Lucas with Hempy Buckets?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am going to start some Hempy Buckets. They will be done with a 100% Perlite in 2.5 gallon buckets. I would like to do 8 under a 600watt Hps light, I will be using clones and seeds. Now I'm looking to use the Lucas Formula for my grow, I'm looking for anyone out here who is using this currently and what there results are? Also how much water daily do u supply ur buckets with at seedling, vegging and then flowering stage? How much do u nute weekly? And when u flush do u empty ur bucket completely? How are ur yields with hempy? And how is ur overall final product?
Currently doing a hempy bucket grow in a rubber made tote. 100% perlite. Just switched over to flower last night. Not sure on ur nutes,as I am using GH organic nutes. If u havent done hempy yet, u wont be disappointed. Couple things for ya though. Growth at first will be slow, till the roots hit the rez. Mine took off once they hit the rez. Second, not sure what kind of perlite ur gonna use, but make sure u rinse it first, especially if its that miracle grow stuff that has nutes premixed with it. I ran a couple gallons of ph'd water through mine before I put my ladies in just to make sure I gave it an extra rinse and to make sure my ph run off was correct. I flush just like using soil, I dont replace all of the perlite. Good luck with ur grow


Well-Known Member
I'm was going to go with GH Hydro nutes , Micro and Bloom? Do u use spring water or distiller water? Do u just water for the first couple of weeks ? And how much water do u give ur plants in a 2.5 gallon container?? Or do u water with nutes everyday till roots hit res?


Well-Known Member
Also when u flush , how much water do u give ur plants? Is the growth much faster with hempy than soil?


Active Member
If you haven't bought nutrients yet and are using the Lucas, Advanced has the Jungle Juice which IS THE EXACT same as the GH flora micro bloom. They even have the lucas measurements on the label. They are on sale everywhere too!


Active Member
Do u just water for the first couple of weeks ? And how much water do u give ur plants in a 2.5 gallon container?? Or do u water with nutes everyday till roots hit res?

You're gonna need to water every day until roots hit the rez. Then depending on the drainage of your medium you could be watering every 2-4 days. With %100 perlite you'll probably be watering more often. And that'll go for the duration of the plants life. The rez at the bottom needs to be filtered with new fresh nutrients. Think of it as a more primal version of dwc. But in a beautiful way as this is the way I plan on ny first grow coming up. Except I'm going to be using coco coir with either perlite or hydroton at the bottom.

For those out there who have the experience, was there much difference between plants grown in perlite and coir?? Just wondering,.

Mine r in an 18 gallon tote. Started them off in a party cup with a rapid rooter. Once transplanted, I watered every other day, every day was to much for the plants. Used distilled water for about a week then started with the go box, quarter strength for what is recommended for the first week. I went with water,feed,water, bumping up my Ml every feed. The plants will tell whats going on.

I love hempy, I wont go back to soil


Well-Known Member
i ve lost interested in the soil because ph always screwed me up big time ! i just cant afford to buy PH tester...but im considering to start hempy buckets...i would like to ask y all some questions....can i start hempy bucket without ph tester or its must to have one? for sure i will have to feed plant with cal mg every three weeks or four weeks ? and i will try to feed plant with alaska fish 5-1-1- nutes when the flower stage i will use alaska fish 0-10-10. i would like to hear your thoughts on this one...thanks.


Well-Known Member
do you need to pick up cal mag when doing hempy buckets 100% perlite, is there any advantage to doing hempy buckets 4 part perlite 1 part vermiculite?? does anyone do hempy buckets with the new lucas formula just 8ml flor nova bloom the whole grow??


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me out with this, just looking to hear someone's experience on hempy buckets


Well-Known Member
I have not yet done them, but have done a lot of research on them.

YES you can do the lucas formula, although most people recommend (myself included) to use the three-series/tri-pack that has GRO in it. I was using the lucas formula at first, and it work o.k., but you will find yourself less prepared to analyze problems with nutrients in the future.. since most people use the tri-pack, and usually do not have many problems. One problem you will most likely run into is Cal/mag deficiency. Another will probably be silica deficiency.

YES you can use 100% perlite, WORKS GREAT.

NO I wouldnt use tap water. Fuck that shit. Get a reverse osmosis system (expensive) or a GOOD filter that does not JUST filter out the chlorine SMELL AND TASTE BUT THE ACTUAL FUCKIN CHEMICAL...(also pricey, but not as bad) A lot of filters will only filter out the taste/smell.


Buy 5gal jugs of filtered. To save on money, I am going to have my run-off drain into my tray from the buckets, then drain into a reservoir. I will then use this run off for the next feeding (added with fresh water, to a much lower ppm). Then I will do the traditional flush, but on the third feeding instead of 2nd.

Traditionally hempies are fed then flushed, then fed then flushed on a 1/2 strength solution once the roots hit the drink


Well-Known Member
Questions I didn't get to a second ago:

Overall yield is phenomenal for most people in the Hempy - but depends on the strain and all sorts of other shit.

I am assuming you do not have a ppm reader, but you should get one probably. tri-meters are the best, they will tell you water temp, pH, and ppm(nute strength). But since you don't have one, I would buy a syringe from WalGreens or any pharmacy, and use mL, not tsp. Teaspoons are fuckin spoons.. they vary, and this is kind of a science/art. I want to be precise! -and so should you-. Start on 1/4 strength, or NO NUTE for at least two weeks. Then go to 1/4 strength after 2 weeks(remember every second feeding is straight water) then after 1 month up it to 1/3 strength or to 1/2 strenght. BUT START SLOW AND LOW. "slow and low",... *copyright pending*, jk. But a lot of people will tell you different things, because they have different plants.. every strain reacts differently , so you must feel out the plants.... I had two JackHammers die on me, while my Killing Fields were THRIVING on the juice... it was just too much for the JackHammers.. only one remains.

try something for a few days or a week, and if doesnt work try something else.

also saw in your last post ur lucas formula is off for GH Flora-series

8ml MICRO - 16ml BLOOM is the FULL STRENGTH. you will give them the same proportion, smaller doses. (mL) start with straight spring water for 2wk, then go to 2ml micro-4ml bloom per gallon. again, do not forget to give them the reg water the next day or the 2nd day. Depending on what medium (lava-perlite-marble-hydroton) you will water them 1-2 days
Anyways thats what I got for now nigga. hope thats helps