quiet around here

I don't even read bobs posts, I knew he was a huge unprofessional turd from the early on.

I read a couple weeks ago that someone in "northern Michigan " had captured a real nice cougar on their trail can. The pics are cool. The Guy did not want to give location of his ranch but said he would give location to dnr. The dnr has said that no mountain lions in Michigan. Any of u ever seen one up there?
Wolves are more prevalent. About two decades ago I stopped at a roadside trappers stand, near copper harbor, and he had all kinds of animal pelts spilling out the back of his truck. I was mesmerized by the black bear and a stack of big-dog pelts (wolves), then it sickened me and I left wanting to skin the trapper.
Yeah that pisses me off when I see these shows with trappers on it..some Alaskan asshole trapping /torturing animals for a hide.
Hey sunni! You forgot to erase a few of my posts! What the fuck!!

;-) :finger:

Fuck it deletes all my poasts anymore.
That's why I don't post weed images any longer - why waste my time and effort?
There's no consistency or reason to believe it will be there in a week.

I got some fucking sweet shots of a few now too.
Couldn't be happier with the garden at the moment.


Guess that will have to do.
Why is it Quiet around here? I can only speak for myself, a new guy to the site with no bias...I'd say its because of the generally rude, better than thou, punk ass attitude...

Funny thing is I bet these same people would not act this way face to face...
@Mr. Ganja: Just drop the boys off at the sand dunes. If you end up on the lake shore, look for Otter Creek beach, off Esch Road. Also, Pyramid point is a must.

Would love to see a wild cougar from a distance. Never seen a bear in the Lower, but heard of them. Also, have not seen wolves yet; will keep looking.
We absolutely have cougars (mountain lions, puma, etc.) in this state!

My veterinarian used to be the vet for the zoo. His specialty was the big cats...the man can identify an animal when he sees it...

He says he sees a cougar almost every time he goes to his cabin on Drummond Island. He's seen them in the Northern LP too.

He always reports the sitings to the DNR but they poo-poo him. He says they don't want to admit it because then they'd have a lot of paperwork to do.
Much respect for the members here but this thread turned to shit like all of the other ones. Dr Bob gets people all fired up and the threads go straight into the shitter. We are way more productive than this guys. Most of you are very intelligent people. Lets have productive discussions again. I've learned alot for these forums at RIU.
information i've gained through this site has been priceless. but has been very time consuming reading through page after page of bs and in fighting to find the info i was in need of. not just here in the mi forum but throughout the entire site. had to sift through a 200 page thread full of argueing, name calling and menial childish threats just to have 1 stupid question answered and it's usually just one or two shit starters
I used to be a real hot head. I finally learned that it does no good to get into arguments online or elsewhere. Lots of people are still full of it but now I just take their comments with a chuckle and don't respond. There still seems to be a lot of good people online and a chance to learn something new. Maybe make a few friends along the way.

"Code of the West" is another one that I liked. All about Montana Medical Marijuana program and the efforts to repeal it. I'd post it but, I'm on a mobile and can't find a free YouTube link.
I don't even read bobs posts, I knew he was a huge unprofessional turd from the early on.

I read a couple weeks ago that someone in "northern Michigan " had captured a real nice cougar on their trail can. The pics are cool. The Guy did not want to give location of his ranch but said he would give location to dnr. The dnr has said that no mountain lions in Michigan. Any of u ever seen one up there?
. Yes sir I have seen one. Out in the two-tracks around Harrison.
Why is it Quiet around here? I can only speak for myself, a new guy to the site with no bias...I'd say its because of the generally rude, better than thou, punk ass attitude...

Funny thing is I bet these same people would not act this way face to face...

I come here to get info on MM, and I would like to meet some likeminded people in the GR area....I'm real shy and don't know how to meet ppl other than on the Internet...lol

Some of the posts here are way over my head tho.