Hempy\water ??


Well-Known Member
I plan on trying out some hempy buckets for the first time, I will be going with 2.5 gallon buckets and 100% perlite as my medium. I will be using clones, my question is, when I transfer the clones to the hempy buckets, do I give it 2 gallons of water per my 2.5 gallon containers right away? Or do I give it like a quart of water everyday till the roots hit the bottom?? also should I feed it light nutes at this time?? If so how much?? Will be using GH Nutes and Lucas formula, need help from all the hempy growers out here.


New Member
I plan on trying out some hempy buckets for the first time, I will be going with 2.5 gallon buckets and 100% perlite as my medium. I will be using clones, my question is, when I transfer the clones to the hempy buckets, do I give it 2 gallons of water per my 2.5 gallon containers right away? Or do I give it like a quart of water everyday till the roots hit the bottom?? also should I feed it light nutes at this time?? If so how much?? Will be using GH Nutes and Lucas formula, need help from all the hempy growers out here.
Water it until Water comes out the drain hole every other day No need for Nutes just yet
When the Roots reach the bottom it will start taking Off then you can go with 25% nutes and increase accordingly

Big Problem with hempys is Root rot. Be careful. And with Perlite It likes to swell up and jam up the holes
I did some Tomatoes in them


Well-Known Member
Is hempy easier to avoid root rot, by doing a 3:1 ratio of perlite to vermiculate?? Do I need to apply cal-mag when using Lucas formula on hempy buckets? So on clones I want to give it enough water that it comes out the hole on the side, once a day?? How many times should I nute a week? Hempy heads, need ur input.


New Member
I would rather use Soil than hempy buckets
Less mess
Less Bother
Hydroton works better than Perlite I know
Root rot will occur on occasion
Yes you still need cal mag even with hempys
You could just use some epsom salts if you got enough calcium dissolved in your tap water
Put a piece of screen on the inside of ur container over the hole, so ur perlite doesnt come out. Growth will be slow until the roots hit the res.

As far as yield and if its better, every one has their own preference and their way is better than what any one else has or wants to try, so if u want to try hempy, then give it a try. I personally like to grow in all types of ways and mediums. Thats how u learn and gain experience. Good luck dude


Well-Known Member
I have Hempy in 20 Litre Buckets
I use 50/50 Coco/Perlite , have been happy with the results so far.......
I water every 2-3 days....
Full Nutes, just make sure there dry before watering again ( prevents stagnate water art in bottom of bucket ).

Simple to use system!
Quick & Easy.
Great for LAZY STONERS like me!
I have Hempy in 20 Litre Buckets
I use 50/50 Coco/Perlite , have been happy with the results so far.......
I water every 2-3 days....
Full Nutes, just make sure there dry before watering again ( prevents stagnate water art in bottom of bucket ).

Simple to use system!
Quick & Easy.
Great for LAZY STONERS like me!

What ppms and ph are you running with full feed every time????? VERY curious.

I've got a total cluster f#$k on my hands here. https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/464819-hempy-buckets-absolutely-disgusted-disappointed.html With another PIC thread within that one. Any help met with massive gratitude.