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  1. STLbudz


    i checked my purple candys and they have a single root pokin out,sonoma comas,n purple aks still hangin in there but my P.princess died lol,i think they turned brown at tips cuz my foliar feed was to strong
  2. STLbudz

    Grape ape -Gods gift

    6th day of cloning process and i have a single root white root poking out my purple candy's,aks,n comas still hangin in there,purple princess looks like it wont make it,ill take pics tomorrow.
  3. STLbudz

    WTF is going on here?

    yea mg is BAD from experience ,especially with new cuts/seedlings, u mean 75 right lol
  4. STLbudz

    Qrazy Train from seed

    i know what ya mean;)
  5. STLbudz

    Marijuana legalization petition to the white house!! **official**

    thats right ,lol also look it up university studies show alcohol is number 1 gateway drug , and people who dont know limits is abusing it, i work 30hrs wk, grow nd i am a fighter i train 6x a week,smoke average 3 grms a day so u obviously dont speak for every 1,when u say people cant keep...
  6. STLbudz

    Qrazy Train from seed

    thats how i have my tent as well,cool
  7. STLbudz

    Qrazy Train from seed

    u got exhaust on while lights are running or u gnna add duct for just the lights
  8. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    what kind of light does it put out usually living room are 3000k red n kitchens blue 6500 k check em oug to get an idea
  9. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    spec change wont stress it think of specs like food ,when blooming its hungry for red wen veging/growing it wants blue green n other specs dont do much for growth
  10. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    its all good a book can teach u all fundamentals we even got stickys at the top of each forum ,gots lots of info
  11. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    lol yes,more light=more energy,use that cfl for the side
  12. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    its called fim/fimmimg n no it just creates more tops
  13. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    krpto u pretty much just double posted lol, n 7.5 pheww thats pretty high
  14. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    soil i keep at 6.5 u dont really want to pass 6.9 youll get lock out
  15. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    better safe than sorry , i guess lol im in CA so im ok (kina)
  16. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    yea itll be decent although HID s the way to go, if ur gnna use those use some cfl for supplement/side lighting akso u want high end spec 6500k blue/white light for better veg growth, all these little things add up in long run health,n yield
  17. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    make sure u have air movement ,cfl n floros dont emit much heat so it might not be that but possible,could be many thing,u get more help with pics
  18. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    yupp we really dont lol
  19. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    yea 2 for a plant would be more sufficient especially if topped n tied down
  20. STLbudz

    New at growing help me.

    i guess u dont have too but bud will be weak, its strain dependent