Unexpected move plants not ready


Well-Known Member
Well i recently decided to do a 12/12 from seed with some bagseed. Plants in the pictures are about 5 weeks old. I have to move for work and only have 16 days left to grow these plants...9 in total.

Will cutting the light to 8-10 hours speed the maturing up at all. I would like to get at least a little smoke from them. Or should i not even bother and just kill the op now?



Well-Known Member
wait as long as possible, but i dont think your gonna get any bud thats of any real potency though, but waiting will help. switching to less light wont help/work, it will hurt it actually. if it has less light it has less energy a plant like those need to mature and grow as quickly as possible. make sure you do a full and proper cure, that will help also as during curing some cannaboids that dont really have any use are degraded into thc.
try and revert one back into veg and then keep it in a bag for your entire journey, right near the vents in the car and inside somewhere while traveling, iv done it once before and since the budding is hopeless id say its your best idea. hope that helps,Plants will survive as long as they dont freeze or stay cold for an extended period of time, id say even up to six hours.


Active Member
might as well kill it.. It looks pretty early on in the flowering so I don't think an extra 16 days will get you anything else. If you are spending any money on electricity or nutrients on the plant, I wouldn't bother to continue growing it as the money spent from this point on is a waste in my opinion.. If you have it just under a flourscent or something cheap then you might as well let it grow I guess until you leave but I wouldn't expect much...
actually i just realized your at 5 weeks... try throwing molasses in with your water, the sugars can help plump up your calxyss, and go easy on the nutes and you might be aight for some small immature buds.


Well-Known Member
Gonna keep it going. They are under a 600 watt hps so the meter is ticking but oh well :P Noticed today a few of the white hairs are turning a little orange...good news :D Thanks for all the input...hopefully i can get a little smoke!