Would you Worry?

Hello. I am growing 1 plant in new jersey (that is doing great) But, I have had landscapers and pest control individuals noticed the thing of beauty in the yard.
It just started flowering and estimate I have 7 more weeks to harvest.

Question: should I worry? (pics to follow) :-(


Well-Known Member
So at least 2 people know you have a MJ plant in your yard? How many people have they told? Wait until you are just about to harvest and you come out one morning to a plant that is missing.
I am more worried about the police. The yard is fenced with a locked so that doesn't worry me as much. But I get your point. So should I cut it and wait to next spring?

Sara Saw It

Active Member
I would be more worried with what NoDrama said. I doubt the landscapers will report you for a plant - and I doubt the police would get a warrant - but maybe if they can see it from outside the fence.

I would be more concerned of someone hopping the fence to steal it for themselves.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have anywhere else to take it, maybe you can at least change the location of it in your yard and put it strategically in your sight or behind a bunch of shit so no one else will see it. I've worked with plenty of landscapers...the foreman wants to keep his account because it's guaranteed cash in his pocket trust me, so you don't have to worry about him ratting you out. Now, the hired help is a different ballgame. I NEVER trusted a soul I worked with. Most of them were hired because they pissed dirty elsewhere, and that's the only job they got on short notice that didn't test drug test. But I would move that shit if it was my yard. Gates or no gates, if someone wants it, someone will get it. And now you have people that have seen it. I trust NO ONE.
So at least 2 people know you have a MJ plant in your yard? How many people have they told? Wait until you are just about to harvest and you come out one morning to a plant that is missing.
Hello. I am growing 1 plant in new jersey (that is doing great) But, I have had landscapers and pest control individuals noticed the thing of beauty in the yard.
It just started flowering and estimate I have 7 more weeks to harvest.

Y did u have a landscaper over knowing u have a mj plant growing in ur yard?

How well do u know these 2 guys? people run their mouths way too much these days. I would be more worried about some creeper being around my house while my family was home. dont b surprised at all if it comes up missing.


Well-Known Member
The only negitive outcome I can see happening from this someone jacking it. Think about it. Landscapers are generally laid back people that dont give a shit about peoples bizz. they are there to do work and and move on the the next location. Pricks that you would have problems with usually work in offices

BTW i have been a landscaper fro 5 years and work around plants all day and if i came along and seen your plant the only thing I would do is give your credit like its a peice of art. Sorry to ramble on...im stoned and I think everything will be irie!


Active Member
Putting plants in your backyard is a very risky idea unless you have complete control over the area.

I have a closet grow but I sometimes put small plants out on the back porch for convenience. About 6 weeks ago I came home from a quick trip to the store to find three police cars parked outside my house and two cops in my backyard. I don't have to tell you what I was thinking at the time. There was nothing else to do but say "What's going on officer?" Turned out they were looking for a bear that had been going into people's yards and eating fruit ( I have a big apple tree in my yard ). "If you see it, give us a call". "Yes officer, I will! And thank you guys for being on top of the problem!"

This kind of incident is known as an "NBE" - a Near Bathroom Experience.

I don't leave plants on my deck anymore