Seems I missed most of what was said, but it came up because marty used my real name for wtvr reason I don't know. Anyhow,... After seeing what was written, I do know Marty. When I left 3MA as Site and Staff Administrator and started my own forum(MCP) there were a lot of disgruntled people because of what went down with the money and leadership of 3MA and we kinda bunched together and hung out at my website(MCP) and many of us became friends. COOL.
(history) I always thought we had passed this great law(MMMAct), we should be advocating for proper implementation of the law, protecting patients, protecting the Act and we should do this by professionally speaking to members of the government and educating them on the MMMAct. There was a couple failed efforts towards this. Once was in 3MA in 2009 with myself and a gentlemen in Lansing that never got off the ground due to no interest in 3MA. Anyhow, the next attempt was in January 2010 when there was A group that was in the rumblings of forming centered around "Victor Vicious" and was called the
Michigan Medical Cannabis Advocacy and Education Coalition. It sounded interesting and was going to do the exact things I thought we should do by hiring a proper lobbyist and positioning the medical cannabis movement in a place where we can protect our law from misguided and misinformed politicians; Lansing. There were a couple meetings of this group between January and April of 2010 culminating at a meeting in Ann Arbor at Hash Bash to get people together and figure out what and how the organization would exist. Marty was at this meeting as was anyone who wanted to be. We met, had a good time. Ate etc etc. 
Anyhow, unfortunately, that group collapsed and nothing more ever happened of that group. "Vicious" unfortunately had alternative plans involving issues which we now know is not legal under Sec. 4 to fund the group, and it just wasn't and didn't happen.
That is when 3 of us got together who attended that meeting and decided to start a real organization and hire a proper lobbyist and do what is right for the patients of Michigan. Protect the Law. This was the origin of CPU.
Once we finally decided on how we would do it, we had to get members who were willing to pay a decent chunk of money out of their own pockets every month to maintain the services of a really nice and awesome lobbyist. We sent in grandma to be our lobbyist as I affectionately said. 
And so it was done.
The problem was, we were all very skeptical of what would become of it and it would cost people $1200/yr to be a member of the group. Not exactly chicken scratch. So a group of 5 people from my forum that had become friends decided we would all pitch in together and pay for one membership and have me as the representative of our group. Totally cool. Marty was one of these 4 other people that helped pay for my membership. We are talking like April/May 2010 here.
Anyhow, group was forming and we got enough members to make it happen. We attracted a very professional group of people and made it happen. During the start there, Marty did help us start a website(never used) and did make a banner for us(used once on stationary) and I totally appreciate that help. He made good suggestions and I was able to relay the MCP groups ideas into CPU. Peachy keen.
But due to a meeting we had in the summer, something was said by one member of the CPU to a representative that pissed many of us off and marty had a conniption fit about and then left the group that was helping pay for my membership. I fully stand to be corrected on it but I would say this was in July/August 2010? Anyhow, in August/September 2010 CPU was "actually" formed when we removed a few members of the group for having ulterior motives and restored a purified patient aspect to the group that is always dominated by our core principles and a stranglehold on messaging so as to avoid random members of CPU from saying or giving messages that do not correlate exactly with what our actual positions are.
And honestly, that was when CPU became "CPU" I would say. Fall of 2010, even though we had mostly come together in May 2010.
Unfortunately, Marty had already left and has not seen what seriously awesome work we did, do and have done to protect this law. I don't think even Marty would argue that my positions were always pure and unfortunately, he doesn't realize that those original values we espoused back in the first few months of 2010 is the only thing that dominates the positions of CPU. It is exactly what you(Marty) said you wanted us to be. 
The couple people marty said were problems were ousted only a month or two after he left. Not a big deal. And it has been like 3 years since all that happened now. CPU is an official 501(c)4 corporation now. We do the right thing for the right reasons. All that matters is the patients and caregivers and physicians and the MMMAct. Period. Do what is right for the people, not for the profit.
Ahh well,... not much else I can say on that point. I think Marty understands this, or at least I hope he does.
Anyhow, back on topic,...
I am so sick of this crappy government I can't even say it anymore. Heh.
Always dropping wrenches int he works making it more difficult for people.
All I can say is please vote out Snyder and Schuette this election in 2014. Please do wtvr you can to help defeat those two. It may be the only chance we have to reverse the nonsense they governed over.
There is a lesson here:
Number one is Dr. Bob is a lying idiot.
Number two is you never forgot shit.
The Dr. comes over here and fucks with me using your org as props.
I was discussing the law - not CPU - I left never to care again.
But bring up that memory and mock me?
You are going to feel my blowback.
It was a bad deal for me personally: I watched the dream get bought by the dispensary cats.
You know all I ever wanted was to help the patients get what the law promised.
Now we have felons barred from helping Grandma or Dad: that's not progress.
I don't know what you guys do now, and frankly I don't much care; I quit caring about the big picture, and will work on my own small scale to try and help.
But I won't stand for being slandered and dismissed as some sort of fool by CPU or her agents.
Real name came about on purpose: you claim to represent my interests in Lansing - we deserve to know your fucking identity.
If Victor's name is game - them you and all of your listserv data are game - it's that simple.
Now go apologize to the lawyers for breaking their trust and tell them if you don't fuck with me I won't publish.
I walked away and I mean to be rid of it - end of story.
I am done with this.