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  1. STLbudz

    Need a little help *development stages*

    if you train your plants , in 2 gal pots your results will be good. i say ATLEAST 14-24 grams per plant, you should look into scrogging , scrog will get you alot more better yields and is very well suited for stealth grows, just saw there auto s , i dont think you can scrog autos cuz it requires...
  2. STLbudz

    Need a little help *development stages*

    you always want to suck the air (exhaust) from top .(heat rises) 2500 lumes per square for or 50 watts per sq ft is sufficient .im a soil grower although i have done bubbleponics the growth rate is much faster, but you have to learn about hydro growing in general as far as ph levels ppms, you...
  3. STLbudz

    help noob

    Yea ive had great results with FFOF that would be the way to go also the got patio plus at home depot and its just as good for half the price has the same stuff. sprinkle about a table spoon..patio plus has lime in it already thats y i like it, and a cup of D.lime is good per bag of FF
  4. STLbudz

    Gdp,phantom,candyland outdoor

    The fourth cherry pie seed sprouted last night, there all looking really nice, clones are starting to really kick in gear now the candyland is showing sativa structure its pretty lanky ,compared to phantom ,also ive notice the candyland is a bit more sensitive than the phantom and gdp . the...
  5. STLbudz

    help noob

    molasses is mostly just for carbs and mag, and you have to mix it in with the soil if i were you id transplant if your using a small pot exp: 1 gal to 2 or 2 to 3 or 3 to 5, and mix the dolomite lime in with some new soil and transplant into new soil/pot, do the transplant properly and you...
  6. STLbudz

    Outdoor Light Cycle. When will the plants flower? Does it matter?

    you need atleast 14.5 hrs light, or you could inturupt there sleep by shining some 5000k cfls on em, to keep em vegging anything lower than 14 hrs can flower
  7. STLbudz

    Please Help

    How close are your lights, and how are the top leaves? what kind of soil are you using? it shouldnt be ph, AN usually buffers the ph , it could be lots of things, can you get a pic of the over all plant, also since your using soil you should try out molasses work VERY good for soil check out my...
  8. STLbudz

    Are these plants hermies?

    if they got hair in them no, if there pollen sacks with no hair then yes sir they are
  9. STLbudz

    Flower to veg

    that actually doesnt look to bad , id rather just grow out a new beasty plant then wait a super long time, just to transition back into veg,and then grow it
  10. STLbudz

    Can seedlings have cal/mag problems at one week old?

    lol, put a cup of water next to it to raise humidity,Wait a couple weeks to feed nutes, you should do a 1/4 strength and go from there. goodluck man
  11. STLbudz

    Chasing a second opinion on my sick plant.

    John dee gots some good points . it could be ph lockout , look like some nute burn for sure tho
  12. STLbudz

    Plants wont turn

    Ive grown BD easy more than 10 full grows of it , i am not new at ALL to the strain and how it grows . check my second and outdoor link for reference . they stretch for a good 30 days around 4 weeks they start to throw white hairs out the first 3 its all stretch . they strecth ALOT exp: a 1 foot...
  13. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    plantmanbee is right . I strongly believe its due to light ive ran across that so much thru out my journey. i didnt think it was meduim due to the info you gave in the other threads. btw you shouldnt be doing lol. but yeah you seem to have ok soil , drainage only thing i see wrong is your...
  14. STLbudz

    Drying out Methods????

    Try a couple diffrent ways and see witch 1 you like , youll get alot of answers you should def try my way out. at least 1 branch ,,. youll notic a big dif.
  15. STLbudz

    Drying out Methods????

    From my experience a longer dry is better with lots of better color,flavor, and smell. i pull all fan leaves of leave the little sugar leaves and hang em till they dry. cuts my trim time to cuz by the time bud is dry you just rub all the leaves right off
  16. STLbudz

    Help with my plant please

    I personally like 20/4 but 18/6 is fine
  17. STLbudz

    Flower to veg

    Ive done reveg and it TAKES FOREVER if you got a clone now it would be a good size before that 1 is even catching up look at my second link grape ape grow for reference and see my results with reveged plant it SUX and waste of time... HOWEVER some people are good with that and have strains ,that...
  18. STLbudz

    Leaves always drooping, not caused by under/overwatering

    Id back em up a foot...LOL ive helped like 4 people with this same problem this morning . and not a single dang rep up haha, all good . I love the cannabis .Im Lit Also put a cup of water in there or next to your plant to raise humidity . to be completely honest id use a better soil mix too
  19. STLbudz

    Leaves always drooping, not caused by under/overwatering

    if your using all 3 of those lights close to your plants is overkill, how close are your lights? overwatering looks a bit diffrent than that alot of people confuse the 2, Notice how top leaves are more wilted that is becuase the majority of the intensity is on them , that is how they react to...