MMA Fights and Homeless Buds

I've noticed several times my rep go backward. It was at almost 2000, I noticed a few days ago pics, posts missing from way back and my shit is at 700. lmao. Half the bars my my name are gone.
I've been getting demoted daily. lmao. Not even sure how long ago they/he did it. I got into twice with him. Mrs RD ban, which was complete bullshit. And Dr. Bob. Ya, how did the doctor do on here again?
Don't even get me started on that bullshit. Well after I explained myself he kept repeating himself and treating me like I'm nuts. Stump is banned, RD-MI is banned. The whole forum is a fucking clown fest anymore.
It isn't even worth trying to work out or sort out.
Damn glad, sorry to hear about your dad. That has to be tough to go thru. My folks are getting old too, and I'm dreading the day I have to deal with that.

This site is getting pretty worn out. One pissing match after another. PM me your user name on the mag and I'll look for you over there. Much better ju-ju on that site

It's the same. There and the mitten. I don't post much on icmag cuz I don't know many people and usually when I'm on that site... I'm reading. Smart fuckers over there. I come back here
to shoot the shit, but it's just worse by the day. Think I'm gonna be on green mitten the most. Same username there too. Only other username I've used on a site is medicatedacres or maybe
it's medicatedacresup. That's on the depot. Just could never really roll with the vibe on that site though. Lord knows I've tried to like that site a dozen times. lmao.
Yes I like the other guys the news of your dad did not swallow well. How is JoJo?

What happened to that guy that was tough and wanted to call me out?

Yes Fat Marty it is over.
Real good thing to take a fucking child too you morons! Nice thinking beans you are a mastermind to all.

That is just what the next generation needs...To be taught by the likes of men like you.
Where does it say I took a child? Time to switch out your meds buckwheat.
I would take my children to a MMA fight. They watch UFC when we buy it & all of them are involved in Martial Arts, on track to be black belts by age 18. I grew up taking Kempo & then Kuk Sool Won in college. Martial arts builds physical & mental strength...teaches respect & discipline...not to mention self reliance & confidence. MMA is good.
I would take my children to a MMA fight. They watch UFC when we buy it & all of them are involved in Martial Arts, on track to be black belts by age 18. I grew up taking Kempo & then Kuk Sool Won in college. Martial arts builds physical & mental strength...teaches respect & discipline...not to mention self reliance & confidence. MMA is good.
i agree somewhat man i plan to do the same with my kid only thing i disagree with is your kids prolly learned respect and discipline from there parents (you lol) martial arts is a tool to be used and i bet your kids are great respectful human beings but put that power in the hands of a terrible person and bad shit can happen.
I would take my children to a MMA fight. They watch UFC when we buy it & all of them are involved in Martial Arts, on track to be black belts by age 18. I grew up taking Kempo & then Kuk Sool Won in college. Martial arts builds physical & mental strength...teaches respect & discipline...not to mention self reliance & confidence. MMA is good.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I agree completely, all sports but, martial arts especially can teach you so much it is hard to quantify. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Some aspects of UFC glorify certain aspects of violence but, the upper tier of UFC fighters are great[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]people. I have watched some great documentaries this week on netflix. The one on Anderson Silvia [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]was really well done. Silva is very enlightened human and if your kids looked up to him, they have a [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]very good role model. I know training Bushidokia for most of my youth made me a more confidant[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]and peaceful person. Your ego is what gets you into fights, confidence is what allows you to walk [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]away from them.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
Not going away, just tired of fucking with this site.
Either a mod doesn't like me here and/or rollitup.
I'm beyond tired of them fucking with my shit here.
This michigan forum is well beyond fucked IMHO and has been.
If they think I am to blame, maybe I am.
Either way... fuck 'em.
It isn't worth it anyway.
Dad is dying, I won't be and can't be online as much.
I'm posting a few pics that I just took and heading to camp for a few days.
Me and Chicago are gonna get good and fucked up.
I'm going to try and add service to my ipad and stay hooked up with a few other sites.
I was never able to post pics on your site, add karma or any of that I had huge high hopes of fat farmers kicking ass.
Probably hang out on the mag and mitten. This is like attempt number 5 at leaving this place. Whatever. lol.

I'll fuck with the site one of these days and get it all setup nice.
Just no real ambition to code anything lately.

So anyway then we don't leave yet huh?
Okay. :mrgreen:
I'm a follower.
So I guess I should go look at those blueberry pics the Prof posted.
I don't know why I even look - I never like Blueberry.
I'm stupid that way.
I'll fuck with the site one of these days and get it all setup nice.
Just no real ambition to code anything lately.

So anyway then we don't leave yet huh?
Okay. :mrgreen:
I'm a follower.
So I guess I should go look at those blueberry pics the Prof posted.
I don't know why I even look - I never like Blueberry.
I'm stupid that way.

Your smart that way though as Blueberry is over rated and simply mediocre at best when all said and done lol .. Dont get me wrong , I do enjoy growing it like any other ugly strain lol
I'll fuck with the site one of these days and get it all setup nice.
Just no real ambition to code anything lately.

So anyway then we don't leave yet huh?
Okay. :mrgreen:
I'm a follower.
So I guess I should go look at those blueberry pics the Prof posted.
I don't know why I even look - I never like Blueberry.
I'm stupid that way.

Follower my ass. We have 2 threads going of your creations.
You are a leader and a breeder brother.
Hazeman ain't got nothing on ya Marty.

Real deal old blueberry in Oregon was one of top 5 all time faves ...dank n beautiful n tasted n smelled just Luke blueberry muffins...haven't had it outside of Eugene but I bet someone is hoarding it somewhere.