What am I doing wrong? please help

My og kush strain has been int he soil for 18 days now. It seemed like it was growing slow as there was only 1 set of true leaves after 2 weeks. But it was still green and healthy. But yesterday I oticed the set of leaves was curling down. It is directly under 3 23 watt clfs with a fan blowing on it. I have been told by several people on this forum that 3 23 watt clfs is more than enough light for a seedling. Can somebody please tell me what it looks like my plant is lacking. Attached is a picture. Thanks in advance

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
We understand you are anxious for answers, but posting your thread in 3 different areas will only create confusion and will lack clarity
Dr. Jekyll

You need to learn how to post a pic
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
For real, and i already answered your qs and reason why with pics , be patient bro , dont go running up threads, ...You tryna get more posts of something lol jp.be patient bro


Well-Known Member
Not to pile on but there good reasons not
to spam the board.
1. It makes people not want to help

2. your other thread may have helped others if the answers were not scattered

im sure there are more but
those are good enough.
Hope you get your plant fixed up.
Good luck

**H@Ck ALLeRt**
Any info I give is based on what I would be comfortable doing.
Please get other opinions.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out.
Good luck man that poor thing looks like its in toxic soil or something. Don't overwater keep bright light shining and don't feed it a thing. And maybe cross your fingers!