LARA Changes the rules again- SSD no longer qualifies for reduced fee

Try reading comprehension before making a bigger fool of yourself.
You say you can't respond; but then you do and make no sense whatsoever.

Again: I did not bring up or refer to fucking CPU: it was some other guy.

Tim Beck sat with us at the Little Brown Jug and we came up with a name and a plan and everything.
What he didn't tell us then was that he would sell us out if it benefited him.
You weren't there. I was.
You talk all this shit and act like a big shot.
If you are going to accuse me of shit Cheese at least know what the fuck you are talking about and who you are talking to.

I got my knowledge via the listserv that Mal opened up to his 'crew' who were dues paying members of CPU.
I sat on my knowledge because I would not snitch; but I tried to get him to turn it around before it was too late.
He laughed my concerns off and challenged me to bring it on via email.
I told him not to worry about me - worry about the people you are betraying and selling out.
I am telling you the same thing.
So fuck off.

Excellent retort. I'll take it under advisement. Mal doesn't remember you at all. Might have been one of the early drop offs. Beck isn't even in CPU.

Every organization has its wannabes.

Dr. Bob

PS, did just get this in.... I asked who you were

Hold on...

I may know who it is. Hmmm, what was his name. He wasn't a member of CPU, but he did get in a pissin match with Tim Beck. He was on my website when I first started it and was around when we were working on starting a group similar to CPU with Victor Hansen.

So, may or may not be you, but pretty clear it was a side show and you were into it with Beck over something.
Ok back to the initial topic of discussion . This change is bullshit and regardless of what others say and do . The discounted application fee was helping out many underprivileged citizens to be honest . The way our Govt does business here in Michigan one would think we are still living in the Treaty era for Christ's sake and I want some trinkets and beads please !

I have contemplated not even registering with the recent changes and rulings , my patients are close family and we do not network or outsource . No need to for this circle so maybe registration is just a waste of time and money . They still can not even keep there end of the bargain so why should we ?

I ll be honest as I do believe this is just the states method of recouping its loss from the new two year card as they initially would be loosing half of there revenue generated by applications alone . Oh I suppose this too could be used to compensate the the police force as the program has already done . So with that said they should allow the underprivileged to use there Bridge Cards to buy the officers doughnuts instead . Might as well starve the disabled too as this is all this increase will do unless a patient is fortunate enough to have a caregiver who foots the bill ! PPS
And what changes will they make next ? I fear this could be the initial move compared to a Chess Game . I hate Chess

The thing I am concerned about is requiring diagnosis codes, then they will have a secret list of what is and is not 'worthy', which they will not share with the certification doctors resulting in more rejections.

Dr. Bob

Boy where to begin. First you confuse CPU with Tim Beck, he is not in the organization any more than you were. Second, the restriction on felons was neither supported or suggested by CPU. It came from the legislative working group, CPU fought it and did manage to get a sunset on non-violent/drug felons using many of the points you stated. Third, you have very little actual fact or knowledge to base your speculation on, so rather than demolish your obscenity ridden tirade, I'll just ignore it.

BTW, I am not the voice of CPU. Don't confuse your dislike of me with your ignorance of a lobbying group. But I really don't care what you choose to believe in your head. I just don't like bad information being put out by people that are clueless.

Now back to the subject of the thread.....
there is a sunset on non-vio (only-drug) felons, does anyone have any other info in that?

Maybe beck was there at the beginning, as Marty said, and they said bye-bye to the schwantz early on.
there is a sunset on non-vio (only-drug) felons, does anyone have any other info in that?

Maybe beck was there at the beginning, as Marty said, and they said bye-bye to the schwantz early on.

Yes there are two kinds of felonies drug/violent and non-violent. With non-violent, you are allowed to be a caregiver again 10 years after conviction. There is a list available to tell which a particular felony falls under.

Dr. Bob
I don't understand what you mean Dr. Bob. They cashed my 25 dollar check on May13 of this year. I sent in a letter from SS saying I was on disability. You can ask for the letter online now at social
You may get lucky woods and I may be wrong about this, but I believe May 29th or something like that was the cutoff date. Anyone at this point that is on SSD alone will not qualify for the reduced fee for the card. If you have SSI or FULL medicaid you will qualify as long as you send the proper paperwork to back that up. If you did not get lucky then you will be receiving a denial letter until you either send them proof of SSI or Full medicaid or you send them the other 75 dollars. If you do get a denial letter they should tell you what you need to do to make it right. Good thing they are looking out for the patients...... ehhhhhhh
Ohhh yea forgot to add that they cash ALL the checks. That does not mean anything except well..... That they received your application and cashed the check.
there is a sunset on non-vio (only-drug) felons, does anyone have any other info in that?

Maybe beck was there at the beginning, as Marty said, and they said bye-bye to the schwantz early on.

Seems I missed most of what was said, but it came up because marty used my real name for wtvr reason I don't know. Anyhow,... After seeing what was written, I do know Marty. When I left 3MA as Site and Staff Administrator and started my own forum(MCP) there were a lot of disgruntled people because of what went down with the money and leadership of 3MA and we kinda bunched together and hung out at my website(MCP) and many of us became friends. COOL.

(history) I always thought we had passed this great law(MMMAct), we should be advocating for proper implementation of the law, protecting patients, protecting the Act and we should do this by professionally speaking to members of the government and educating them on the MMMAct. There was a couple failed efforts towards this. Once was in 3MA in 2009 with myself and a gentlemen in Lansing that never got off the ground due to no interest in 3MA. Anyhow, the next attempt was in January 2010 when there was A group that was in the rumblings of forming centered around "Victor Vicious" and was called the Michigan Medical Cannabis Advocacy and Education Coalition. It sounded interesting and was going to do the exact things I thought we should do by hiring a proper lobbyist and positioning the medical cannabis movement in a place where we can protect our law from misguided and misinformed politicians; Lansing. There were a couple meetings of this group between January and April of 2010 culminating at a meeting in Ann Arbor at Hash Bash to get people together and figure out what and how the organization would exist. Marty was at this meeting as was anyone who wanted to be. We met, had a good time. Ate etc etc. :-)

Anyhow, unfortunately, that group collapsed and nothing more ever happened of that group. "Vicious" unfortunately had alternative plans involving issues which we now know is not legal under Sec. 4 to fund the group, and it just wasn't and didn't happen.

That is when 3 of us got together who attended that meeting and decided to start a real organization and hire a proper lobbyist and do what is right for the patients of Michigan. Protect the Law. This was the origin of CPU.

Once we finally decided on how we would do it, we had to get members who were willing to pay a decent chunk of money out of their own pockets every month to maintain the services of a really nice and awesome lobbyist. We sent in grandma to be our lobbyist as I affectionately said. :-)

And so it was done.

The problem was, we were all very skeptical of what would become of it and it would cost people a big chunk of cash to be a member of the group. Not exactly chicken scratch. So a group of 5 people from my forum that had become friends decided we would all pitch in together and pay for one membership and have me as the representative of our group. Totally cool. Marty was one of these 4 other people that helped pay for my membership. We are talking like April/May 2010 here.

Anyhow, group was forming and we got enough members to make it happen. We attracted a very professional group of people and made it happen. During the start there, Marty did help us start a website(never used) and did make a banner for us(used once on stationary) and I totally appreciate that help. He made good suggestions and I was able to relay the MCP groups ideas into CPU. Peachy keen.

But due to a meeting or brochure or something we had in the summer, something was said by one or two members of CPU that pissed many of us off and marty had a conniption fit about and then left the group that was helping pay for my membership. I fully stand to be corrected on it but I would say this was in July/August 2010? Anyhow, in August/September 2010 CPU was "actually" formed when we removed a few members of the group for having ulterior motives instead of having a purified patient aspect to the group that has and is always dominated by our core principles and we put a stranglehold on messaging so as to avoid random members of CPU from saying or giving messages that do not correlate exactly with what our actual positions are.

And honestly, that was when CPU became "CPU" I would say. Fall of 2010, even though we had mostly come together in May 2010.

Unfortunately, Marty had already left and has not seen what seriously awesome work we did, do and have done to protect this law. I don't think even Marty would argue that my positions were always pure and unfortunately, he doesn't realize that those original values we espoused back in the first few months of 2010 is the only thing that dominates the positions of CPU. It is exactly what you(Marty) said you wanted us to be. :-)

The couple people marty said were problems were ousted only a month or two after he left. Not a big deal. And it has been like 3 years since all that happened now. CPU is an official 501(c)4 corporation now. We do the right thing for the right reasons. All that matters is the patients and caregivers and physicians and the MMMAct. Period. Do what is right for the people, not for the profit.

Ahh well,... not much else I can say on that point. I think Marty understands this, or at least I hope he does.

Anyhow, back on topic,...

I am so sick of this crappy government I can't even say it anymore. Heh.

Always dropping wrenches int he works making it more difficult for people.

All I can say is please vote out Snyder and Schuette this election in 2014. Please do wtvr you can to help defeat those two. It may be the only chance we have to reverse the nonsense they governed over.
Seems I missed most of what was said, but it came up because marty used my real name for wtvr reason I don't know. Anyhow,... After seeing what was written, I do know Marty. When I left 3MA as Site and Staff Administrator and started my own forum(MCP) there were a lot of disgruntled people because of what went down with the money and leadership of 3MA and we kinda bunched together and hung out at my website(MCP) and many of us became friends. COOL.

(history) I always thought we had passed this great law(MMMAct), we should be advocating for proper implementation of the law, protecting patients, protecting the Act and we should do this by professionally speaking to members of the government and educating them on the MMMAct. There was a couple failed efforts towards this. Once was in 3MA in 2009 with myself and a gentlemen in Lansing that never got off the ground due to no interest in 3MA. Anyhow, the next attempt was in January 2010 when there was A group that was in the rumblings of forming centered around "Victor Vicious" and was called the Michigan Medical Cannabis Advocacy and Education Coalition. It sounded interesting and was going to do the exact things I thought we should do by hiring a proper lobbyist and positioning the medical cannabis movement in a place where we can protect our law from misguided and misinformed politicians; Lansing. There were a couple meetings of this group between January and April of 2010 culminating at a meeting in Ann Arbor at Hash Bash to get people together and figure out what and how the organization would exist. Marty was at this meeting as was anyone who wanted to be. We met, had a good time. Ate etc etc. :-)

Anyhow, unfortunately, that group collapsed and nothing more ever happened of that group. "Vicious" unfortunately had alternative plans involving issues which we now know is not legal under Sec. 4 to fund the group, and it just wasn't and didn't happen.

That is when 3 of us got together who attended that meeting and decided to start a real organization and hire a proper lobbyist and do what is right for the patients of Michigan. Protect the Law. This was the origin of CPU.

Once we finally decided on how we would do it, we had to get members who were willing to pay a decent chunk of money out of their own pockets every month to maintain the services of a really nice and awesome lobbyist. We sent in grandma to be our lobbyist as I affectionately said. :-)

And so it was done.

The problem was, we were all very skeptical of what would become of it and it would cost people $1200/yr to be a member of the group. Not exactly chicken scratch. So a group of 5 people from my forum that had become friends decided we would all pitch in together and pay for one membership and have me as the representative of our group. Totally cool. Marty was one of these 4 other people that helped pay for my membership. We are talking like April/May 2010 here.

Anyhow, group was forming and we got enough members to make it happen. We attracted a very professional group of people and made it happen. During the start there, Marty did help us start a website(never used) and did make a banner for us(used once on stationary) and I totally appreciate that help. He made good suggestions and I was able to relay the MCP groups ideas into CPU. Peachy keen.

But due to a meeting we had in the summer, something was said by one member of the CPU to a representative that pissed many of us off and marty had a conniption fit about and then left the group that was helping pay for my membership. I fully stand to be corrected on it but I would say this was in July/August 2010? Anyhow, in August/September 2010 CPU was "actually" formed when we removed a few members of the group for having ulterior motives and restored a purified patient aspect to the group that is always dominated by our core principles and a stranglehold on messaging so as to avoid random members of CPU from saying or giving messages that do not correlate exactly with what our actual positions are.

And honestly, that was when CPU became "CPU" I would say. Fall of 2010, even though we had mostly come together in May 2010.

Unfortunately, Marty had already left and has not seen what seriously awesome work we did, do and have done to protect this law. I don't think even Marty would argue that my positions were always pure and unfortunately, he doesn't realize that those original values we espoused back in the first few months of 2010 is the only thing that dominates the positions of CPU. It is exactly what you(Marty) said you wanted us to be. :-)

The couple people marty said were problems were ousted only a month or two after he left. Not a big deal. And it has been like 3 years since all that happened now. CPU is an official 501(c)4 corporation now. We do the right thing for the right reasons. All that matters is the patients and caregivers and physicians and the MMMAct. Period. Do what is right for the people, not for the profit.

Ahh well,... not much else I can say on that point. I think Marty understands this, or at least I hope he does.

Anyhow, back on topic,...

I am so sick of this crappy government I can't even say it anymore. Heh.

Always dropping wrenches int he works making it more difficult for people.

All I can say is please vote out Snyder and Schuette this election in 2014. Please do wtvr you can to help defeat those two. It may be the only chance we have to reverse the nonsense they governed over.

There is a lesson here:
Number one is Dr. Bob is a lying idiot.
Number two is you never forgot shit.
The Dr. comes over here and fucks with me using your org as props.

I was discussing the law - not CPU - I left never to care again.
But bring up that memory and mock me?
You are going to feel my blowback.
It was a bad deal for me personally: I watched the dream get bought by the dispensary cats.
You know all I ever wanted was to help the patients get what the law promised.
Now we have felons barred from helping Grandma or Dad: that's not progress.

I don't know what you guys do now, and frankly I don't much care; I quit caring about the big picture, and will work on my own small scale to try and help.
But I won't stand for being slandered and dismissed as some sort of fool by CPU or her agents.
Real name came about on purpose: you claim to represent my interests in Lansing - we deserve to know your fucking identity.
If Victor's name is game - them you and all of your listserv data are game - it's that simple.
Now go apologize to the lawyers for breaking their trust and tell them if you don't fuck with me I won't publish.
I walked away and I mean to be rid of it - end of story.

I am done with this.
Hey, I agree. The good doctor should not have posted Victors name there. That was a private response from me when asked if I knew a "fatmarty". Obviously that isn't and wasn't the name I knew you by, so I wasn't sure. So I came and looked.

Dispensary cats were gone right after ya left. *shrug* They obviously formed MACC.

And yea,... assaultive felons are now banned from being caregivers. Are you suggesting that is our fault? All we did was oppose that crap from start to finish. I guess if saying we oppose it got it passed, I dunno , I guess everyone here is at fault then.

It isn't like we could control what happened in in the 2010 election with Schuette, Snyder being elected and the Legislature being almost super majority proofed by Republicans who wanted to screew us over. We opposed it the best we could and it could have been a hell of a lot worse. It's not like there is a magic wand we can wave or something aye. You voice your disapproval and hope for the best. :-)

O well.

I hope things are going well for ya marty. It's sad things ended the way they did.
You deny that cpu met with legislators to try and get the language of the bills changed? Seems like there are plenty of posts on the 3ma that say they did. The bills were changed and that enabled no votes to become yes votes from some democrats.

They had WAY more than enough votes to pass those bills before they even released them. They were going to pass no matter what my friend, just a matter of how.

Don't delude yourself to think they wouldn't have passed. I can only guarantee you are wrong about it.

Some of us counted the votes. At anytime in the process, there was never more than 15 guaranteed no votes on those bills. We needed 29. We fought VERY hard to get 29.

It just is what it is and you have the right to your opinion, I just argue the factual basis.

O well. I guess I will be back to RIU in another year or so. :-)

Peace Out.

You talk about people coughing up big bucks to form your group, and I'm supposed to believe that you guys exist solely to protect patients rights?

I don't know you from Adam, but I know the human condition, and greed rules. I find it very hard to believe that you represent what you say you represent without any ulterior motives.
I don't understand what you mean Dr. Bob. They cashed my 25 dollar check on May13 of this year. I sent in a letter from SS saying I was on disability. You can ask for the letter online now at social

They changed the rules on 5-28 without telling anyone to remove ssd from the list of those entitled to a reduced fee. You got in before they made the change so hopefully you are fine.

Dr. Bob
Just reviewed some of the other comments here. I do believe that I used a screen name rather than a real name. I don't put out real names.

Dr. Bob
Seems I missed most of what was said, but it came up because marty used my real name for wtvr reason I don't know. Anyhow,... After seeing what was written, I do know Marty. When I left 3MA as Site and Staff Administrator and started my own forum(MCP) there were a lot of disgruntled people because of what went down with the money and leadership of 3MA and we kinda bunched together and hung out at my website(MCP) and many of us became friends. COOL.

(history) I always thought we had passed this great law(MMMAct), we should be advocating for proper implementation of the law, protecting patients, protecting the Act and we should do this by professionally speaking to members of the government and educating them on the MMMAct. There was a couple failed efforts towards this. Once was in 3MA in 2009 with myself and a gentlemen in Lansing that never got off the ground due to no interest in 3MA. Anyhow, the next attempt was in January 2010 when there was A group that was in the rumblings of forming centered around "Victor Vicious" and was called the Michigan Medical Cannabis Advocacy and Education Coalition. It sounded interesting and was going to do the exact things I thought we should do by hiring a proper lobbyist and positioning the medical cannabis movement in a place where we can protect our law from misguided and misinformed politicians; Lansing. There were a couple meetings of this group between January and April of 2010 culminating at a meeting in Ann Arbor at Hash Bash to get people together and figure out what and how the organization would exist. Marty was at this meeting as was anyone who wanted to be. We met, had a good time. Ate etc etc. :-)

Anyhow, unfortunately, that group collapsed and nothing more ever happened of that group. "Vicious" unfortunately had alternative plans involving issues which we now know is not legal under Sec. 4 to fund the group, and it just wasn't and didn't happen.

That is when 3 of us got together who attended that meeting and decided to start a real organization and hire a proper lobbyist and do what is right for the patients of Michigan. Protect the Law. This was the origin of CPU.

Once we finally decided on how we would do it, we had to get members who were willing to pay a decent chunk of money out of their own pockets every month to maintain the services of a really nice and awesome lobbyist. We sent in grandma to be our lobbyist as I affectionately said. :-)

And so it was done.

The problem was, we were all very skeptical of what would become of it and it would cost people a big chunk of cash to be a member of the group. Not exactly chicken scratch. So a group of 5 people from my forum that had become friends decided we would all pitch in together and pay for one membership and have me as the representative of our group. Totally cool. Marty was one of these 4 other people that helped pay for my membership. We are talking like April/May 2010 here.

Anyhow, group was forming and we got enough members to make it happen. We attracted a very professional group of people and made it happen. During the start there, Marty did help us start a website(never used) and did make a banner for us(used once on stationary) and I totally appreciate that help. He made good suggestions and I was able to relay the MCP groups ideas into CPU. Peachy keen.

But due to a meeting or brochure or something we had in the summer, something was said by one or two members of CPU that pissed many of us off and marty had a conniption fit about and then left the group that was helping pay for my membership. I fully stand to be corrected on it but I would say this was in July/August 2010? Anyhow, in August/September 2010 CPU was "actually" formed when we removed a few members of the group for having ulterior motives instead of having a purified patient aspect to the group that has and is always dominated by our core principles and we put a stranglehold on messaging so as to avoid random members of CPU from saying or giving messages that do not correlate exactly with what our actual positions are.

And honestly, that was when CPU became "CPU" I would say. Fall of 2010, even though we had mostly come together in May 2010.

Unfortunately, Marty had already left and has not seen what seriously awesome work we did, do and have done to protect this law. I don't think even Marty would argue that my positions were always pure and unfortunately, he doesn't realize that those original values we espoused back in the first few months of 2010 is the only thing that dominates the positions of CPU. It is exactly what you(Marty) said you wanted us to be. :-)

The couple people marty said were problems were ousted only a month or two after he left. Not a big deal. And it has been like 3 years since all that happened now. CPU is an official 501(c)4 corporation now. We do the right thing for the right reasons. All that matters is the patients and caregivers and physicians and the MMMAct. Period. Do what is right for the people, not for the profit.

Ahh well,... not much else I can say on that point. I think Marty understands this, or at least I hope he does.

Anyhow, back on topic,...

I am so sick of this crappy government I can't even say it anymore. Heh.

Always dropping wrenches int he works making it more difficult for people.

All I can say is please vote out Snyder and Schuette this election in 2014. Please do wtvr you can to help defeat those two. It may be the only chance we have to reverse the nonsense they governed over.

well mal

a secret group for 'steakholders' only that operates behind closed doors that is 40-60% lawyers smacks of hidden agenda

--seems to not really represent patients interests or the 'group' would have not tried so hard to viciously diswade people from organizing and opposing legislation that it claims would help benefit patients

great serendipitous events led to them taking over and controlling the largest mmj web forum in the country and controlling the msg to their benefit that would work nicely with the box they are still building for us all to climb into-

they wouldnt even allow outside input--
fuck those cpu lawyers and all they have done to destroy what little we had as a law-
they have orchestrated thewhole thing to their benefit not ours...imo

3-4000 people/patients/caregivers on the steps of the house would have done more to protect our rights than all the few years of bullshit your group has tried to make us believe they are working on for our benefit(not)

oh they tightened up the law allright to allow the bare minimum of protections and seems to have coopted the original intent...imo

mayb your group did help to soften the language of the original intent of the house bills that went thru but the only people that seemed to benefit were the lawyers involved who now can collect from every side ofour(fake) law [sic]with all its (fake) protections.

granted the cpu group helped protect patients rightsto grow but what is thereal protections...?
--minimal at best

look at all the zoning ordinances coming online and the herding of our rights into a nice little box that does nothing for safe access
or medical use as originally voted on by the people here

if you break even one clause of the law u are fucked and have no medical defense
anyone trying to stay compliant will at some point be completely illegal with no protections except a sec8($$$$$) defense


--seems sec8 is all their really is at best and that is what is the most disheartenng of all
(whats the use of the card?? so the state can usethe $ to hire more law enforcement???!!)

now the card only represents the ability to purchase legal representation at a discount from the lawyers that have taken over the whole mess and orchestrated everything for their own benefit

surely not what the voters had intended and now the whole thing seems like a farce

it seems the lawyers in your group seemed to have their own best interest($$) in mind and not really the full protections that were originally set out in the spirit and intent of the voters initiative

i mean how can those lawyers represent patients rights and dispensary interests at the same time???

the same as the bullshit msg you guys are spewing on the 3ma site to patients all the while you have administrators who are working commercial ops for dispensary owners with ""full set of cards"" ....pfffft!

you are aware that their are lawyers in your group that represent dispensaries and their interests and how can they be fair to us and their bread and butter paying dispensary clients....?

i have the PM you sent me explaining some of the groups organization and the dichotomy it represents for the mmj community at large

that PM wqs sent to me when i actually appologized online for taking such an extreme stance against your group and then with more research finding out i had egg on my face

i call cpu a bullshit group with hidden agendas and nothing that really protects pts except to say that they have narrowed the protections down to the bare minimum with the effect being the dispensaries are running with the sec8 defense and the wholething seems to be a set up to bring the distribution rights into the hands of a few with the cost being born by many

i could ramble on and on about what i think the cpu group has done for the law and the bottom line seems like nothing-

the lawyers that are steering your group are out to practice their religion ($$) at the expense of the sick and dying-
our 'rights' were their barganinng chips to get what ""they"" wanted and not for our benefit
it was a big chess game for them-and us patients were/are the pawns

seems like the set up for them is great as they will get all the benefits($$) helping to draft the rules and regulations of the dispensary setups and legal costs that will be incurred and we the patients are stuck with the bareset amount of legal protections if caught violating even one clauseof the bullshit sec4protections

the dispensary folks know and realize that there has not been many sec8 cases challenging their MO and the fewdispensary folks that wererailroaded thru the system had to take plea deals as with so many other pateients

we are all exposed to the lawyers greed now and if we want protections we have to pay thru the nose to get a plea deal....ha!

outside grows will be somthing to see this year how many get trapped into thinking they are protected and have rights-

marty seems to have his finger on the right pulse and looks like he made a right decision to withdraw from the bullshit your group has dragged patients thru the last couple years

it will be interesting to see how many people renew the cards and the drop in numbers tthat will be obvious from the fake bullshit you guys have tried to get most of us to swallow

dr bob-- another whole thread of his bs and his efforts are weak at best and transparent and avail nothing for patients except his fucked up trolling to sign up more folks in his clinics

so whatever you think mal being up in the UP as you claim...???
--the cpu group has done nothing to help patients and the law is now virtually dead with little or no protections unless you can afford them-

curious i have been about done with wasting time on the net but your post commanded a response-
