STILL having same problems even after switching out nute brands and soil brands

the 3-1-2 ratio sounds great. I may just end up going foliage pro and protekt. I gotta see if these nutes I already have are good or not though, no point buying more dyna gro if the gallon I already have is still good.

thanks for the help and the suggestion murfy
I'm gave up on dyna a loooong time ago.. as it ages it forms chunks or crystals and will thro your PH all over the map... no crystals it still should be 'Good'...
I grow with Dyna-gro and don't use the bloom at all. It does precipitate 'chunks' like the other poster said, but bloom foods in general are a waste. Foliage pro is a great choice.
I picked up some foliage pro and protekt this morning, new bale of promix bx, crossing fingers, we shall see... I'll post up pics in a couple weeks with updates. Thanks again for everyone's suggestions and comments.
I picked up some foliage pro and protekt this morning, new bale of promix bx, crossing fingers, we shall see... I'll post up pics in a couple weeks with updates. Thanks again for everyone's suggestions and comments.

Hey bro , I have seen your notes and quotes .. It looks like you need to buy a big bag of Dolomite Lime if your going to grow in the moss , as peat moss products such as sunshine and promix can be very acidic even upon purchase . Its common for the lime to buffer this and break down early on in a grow . This depends on the age of the bail used as well as the strain at hand , some are much more pH tolerable than others

Looking at your photos and remarks it does appear to be a peat based pH problem and once you get it sorted out it will make more sense as just being dry can make the pH very low verses being moist. When using moss products it is best to stay on the higher side of feeding and with that said its best to feed at 6.2- 6.8 when in doubt always go on the high side as the peat is acidic enough on its own .

I hate to say it but even quality organic soils are often prone to this problem as most are peat based to begin with . Just google fox farms soils and nutrient lockout and you ll see that it happens often, but this is just another variable at play and it can be avoided with a fine dolomite lime powder added at one teaspoon - two per gallon of mix ..
This is the part of this site I love.
People helping people to the best of their ability.
I seem to always 'like' Dr. PotSnob's responses.
No one feels stupid for asking a question.
Thanks man.
No the lime is mixed into the soiless mix , but it can be added to a watering to reverse a lockout .. Hydrated lime works best for this .. Sorry should have noted this but I was high lol

hey professor, thanks for the suggestion. I had already tried dolomite lime a few months back but it didn't help in my situation. One of the reasons I stopped using it was b/c I had grown fantastic bushes before without the lime added into promix. I'm sure there is a variable that I'm not placing atm, but am in the process of identifying it. thanks again for your suggestion.
The way I understand the Prof's suggestion is that it depends upon the age of the Pro-Mix or Advanced #4.
Apparently these products are not pH neutral at all times; so some adjustment is in order.
It could not hurt to do a soil pH test if you haven't already.
If the soilless pH is low then adjust your feed pH upwards to compensate is how I understand it.

Just guessing here; but you said something changed - maybe it is your Pro-Mix.
Maybe you have green water and got chloramine.
Maybe your pH tester is bad solution or meter.
Maybe your friend poisoned your grow nutes.
Maybe you need new fluorescent tubes.
Maybe you got root aphids.
The way I understand the Prof's suggestion is that it depends upon the age of the Pro-Mix or Advanced #4.
Apparently these products are not pH neutral at all times; so some adjustment is in order.
It could not hurt to do a soil pH test if you haven't already.
If the soilless pH is low then adjust your feed pH upwards to compensate is how I understand it.

Just guessing here; but you said something changed - maybe it is your Pro-Mix.
Maybe you have green water and got chloramine.
Maybe your pH tester is bad solution or meter.
Maybe your friend poisoned your grow nutes.
Maybe you need new fluorescent tubes.
Maybe you got root aphids.

Well said as the variables are always there .
hey professor, thanks for the suggestion. I had already tried dolomite lime a few months back but it didn't help in my situation. One of the reasons I stopped using it was b/c I had grown fantastic bushes before without the lime added into promix. I'm sure there is a variable that I'm not placing atm, but am in the process of identifying it. thanks again for your suggestion.

Fatmarty hit the nail on the head with the variabes IMO...i cannot stress how important lime is when using promix.. its almost night and day. Promix is not buffered for shit without it
I have not used pro mix in years now and my lime bucket is still full for the taking .. 50lbs of dolomite and only 5 used lol

Variables and understanding them and how to react , this is what growing marijuana is all about and this alone is the only real growers secret that I believe exists period !
No the lime is mixed into the soiless mix , but it can be added to a watering to reverse a lockout .. Hydrated lime works best for this .. Sorry should have noted this but I was high lol
What if my girl is already in her 15 gal pot? Can I sprinkle some Dolomite on top or would you recommend another method? Thanks!
Well it's been a couple weeks. here's what I've changed thanks to the suggestions in this thread. thanks to all who helped and suggested things to do.

Went back to straight promix bx, no extra perlite, no extra nothing.

Switched nutes to Dynagro Foliar Pro and Protekt

pHing water to 8.0 to offset the acidity of promix. soil and water slurry reads 6.7 pH.

Been watering 1 pint per gallon for waterings, about every 2-3 days.

Happy to report that all plants have bounced back and are growing like they should... FINALLY. Also happy that I have 3/4 of my flower room lights back on since I have the plants to support it, working to get everything to 100% capacity right now.

Related or unrelated: I had a room mate live with me to help with the bills for the past 4 months. He had access to the grow rooms in the basement since rent included use of the laundry machines, my nutes were easily accessible to be tampered with. Not saying that my old room mate did anything but I find it odd that in the course of him living with me my plants were doing absolutely horribly no matter how many different soil/nutrient combinations I tried. As soon as he moved out and buying new nutes that were untampered, all the plants bounced back in about a week. hmmm.
Related or unrelated: I had a room mate live with me to help with the bills for the past 4 months. He had access to the grow rooms in the basement since rent included use of the laundry machines, my nutes were easily accessible to be tampered with. Not saying that my old room mate did anything but I find it odd that in the course of him living with me my plants were doing absolutely horribly no matter how many different soil/nutrient combinations I tried. As soon as he moved out and buying new nutes that were untampered, all the plants bounced back in about a week. hmmm.

Your nutes might have just been contaminated by you somehow as well.
But they very well could have been the problem even if it was unintentional.
It sucks to toss shit out; but sometimes you just have to treat it like an electrical problem in a used car and replace everything that ends with 'or'.
Eventually it will start acting right and you won't have to worry about the other 'ors'. :-P