Prisoners of the marijauna War

He must be illegal if he is worried about the cops, huh? Oh, that's right ,u guys are all buddys. exuse the fuck out of me King fuck asses.

Listen brother, criminality is a perspective in this country.


Any questions?

Every single medical marijuana patient and caregiver in this country are criminals! Is that you?!?
Can't we all just get along?

we're here to help each other, not insult one another.

I'm not taking sides, but can we be reasonable?
No way he has ever had his civil rights violated in the war on drugs.
Otherwise he would not be so fucking crass about this.
I don't ever sell a damn thing - my friends know that about me.
So I'm not overly paranoid about shit.

You can't trust leo to do the right thing.
These two guys are learning that the hard way.
I don't wish that experience on anyone - even my enemies.
The war on weed is immoral, and will soon end.

In the meantime it is bullshit to declare them guilty and offer anecdotal evidence.
That's what pisses me off man.
You come off like all the other dinosaurs.
These two are facing 5 to 10 years mandatory for trying to work within the Michigan system.
Greed has nothing to do with it - they fucking contacted leo and got approval!
No way he has ever had his civil rights violated in the war on drugs.
Otherwise he would not be so fucking crass about this.
I don't ever sell a damn thing - my friends know that about me.
So I'm not overly paranoid about shit.

You can't trust leo to do the right thing.
These two guys are learning that the hard way.
I don't wish that experience on anyone - even my enemies.
The war on weed is immoral, and will soon end.

In the meantime it is bullshit to declare them guilty and offer anecdotal evidence.
That's what pisses me off man.
You come off like all the other dinosaurs.
These two are facing 5 to 10 years mandatory for trying to work within the Michigan system.
Greed has nothing to do with it - they fucking contacted leo and got approval!

quoted for truth

Time for the War on the War on Drugs.... WWD
He must be illegal if he is worried about the cops, huh? Oh, that's right ,u guys are all buddys. exuse the fuck out of me King fuck asses.

Do you think this plant is dangerous?

Is 12 plants good but, 13 plants immoral?

If you sell budweiser you are a good citizen but, sell bud you should be in prison?

Even before med laws I have always just thought about this issue in black and white.
Every aspect of this plant is good, therefor the laws controlling it are bad. 95% of
law enforcement, judges and prosecutors do not even understand the laws they enforce.

You have a picture of a beautiful plant in your avatar and I will hold to a higher standard
then the people that have not embraced this plant. I can't understand why you think
72 plants is good but, anything above these man made, arbitrary numbers is bad.

The man you turned your cheek on was a family man with a farm and will die in prison. This
country imports tons of marijuana everyday from murdering criminals. In till the day we
are no longer importing ganga, I think anyone who has the balls to go over their limits,
or do it in a nonmed state should at least be above judgement from their own.

I will be the first to admit I have a much more militant outlook then most about this
subject. Like Abe said, blame it on PTSD, if you have been locked up for a plant
or plant matter with nothing but your thoughts your outlook would change too.
IF your planning a food crop garden for your family, and its the only food you will recieve for the year, how big a plot do you need and should you plan for a little extra just in case? How bout if your planning for your family, and your neighbor. Mine right now is much larger than my ganga crop, and I am not sure the neighbor is going to make it through Feb if he is counting on me as his only source ya feel me?..

If you want cannabis to help you become healthy, you need it as more than just a medication... We should be using hemp as a resource that it is. It takes more than 72 plants. or even, 144 to get no where close to what you would need..

Another consideration. Cannabis oil, is a concentrait. It takes quite a bit to make a "cure". So what if my brain tumor does not stop growing because that which I grew didnt pack the goodies? Should I not deserve another run? another try? another batch? etc..

Of course the plant numbers make no sense, nor the war. When you read between the lines, its appreant that most argue points based on the value of cannabis as a smoked drug... Get off it.

Bottem line, end the drug war, end the argument.

Such bullshit, Crazy that a fucking plant can get you that much time... This shit makes me hate the government (the one that is by the people for the people...) Such a waste of time isn't there something going on that has more importance than some dudes growing some plants... Didn't the Boston bombing happen right around then maybe they could have stopped it... Well on second thought stopping those two guys who grew some plants is much more important... what was I thinking
Ive been in jail 75 times I have two poss. of marijuana. I have 6 dui,s. ive done plenty of jail time. and I hate the fucken cops. Im just saying how it is. just like u r. EVBerybodys boo hoooing about this shit. I can care less . im done.
well damn shaggy gues you are a big bro at 43! why didn't you mention that you've been to jail seventy-five time before, this kinda xplains things some... we be done boohoo'in. my morning doob will be dedicated to anyone who has been victimized over self-medicating with Mary Jane. grow your own, help others in need and don't look back.
Ive been in jail 75 times I have two poss. of marijuana. I have 6 dui,s. ive done plenty of jail time. and I hate the fucken cops. Im just saying how it is. just like u r. EVBerybodys boo hoooing about this shit. I can care less . im done.
I can't believe I spent 1/2 hour of my life trying to reason with this guy... I may need to cut back on my smoking.

70 extra plants = 10 years
6 dui's+69 other arrests = free to troll RIU

You can't make this shit up
Damn if I threw down with everyone I've called a punk online I'd be pushing 75 trips to the can myself :o

He's an idiot.
He's also a drunk.

I got a tip for the drunken idiot.
Put the bottle down and step away from the computer.
Worry about what you need to do to help yourself.
Don't worry about the rest of us - we do that part for ourselves.
And don't let people you attack on the InternetZ rent space in your head.
It makes you sad.
haha if I were president, there would be a law to be put to sleep after your 30th time in jail. no matter how small the offence. 30 separate jail sentences Is enough let alone 75. But as far as prisoners of marijuana everybody should do like these 2 and not take any plea deals.