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  1. FatMarty

    quiet around here

    Why even poast? Everything offends some pindick.
  2. FatMarty

    quiet around here

    Fuck it deletes all my poasts anymore. That's why I don't post weed images any longer - why waste my time and effort? There's no consistency or reason to believe it will be there in a week. I got some fucking sweet shots of a few now too. Couldn't be happier with the garden at the moment...
  3. FatMarty

    quiet around here

    Man Dr. B*B sure fucked up the medical marihuana law with his advocacy for bona fide physician patient relationship added to the Act. My Doctor would have screwed my form up had his one staff lady been on top of the new rules. He had just done one last week and forgot the initialize part...
  4. FatMarty

    Sound noise from fans

    Bungee Cords work fantastic. Home Depot sell a jug of them for 10 bucks that are perfect for the job. There are several lengths up to like 36" and some other neat stuff in there.
  5. FatMarty

    quiet around here

    Yeah - it's Summer in Michigan and it's time to play outside. I bought a used bicycle and my impulses took over. So looking for a headlight charger turned into a new set of wheels and dynamo, etc. I built my first bicycle wheel and Holy Canoles, (Hamtramack joke there), it was both easy and...
  6. FatMarty

    clean out

    If you were just put on probation then they won't expect you to drop clean. So tell them the truth basically for that aspect if they catch you. But you have bigger problems with the pregnancy: they will most likely want to charge you with endangerment, etc. if you drop dirty. Personally I have...
  7. FatMarty

    STILL having same problems even after switching out nute brands and soil brands

    Your nutes might have just been contaminated by you somehow as well. But they very well could have been the problem even if it was unintentional. It sucks to toss shit out; but sometimes you just have to treat it like an electrical problem in a used car and replace everything that ends with...
  8. FatMarty

    smokin pollen

    I never smoked the male to try and figure out potency; but I have smoked lots of leaves before for pain control. I always figured it is a CBD/CBN thing in the leaves that controls the 'high'. It's definitely a different sort of buzz, and almost always short lived for the 'euphoria' part...
  9. FatMarty

    Another case that will change things

    So I do wonder what sort of test for medical users they will come up with, and when they intend to do it. Knowing they are working on a dispensary bill causes me to think they would want the driving issue resolved as well. If they want tax revenue I don't think it will work if leo sits out in...
  10. FatMarty

    LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

    There is a lesson here: Number one is Dr. Bob is a lying idiot. Number two is you never forgot shit. The Dr. comes over here and fucks with me using your org as props. I was discussing the law - not CPU - I left never to care again. But bring up that memory and mock me? You are going to feel my...
  11. FatMarty

    Prisoners of the marijauna War

    It's all good. This place just went to hell lately. I've been a meanie as well. I apologize too.
  12. FatMarty

    growing in a school zone

    Hey Dr. Bob wants you to enjoy your outdoor grow he lobbied Lansing for; so go for it man. What could go wrong? If anyone asks questions - tell them you are a Grandma and you have glaucoma.
  13. FatMarty

    LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

    Yeah we get it. You are taking credit for everything you like. And you think we should be grateful. You are so wrong but your narcissist leanings won't let you in on the joke. Like I said - I blame you and those of your ilk for the current mess. You sold us out. Thanks for nothing. Please stop...
  14. FatMarty

    LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

    I sent my first post report in for this guy. He keeps advertising his business in his threads and sig file. They just fired a guy here for making that mistake. What makes this 'Dr.' any different?
  15. FatMarty

    LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

    Didn't you lobby Lansing for extra Dr. visits? Now you are outraged that they took your cue and ran with it? I blame all of this horseshit on you and people like you. Really. Thanks for nothing.
  16. FatMarty

    Prisoners of the marijauna War

    He's an idiot. Obviously. He's also a drunk. Obviously. I got a tip for the drunken idiot. Put the bottle down and step away from the computer. Worry about what you need to do to help yourself. Don't worry about the rest of us - we do that part for ourselves. And don't let people you attack on...
  17. FatMarty

    Prisoners of the marijauna War

    No way he has ever had his civil rights violated in the war on drugs. Otherwise he would not be so fucking crass about this. I don't ever sell a damn thing - my friends know that about me. So I'm not overly paranoid about shit. You can't trust leo to do the right thing. These two guys are...
  18. FatMarty

    Prisoners of the marijauna War

    Thanks for the tip officer. Jesus Fuck man. Must be a witness for the persecution.
  19. FatMarty

    MMA Fights and Homeless Buds

    I'll fuck with the site one of these days and get it all setup nice. Just no real ambition to code anything lately. So anyway then we don't leave yet huh? Okay. :mrgreen: I'm a follower. So I guess I should go look at those blueberry pics the Prof posted. I don't know why I even look - I never...
  20. FatMarty

    Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

    Well I got my Grape Stomper done with the seeds. And I saved my clones and will do some testing. If the smoke is right and the offspring are right I will make the seeds. Just under 30 days Veg from seed. Then @73 days Bloom. Guess I'm done here for now. Take care everyone.