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  1. C

    40% Amber Trichomes

    ^^^ this. The more amber there is the less potent the final product. There is a really good article in the november issue of high times with pics that explains exactly this, in more detail.
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    General Organics Talk

    Growing using hempy bucket, 18 gallon tote, using the go box, 7 th week of flowering. I have been bad cal/mag def for the last few weeks. I have also been using my ph up and down, more the up than the down. Could that be causing my lock out? I flushed with 6 gallons of water last night. 3 plain...
  3. C

    Need Help With Plant issues! THE CLAW!!!!

    what lighting are u using and how close do u have it? Heat stress will make the leaves taco like that
  4. C

    Herm obviously but How? Immaculent Conception?

    Some times its in the seeds genetics that cause it to herm. Doesnt matter if ur growing conditions are perfect or not. If its in the genes, ur pretty much screwed. Thats the chance u take using bag seed. Those beans could have come from a plant that was also herm and thats what caused it. And...
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    Glo Sticks?

    Theres always one that chimes in. the fucking noob thing pisses me off. Every one was a noob at one point in time. Seems people seem to forget that the higher their post count gets. Wait, let me guess, u came out of the vag with all the knowledge needed to grow the best weed ever grown, right...
  6. C

    Hempy\water ??

    Put a piece of screen on the inside of ur container over the hole, so ur perlite doesnt come out. Growth will be slow until the roots hit the res. As far as yield and if its better, every one has their own preference and their way is better than what any one else has or wants to try, so if u...
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    Can't get my heat dropped anymore!

    Put a fan by the gap in the door, see if u can force some cool air in.
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    Top of the plant leaves turning yellow

    Dude, that looks like a cal/mag def. See how the leaves looked striped? What are u growing in? I would flush, then add a low dose of nutes with some cal/mag.
  9. C

    Plants have been pregnated BIG TIME will i cut down or wait???

    I dont have personal experience, but I have been reading up on hermies since I have one to, and the general consenses is that seeds from a hermie will most likely have the hermie trait in them and there is a higher probability of any thing grown from the seeds will hermie too.
  10. C

    yellowing and a bit of rust spots

    Its hard to help if we don know all the info, ph being a major one. Incorrect ph can cause major head aches. Even though you watered with plain water and half strength nutes, if ur ph is off, ur problem is more than likely going to get worse because ur going to keep trying to correct the wrong...
  11. C

    yellowing and a bit of rust spots

    What is the ph of the water ur feeding them and the run off ph? I had the same issue, same week, using hempy bucket though, and my ph going in was 5.6 but run off was at 7.2, causing a lock out of nutes. Didnt catch it for a week and got what u have. im betting ur having ph issues.
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    Those do look like pollen sacks. You can pull them off, but u wont get them all. They,are really good at hiding. How far along are you on those? You can get some reverse and see if that helps you out. Good luck man.
  13. C

    My sister stole my ganja so i stole it back help!!!

    Last time I was in McDicks, cant say I saw to many peple that looked like they were in college working there. Unless u need a degree now to ask "do u want fries with that?"
  14. C

    Out of WEED and on a RAMPAGE!!

    I agree with damn612. Scrape ur resin off and smoke that shit. I have had to do that plenty. When ever I get a new sack, I roll a joint and set it aside, for situations like urs.
  15. C

    Sayings/quotes you hate

    Every thing a white person who thinks they are black says. I cant stand that slang back woods ebonics bs. Then when u dont understand what they are saying, they look at you like ur the retarded one. Ya, ok. Hurr instead of here, and scurred instead of scared. Just annoying as shit.
  16. C

    My sister stole my ganja so i stole it back help!!!

    I would confront her about jacking ur stash, but not smoking. It is her place and she is an adult, so she can pretty much do what she wants. Why do you care if she smokes or not anyway? As for her telling u not to smoke in the house, it is her place, and she makes the rules. Kinda one of those...
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    Stoned In Public

    Went to target on tuesday to grab some diapers for my youngest son and some armor all for my car. Walked around for 20 minutes before I remembered what I was there to get, lol. Stood.and looked at the car cleaning products for another 20 minutes and still bougjt the wrong shit. I could have...
  18. C

    Stoned In Public

    Went to target on tuesday to grab some diapers for my youngest son and some armor all for my car. Walked around for 20 minutes before I remembered what I was there to get, lol. Stood.and looked at the car cleaning products for another 20 minutes and still bougjt the wrong shit. I could have...
  19. C

    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    Let me be the firat on this thread to say thank you for serving our country. soldiers and vets dont get any where near the thanks that they should. As far as the leadership, they were only doing what they needed too to get to the next rank, preached it reliougsly. Funny story about our CO...