Herm obviously but How? Immaculent Conception?


Well-Known Member
DSCN5940.jpgDSCN5934.jpgWTF? According to what I've read the way seeds are created is that pollen from a male sticks to a female pistel that then dries in a period of 2-3 days then the seed begins to grow in the calex right? If that's the case what are these seeds doing growing out of a split calex with very much live pistels coming out of the top of the emerging seed? Plants are Ice grown in Foxfarm Ocean Forest watered with well water at 7.6 ph and 225 ppm ec Nutes were very light use of Jacks profesional grow and bloom at the appropriate stages. Not that I think that matters as this issue has plagued me for a couple of years even after using RO filtered water (which was a waste of money and time). No Light leaks, checked myself and grow room is lined with 4 mil black plastic both under the inside sheathing and under the outside siding. Temps maintained in the in the mid 70's, 2 400 watt mh's to grow and 2 hps to bloom and no sign of nanners or flowers. really very frustrating.


Active Member
you sure they are seeds?

i had a pant one time with very small seed-ish looking things in the buds, but you could crumble them up in your fingers just like bud, still to this day i have no idea what they were or what caused it but they smoked fine, well it wasn't the most potent weed, just some bag seed, but it tasted fine and gave you a nice clear high, i also harvested early because of them.

not that this is of any help but just sharing an experience.


Active Member
deff looks like a seed to me....weird i had gotten seeds from my last harvest too but after very close examination during trimming i found nanners, but not necesarily bad thing cuz i think the seeds are gonna be feminized, but i could be wrong lol, i didnt have no hermies or males at all just found some nanners....i think i got mine from flowering a tad too long tho....yours are lookin really good man(obviously not done but still..) i grew ice last time and thats the one got seeds on too.....weird
Some times its in the seeds genetics that cause it to herm. Doesnt matter if ur growing conditions are perfect or not. If its in the genes, ur pretty much screwed. Thats the chance u take using bag seed. Those beans could have come from a plant that was also herm and thats what caused it. And dont believe all the hype that hermies produce female seeds. If the bean comes from a hermie, its more than likely going to grow into a hermie. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
the plants in question are Ice from Nirvana not bagseed. Ice as we all know is an award winner from way back and I would think by now have fairly stable genetics. I've been chopping and trimming and looking for nanners and male flowers and haven't found any yet.