sure it could look better,well.c how it smokes, ive ran gods gift n blue dream lots of times n these reveged clones simply just dont cut it, ,also another big CON is the...