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  1. C

    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    Ha ha, thats funny. Any one see what carlos zambrano did the other nigjt agains atlanta? Now that, I truely do believe,.was roid rage. And that guy, my friend, he is a cop, lol. He is trying to dump the rest of his tren on me rigjt now, lol.
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    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    ARMY. Topic came up to our captain, he said, and ill quote here, «we dont test for them, so we cant accuse you of doing them». They only test for weed and heavy drugs in the military, not roids. And dude, I have no reason to come on here and lie to a bunch of faceless people on a forum. I am...
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    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    Very true, some do mess with ur test levels. So much so that after u quit taking them, ur body will stop producing naturally. I have a friend goimg through this now and he was all jacked up because of it. I spent most of my time in the gym when on them, so maybe thats y I never experienced the...
  4. C

    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    We were actually encouraged to take them while I was in the military, by our captain no less. That came to an end when our CSM noticed everyones PT scores jumping up drastically in just a couple months. We used to get them from our medics that lived in our barracks. Never asked them where they...
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    Where do cops buy all their steroids?

    Ha ha, funny thread. Ill start by saying I dont work for the PD, but I work very closely with a PD here in ohio. First, we dont take anything out of the evidence room. Why u ask. For the same reason u wouldnt. Would u put something in ur body u took off some crack head or prostitute and trust it...
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    3 months into flowering and no bud growth?

    Ur ladies should be able to with stand the same amount of light that they would get when the moon is out. Lots of people say complete darkness or it wont flower, but if that was the case, how would it grow out doors? Looks like bad genes to me.
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    The Mystery Of All Mysteries.

    Im curious to seew what ur ph does, please let us know. I am doing hempy rigjt now too, 3rd week of flowering and al is good. My ph jumps a lot too. One day ill check it and it will be 8, then the next time I water and check run off, it will be around 6. I always water with 5.8 to 6.0 ro water...
  8. C

    Should I start flowering? and some other questions

    Dude, u can flip to flower when ever u want. It still wont produce buds till its mature enough. There are threads of people going 12-12 from seed. The general rule of thumb is, longer u veg, more yield u will get. its a good thing height isnt an issue for u. At 2 1/2 ft. those r gonna double...
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    These seeds...HELP!

    I keep mine in a sealed container and put it on thw window sill. Usally all of them sprout in 24 hrs. Kepping them in the dark didnt seem to matter.
  10. C

    Hempy bucket run off question

    35 views and no one has any thoughts on this? This is a forum about weed for people who know about weed or are loking for help growing, right? not just another gallery is it?
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    Hempy bucket run off question

    Have two plants in a tote, 3rd day of flowering. Water with a ph between 5.5 and 5.8. My run off has measured as high as 8, but is always at 7 or above. Any one have any ideas y? I used mg perlite,100%, and I rinsed it what I thought was pretty good. Could there be some nutes left over in the...
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    Lucas with Hempy Buckets?

    Mine r in an 18 gallon tote. Started them off in a party cup with a rapid rooter. Once transplanted, I watered every other day, every day was to much for the plants. Used distilled water for about a week then started with the go box, quarter strength for what is recommended for the first week. I...
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    There is a grow room design/setup section to help u with that. Also, the DIY section will help u.
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    Stolen crops

    My wife decided to show her friend my first grow while I was at work. Needless to say, one of my plants came up missing. I was beyond furious.only thing I could come up with is she jacked it and stuck it in her car while my old lady was in the can. I hate thieves. I would like to see public...
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    Do u know what strain ur growing? Could b the genetics of the plant. Other than that, extreme temp changes r what I have been told can cause this. If u just transplanted them, they may b in a bit of shock, but I havent seen that cause purple stems. I would wait till ur next water and see how...
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    What are ur temps,medium ur using,RH ranges,light ur using? Need more info dude
  17. C

    How do u no if its done without a magnifying glass?

    u can get a scope at radio shack if u have one near. Paid 7 bucks for mine, think it is 40x zoom and has a light built into it, if u wanted one before urs arrives
  18. C

    Lucas with Hempy Buckets?

    Currently doing a hempy bucket grow in a rubber made tote. 100% perlite. Just switched over to flower last night. Not sure on ur nutes,as I am using GH organic nutes. If u havent done hempy yet, u wont be disappointed. Couple things for ya though. Growth at first will be slow, till the roots hit...
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    New From Ohio

    400w hps at the end of the week is what I meant
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    New From Ohio

    Hey guys, been lurking for a while now. The info I have learned from here has been awesome. Currently on my second grow. Doing a hempy grow in an 18 gallon tote, all perlite, currently in week 4 of veg under a 400w M/H, plan on swtching over to 400w at the end of the week. I will post pics when...