Where do cops buy all their steroids?

what's your friends name? Jose Canseco? lol
Ha ha, thats funny. Any one see what carlos zambrano did the other nigjt agains atlanta? Now that, I truely do believe,.was roid rage.

And that guy, my friend, he is a cop, lol. He is trying to dump the rest of his tren on me rigjt now, lol.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
talking about roids, I was watching celebrity rehab the other day and that one dude just dumped over 10 grand of growth hormone alone! wish I had money to throw away like that

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
maybe, maybe not. alistair has the frame to put on muscle. so far he has never failed a drug test. marquardt on the other hand....


Well-Known Member
ARMY. Topic came up to our captain, he said, and ill quote here, «we dont test for them, so we cant accuse you of doing them». They only test for weed and heavy drugs in the military, not roids.

And dude, I have no reason to come on here and lie to a bunch of faceless people on a forum. I am way past the age of caring if people think im cool or not based off some shit I say. Thats highschool shit. No sweat off my sack if u believe me or not, im just contributing to the thread by sharing my experiences.

I have a whole companu of infantrymen to back me up on what I say, who do u have to back you up that its bull shit? Personal experience in the military, or just going off what some one else told you?
USMC 03-09 0311 Infantrymen 3/1 Kilo / 1/9 Scout sniper team. 2 combat deployments 2 MEU/ in theater
So yes believe me when i say you are full of shit on the roids topics. As soon as the leadership saw this they should report it as you will be fucking up the whole fire team and all the way up to you fellow brothers in your whole platoon. And if they didn't they sorry you had such shit bag leadership.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, thats funny. Any one see what carlos zambrano did the other nigjt agains atlanta? Now that, I truely do believe,.was roid rage.

And that guy, my friend, he is a cop, lol. He is trying to dump the rest of his tren on me rigjt now, lol.
My friend the "Weed Fairy" is dropping off a few pounds in my house in a min. Keep telling the bastard. No more!


Well-Known Member
i thought the rage was just the effects of the cop swallowing his partners unborn kids,learn something new everyday


Well-Known Member
lol first i was like how the fuck he make 1 smily face.

but yea roid rage is a myth,there just mad they got a stomach full of nut.it's probably hell on the digestion process an that means less donuts for them.A cop going through donut withdraw is scary.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
he knows how to cycle real good....
lol, maybe. but until he gets caught with his pants down, he's still clean. he would beat down dos santos either way though, hahahaha:clap:

I think alot cops got their connect from the gyms they frequent. who wouldn't wanna be a cops connect? favor for favor


Active Member
roid rage is all a myth. its just an excuse for people to be able to freak out and blame it on roid rage.

"One of the world's biggest myths. The term is used to describe aggression, as seen from users of anabolic steroids. Usage of the term originates from (and now perpetuates) the myth that steroids make people aggressive.
In reality, increased testosterone improves mood, cognitive function, confidence, libido, and has many other positive effects as well. Some users have claimed, however, that they bring out who you really are. So if you're a dick with emotional problems, steroids will not fix your problems but just give you the balls to be an even bigger dick"


Well-Known Member
roid rage is all a myth. its just an excuse for people to be able to freak out and blame it on roid rage.

"One of the world's biggest myths. The term is used to describe aggression, as seen from users of anabolic steroids. Usage of the term originates from (and now perpetuates) the myth that steroids make people aggressive.
In reality, increased testosterone improves mood, cognitive function, confidence, libido, and has many other positive effects as well. Some users have claimed, however, that they bring out who you really are. So if you're a dick with emotional problems, steroids will not fix your problems but just give you the balls to be an even bigger dick"
Hmm really you don't think the excessive testosterone will have any aggressive effect on your pituitary gland. Go pick up a few med books and read through them a little. bet ya 5$ you'll change your mind ;)


Active Member
Hmm really you don't think the excessive testosterone will have any aggressive effect on your pituitary gland. Go pick up a few med books and read through them a little. bet ya 5$ you'll change your mind ;)
it might make you a little aggressive but everyone blames it on roid rage when in reality there just crazy to begin with or mommy and daddy didnt pay them enough attention when they were little. its a bullshit term in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
They have "connects" within the dept. who have been doing it for years. That or their just Injecting their ASS with the roids their confiscating off drug busts.
The only things cops inject into their asses is each others big fat steroid bloated cocks,and they love it too :hump:
USMC 03-09 0311 Infantrymen 3/1 Kilo / 1/9 Scout sniper team. 2 combat deployments 2 MEU/ in theater
So yes believe me when i say you are full of shit on the roids topics. As soon as the leadership saw this they should report it as you will be fucking up the whole fire team and all the way up to you fellow brothers in your whole platoon. And if they didn't they sorry you had such shit bag leadership.
Let me be the firat on this thread to say thank you for serving our country. soldiers and vets dont get any where near the thanks that they should.

As far as the leadership, they were only doing what they needed too to get to the next rank, preached it reliougsly. Funny story about our CO. he actually sent some one back from a training mission to get his moose for his hair, lol. He was a douche bag, more or less.

Like I said, they were fully aware of what was going on and didnt st op it till the CSM said something to our CO about the PT scores.

The guy I used to biy from was actually ex marine, and he said that he also did them while in service, just what he told me thoug.

As for the weed fairy comment, did u even read the whole thread? I work very closely with a local PD in ohio, so believe me or not about him being a cop, no big deal to me. You can google about a,bunch of cops here getting suspended for steriods not to long ago. Maybe if I had a higher thread count on here u would belive it. Seems to be the way most people are judged on most forums.