Help with my plant please

My og kush strain has been int he soil for 18 days now. It seemed like it was growing slow as there was only 1 set of true leaves after 2 weeks. But it was still green and healthy. But yesterday I oticed the set of leaves was curling down. It is directly under 3 23 watt clfs with a fan blowing on it. I have been told by several people on this forum that 3 23 watt clfs is more than enough light for a seedling. Can somebody please tell me what it looks like my plant is lacking. Attached is a picture. Thanks in advance


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I use only a single 23 watt while they are that small. Your plant looks yellow, but that may just be the lights.
You should not allow the fan to blow directly on the plant, but rather point it around the plant
Dr. Jekyll

How often are you watering it?
are you using nutes?
What are the temps in your room?
What kind of soil are you using?
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Is that straight coco? what is it in? Usually they don't need anything for a week then just a tiny bit of nutes. What do you have for nutes. I use a two part fert... for that I'd use one drop of each part in a cup of water pHed to what my medium needs.


Well-Known Member
3 24 watts is more than enough for a seedling , the qs is , is it TOO much , although plants love light, in early stages too much intense light will cause the leaves being effected to wilt and turn yellow thats there response to light stress , only use 2 and keep it about a foot away let it recover bring the 2 closer than add the 3rd after its fully recoverd and growing. how close are your light def looks like a light issue more than anything


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's the lights. you couldn't get them close enough together to do any harm.... direct contact could burn that little one but that's not a function of how many there are.


Well-Known Member
Lights can do that ! that is not true my perfectly rooted clone wilted from to much intense light , this is my hardening station with only 2 cfls on a splitter , 1 wilted and turnded yellow on the effected leaves , ive came across this problem a few times too know. the 1 on bottom is the recovering plant, you can tell its a bit more yellow than the rest light was only 6 inch away , i backed it off , plant bounced back and now look


Well-Known Member
a few symptons of light stress , is taco leaves, yellowing and wilting, sometimes people confused between over watering nute burn or light stress, nute burn itll be tips and in your case since its a seedling itd look worse, overwatering the whole plant has heavy droopy leaves, and light stress only the effected leaves wilt and start to turn yellow or taco up


Well-Known Member
this is how they all looked befor bouncing back FROM LIGHT stress....Notice only top leaves are droopy, and your seedling looks similar to that , just from looking at the pic it looks like you got those lights blasting over them back em up , if you have a good mix soil it should have lime in it so it should be ph problem , also id switch those cfls for 5000ks,(blue/white spectrum)


I have the lights directly above them. I thought I wasnt giving it enough :// Should I remove 1 light or 2? how far should i keep it back? Also I heard changing the cycle too much can promote light stress. i have changed the cycle a few times, could that be the problem?


Well-Known Member
No veg is veg , flower is flower , as long as they didnt transition your fine if so yea there revegging or what ever the case is ,but if you have em in a veg light scheadule it doesnt matter as long its at least 14.5 hrs . i would use 2 and back em up like 12-18 inches, once you see them recovering gett em closer , just pay attention to your plant, and youll figure it out by its reaction. use the 5000 k cfls
I am also worried because its been 18 days and it seems like it stopped growing. At day 8 my first set of true leaves grew in. But there were no signs of a 2nd set growing in, Was this also because of too much light?


Well-Known Member
when plants are stressed and shock they wont grow at all, if the plant wasnt going to grow no more itd be dead, its just in shock , itll be fine man , i use to react like you when i firtst started growing lol, in your journey in growing youll find out MJ are tough. back em up let them recover and watch em grow. again use 5000k it produces more growth and way better for root production better roots = healthy plant as well as bigger yields, 2400ks lights are for bloom phase/bud and flowers


Active Member
STL is right Jets. You need less light and it needs to be farther away than you would think at this stage. I've used a cabinet with two pigtail CFLs mounted about 18 inches away from a daisy cloner and kept 6 rooted 8 inch plants thriving off of them. Don't rush things, follow STLs advice and give her time to show you recovery before you try anything else. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Still don't know your medium. If STL is right, great! if not you are still fucked. So, down to one light, three is a waste at this point anyway. Still don't know your medium, it looks like coco in which case you could have salt and definitely have no nutes. To me it looks like it's not got anything happening and looks yellowed... at this stage it could be too little or too much so we need to know more before you can really be given a diagnostic that will help you.

BTW, I've been doing this '85 so I do have some experience.

good luck :)


Well-Known Member
plantmanbee is right . I strongly believe its due to light ive ran across that so much thru out my journey. i didnt think it was meduim due to the info you gave in the other threads. btw you shouldnt be doing lol. but yeah you seem to have ok soil , drainage only thing i see wrong is your symptoms and the intensity of lights