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  1. OGKush00


    Yeah if you saw preflowers already, that is definitely a male sac, so yes indeed you have Hermie traits. Same things happened to me last grow with my mazar, but instead of chopping her i decided to rip of the sac aand see if any others developed. None did. The plant flowered as well as the 2...
  2. OGKush00

    Week 4 going on 5 of veg

    And do not worry about the males so much, if you check your grow room frequently there should be no possible way for them to nut pollen all over the place before you can catch them. :leaf:
  3. OGKush00

    Week 4 going on 5 of veg

    IT is really up to you. IF you want MONSTERS, than let them go to 3 ft before you flower, but if you want some nice decent sized plants, flower them after they reach 12 in. Remember, Flowering plants double to triple the size they were in vege phase. :leaf:
  4. OGKush00

    seedling lighting question????

    yes :leaf:
  5. OGKush00

    Do most bad seeds become Hermies?

    its 50/50. Plants usually turn shemale due to stress, light leaks, and a few other variables brought on by the grower. first bagseed I ever grow i started 4 plants, and oddly enough i got 2 males and 2 females. sometimes you will get lucky and get all girls, or unlucky with all boys, but if you...
  6. OGKush00

    will this lamp work?

    Shit I think you would be better off with CFLs than Incandescent... Although growing with incandescent bulbs is far from my area of knowledge, but it does not sound as efficient as growing with CFLs, MH, or HPS lights. LED for that matter. :leaf:
  7. OGKush00

    weak ass stems.

    I agree and disagree. I have some GWS, and some freebie seeds that i was given by Seed Boutique. The GWS filled out great, thick stems, great growth, great yield. Could not ask for better quality of a plant that all of these GWS had. Right next to them were the freebie seeds, that are not...
  8. OGKush00


    Water when you feel that the pot that your plant is in feels dry... What i mean by this is, feel the weight of your pot when the first inch or so of your soil is dry and it is looking ready for a water so you know what the dry weight is.. then after you water your girls, feel the difference...
  9. OGKush00

    Thanks To everyone here! This Buds 4 u!

    congrats bro, you're going to love the GWS once it's done.. make sure you give it enough time though, if you give it like an extra week than it needs it gets RRRREEEEAL funky smelling and tasting, i cured for 2 months and every time i smoke these nugs the taste is more than delightful. :leaf:
  10. OGKush00

    Unexpected move plants not ready

    yeah bro it's just going to be a big disappointment in 16 days :leaf:
  11. OGKush00

    Water Choice???

    you could boil it than let it cool to room temp, or if your water isn't too "hard" you could just let the water sit out uncapped for a few days to let the chlorine evaporate. :leaf:
  12. OGKush00


    It is great to have a 10 degree drop in temp at night, it helps promote nice dense nugs during flowering. :leaf:
  13. OGKush00

    4 weeks into flower with pics!!

    in order for the CFL's to be effective they need to be close to the plant, so it depends on what you mean by "x shape", maybe you could draw a diagram? :leaf:
  14. OGKush00

    4 weeks into flower with pics!!

    CFL's would do the trick for sidelighting
  15. OGKush00

    Mg deficency??

    3 feet is really far away, why so far? :leaf:
  16. OGKush00

    4 weeks into flower with pics!!

    looks like he's got 5g buckets. Some side lighting would definitely be appropriate for your setup cause those babies are quite large for your 400. my first grow i ended up with a 7ft tall plant :leaf:
  17. OGKush00

    Mg deficency??

    the curling and growth retardation could also be from the Nute burn, but a pic without the HPS would be magnificent! :leaf:
  18. OGKush00

    Ona gel? found it for ya :leaf:
  19. OGKush00

    Ona gel?

    outside the grow room, and yes, the stuff works like a charm, find Roseman's recipe for his ona-gel bucket, great idea and it's supposed to cover the whole house with 1 5g bucket.. :leaf:
  20. OGKush00

    Lights for seedlings?

    CFL's work great cause the MH can be a bit much if you keep it to close. As long as it is 15 in. or so above the seedlings they should be fine, just make sure they are not baking. :leaf: