Stolen crops

Well, I woke up this morning to find out my greenhouse had been raided and some fucker stole all of my plants. I was furious, absolutly devistated.

Has anyone else ever had their hard work and time fucked by some fucktard who probably doesnt even know how to care for plants? My plants hadnt even showed sex yet, excluding 2 autos, and all of them will probably go to waste because the person that stole them doesnt know what i was feeding and how often.
I only told 2-3 people who I trust, because i knew if i told more then i could garuntee it would get stolen. Think its best not to tell anybody because you cant be sure wether or not they will tell others. Learnt from my mistakes though and the main reason i posted was to hopefully make others learn from my mistake so that it doesnt happen to them and avoid feeling the shit i felt when i found out what went on.

You know what else is sickening too, is that I was awake while they did it because i couldnt sleep, (insomnia or some shit, yet to get diagnosed) but my room is on the opposite side of the house so I didnt catch them in the act :(


Active Member
did you happen to see that thread someone started about selling out your friend????

people are scandalous individuals and want what you have without the investment, so they are dishonest and steal from people like you or me.
one of your 2 or 3 friends could have gotten big eyes or had big mouths, or just plain ol dishonest people.


Active Member
I only told 2-3 people who I trust, because i knew if i told more then i could garuntee it would get stolen. Think its best not to tell anybody because you cant be sure wether or not they will tell others. Learnt from my mistakes though and the main reason i posted was to hopefully make others learn from my mistake so that it doesnt happen to them and avoid feeling the shit i felt when i found out what went on.
Next time assume ten people will know for every person you tell whether you trust or not.
did you happen to see that thread someone started about selling out your friend????

people are scandalous individuals and want what you have without the investment, so they are dishonest and steal from people like you or me.
one of your 2 or 3 friends could have gotten big eyes or had big mouths, or just plain ol dishonest people.
Yeah i see where your coming from, but i planned on sharing anyways and they knew it, that was the plan. + i was growing a plant for one of the 2-3 friends because he has no idea about growing, and when i told him about the news i think he was just as shocked as i was.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Out of site out of mind. Don't tell no one and you're safer off that way. If you want to share your finished product with them then do so but never tell anyone that you are growing. I know 5 people that grow because the first guy was leaving town for 7 days and he told me how to take care of his plants and showed me how to take clones and told me that if I want I can take a few more. They all know each other but they don't know that they all grow. The only reason why they trust me is because they told me stuff that I have never told anyone else but also because it more or less goes into the temp memory area and isn't remembered.


thats sucks .... i had one of my plants stolen. And it was 2 months before even knowing wether its male or female..... i hope its a male. BASTARDS!!!!! Hope you find the culprit. maybe it was a neighbor?? Did anyone make any phone calls to you?? maybe to see where you were and what you were doing?? I mean if it were one of yer friends that you told, depending on the amount that was stolen, wouldnt you find out?? like where did they get all the precious weed thats looks similiar to what you were growing or even a flow of cash that came out of nowhere. But then again maybe it was a neighbor. I got a German Shepard to protect my plants .... lol .... hope she doesnt eat the plants

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Try one of these next time:

Or do what I did and put a Security Cam in the green house. Motion activated, it starts recording to my hard drive, or you could have it record to the 'net if you can secure it.

But then, whatcha gonna do if you were to catch them? End up in jail? I hope not. Rippers just plain suck. There is a special place in hell for them I hope. (Kinda like Hitler in Little Nicki only worse)

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
A security cam is the best way to go. If you have it so that you can watch it live from your house then do it.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I ran the DVR back and watched the cops enter my shop! Man, did THAT suck.

A motion activated cam can also motion activate an alarm at yer house. Something to think about!

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Exactly. The more secure you make your house but it has to be stealth secure because if people can see your stuff well its not going to look so good if the cops can see your system, the better off you are.


New Member
I have a secure stealthy greenhouse design, it's approximately 300 sq ft. This thing is a fortress when it's closed up at night. I'm working on another deal that will fund the greenhouses without the need of a thieving investor. I'll be marketing them in CA first, but I can travel and work in other places as well.


Active Member
and what if you have no idea who the fuck it is stealing your plants even after you get a look at their faces? imho youd want to catch them in the act.
an audible wireless door alarm would be the way to go..

zzZZZzzzZZZ.... BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEP ... oh shit someones stealing my weed, imma grab my gun and go look.
sure sounds better than...damn my weed was stolen, lets review the tape,.... wtf.... who the fuck is that????? guess ill never figure it out.

regardless if someone rips you off and you find out who it is there will be confrontation, may as well catch them in the act so you can prevent it from happening instead of woeing about it after the fact.


Active Member
I've had plants stolen outdoor a few times. Once my buddy accused me of stealing his plants , it was a shitty feelin being accused when you know your innocent. I personally tell nobody otherwise there is no way I would get any sleep knowing somebody else knows what I'm doing. Karma is a bitch so what these thieves do will come right back to them but worste. Stay positive and grow smart!
I think both alarms and cams are in order next time, either that or ill find some money and start an indoor garden. I like the sound of motion activated alarms aswell, seems like a nifty idea. Ill be prepared for them next time, but hopefully this will be the first, and last time.
My wife decided to show her friend my first grow while I was at work. Needless to say, one of my plants came up missing. I was beyond furious.only thing I could come up with is she jacked it and stuck it in her car while my old lady was in the can. I hate thieves. I would like to see public hangings come back for people that get caught doing stuff lie this.

Sorry for ur loss man,but, it gives u reason to start another grow.


Active Member
Man that sux mate.

What kind of cunt would steal another man's plant? , esp if they aint even flowering?.

Thats just a idiotic thing to do , atleast if they where flowering as bullshit as it Is I could kinda understand why they stole them.