Need Help With Plant issues! THE CLAW!!!!


Active Member
*Ok so, I water it about once every 4 days.
*Almost always nute.
*Im getting the Claw just one of my plants.
*My PH is good.(soil/water) <--- it was much better than i thought as i almost never check it.



Active Member
The leaf pics are from bottom branches. It could be from just slopping around my nutes on them or no light.

The clawing is only on the top of the plant.

Charlie Who?

Active Member
I had the eagle claw a couple times. Im pretty sure it's from too much Nitro. I could be wrong! But mine stopped when I cut back on the nutes.

Im sure somebody who knows more than me will come along and answer this for both of us, LOL. Meantime...cut back.

In my case., what was weird was, I had four plants, same strain (Black Widow) and three of them LOVED their food. But that one....she didnt. When I cut her back on the nutes, she got happy again. Evidently, one pheno may have diff requirements than her sisters.



Active Member
Im using 1000w HPS atm. She hella far away like 3-4 feet, shes one of my corner plants. shes a mango.

*with that being said shes also far from my fans and in some of the warmer parts. (- going to move her to the front -)

*feeding day is tomorrow so i will just use good PH balanced water.

I will post tomorrow evening pics hope it works out.


Active Member
New update.

The Claw is loosing its grip!
After moving it and feeding it only PH bal water 68ppm. The grip is releasing! Hoping she will go back to being one of my favorites =)
Thank you all for your comments.