Prisoners of the marijauna War

I think racism played a role, but money played a bigger role imo. William Randolph Hearst was the biggest newspaper distributor in America back in the 1930's, and hemp posed a real threat to his newspaper and paper mill monopoly that he had. He pushed hard for prohibition for this reason, and had Henry Anslinger in his back pocket to help him.

I can agree about that. I knew I wouldnt touch off on every example. The hemp stamp act was huge. My point was more after the first decades of prohibition it became more of a game of kick the can then a large scale suppression by shadowy forces .
um, just to let everybodyknow, I knew a person that knows the duvals, he was getting a pound every once in a whilefrom these guys and they were not his care takers. SOOOOOOO. GREADY WILL LAND U IN COURT. there just pissed because they got busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quit being ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Well, I guess they should not have had over 100 plants. duhhhhhhhhhhhh

gready as gready can get will land u in federal courts. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

um, just to let everybodyknow, I knew a person that knows the duvals, he was getting a pound every once in a whilefrom these guys and they were not his care takers. SOOOOOOO. GREADY WILL LAND U IN COURT. there just pissed because they got busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quit being ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
so what????
I can agree with most of your points(any of you), but there are some counter points as well.

If the Duvals had two licenses, and 72x per license, then they were on the borderline of legal. Seems like less than a year ago we heard about how "co-ops" were shot down in court, and that's a whole lot like a co-op. Family farm or not, they knew the cops had a problem with them, and continued to grow large scale. You cannot exclude greed from the equation, because there is absolutely no need for that quantity(maxed out patients or not).

I feel for them, that's a terrible situation to be in, but was it worth it?

I'm all for helping the cause, but not the people that screw it up for the honest people.

Prohibition has more than one root, it's worked into every avenue it can, just to keep the citizens from freedom. You can blame it on money or race, but the white man had money and put the laws into effect. What I don't understand is how such a large quantity of citizens can have a strong opinion about it, and never raise their voice. You cannot educate those around you by holding your tongue. You cannot expect change when all that you do is read. You cannot change the world if you are not ready for action. You cannot change the world if you are overwhelmed by the voices of your peers.

Simple solution, if you want to smoke/vape/eat cannabis, grow your own. I understand the need for a caregiver, but I also know people that have what would be considered an ADA-friendly grow room... I've had that "hole in your gut" feeling seeing what happens to plants when they get caught in wheelchair spokes.
speller stellar said:
um, just to let everybodyknow, I knew a person that knows the duvals, he was getting a pound every once in a whilefrom these guys and they were not his care takers. SOOOOOOO. GREADY WILL LAND U IN COURT. there just pissed because they got busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quit being ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.​

Thanks for the tip officer.
Jesus Fuck man.
Must be a witness for the persecution.
Im no witness or cop buddy. Im just letting the people know that the duvals were not innocent. Whatever. They went to Toledo car dealer ship and bought a brand new truck with cash. and was braggen about how they grow pot up in Michigan. I heard the dealer sh ip called DEA. or who ever. I can really give a shit,but remember. Most of the time it is not what it seems.
they broke, Michigan law. only allowed 72 plants per caretaker, on the property. in a locked unit. I don't think a green house qualifies , so they had over 100 how are they legal ? they are not. mi will not help them with mi lawyers no way no how, if they were legal. mi lawyers would be all over this, now the 2 men are screwed, to greedy , I don't feel sory for them. if they were actually 100 % legal with mi , they would be out of jail already.
I do feel just a little for these guys and there familys. I was just telling my old lady the other day about how were the pianeers of medical mj in Michigan. Im proud of that. We all walk a fine line when we have our cards. Hopefully My children and grand children don't need medical mj so they don't have to go through all this bullshit, while mich figures out all this mess.Peace to all.
Nobody deserves to be in jail over a plant. Period. It's fucked up and wrong.

However, if you're growing medical marijuana in the state you have to be aware of the laws, and stay in compliance with the laws. Anything more than 72 plants at one residence and you're rolling the dice at the state level. Anything more than 100 plants and now you've got the feds attention. These guys are an unfortunate example of this.
they broke, Michigan law. only allowed 72 plants per caretaker, on the property. in a locked unit. I don't think a green house qualifies , so they had over 100 how are they legal ? they are not. mi will not help them with mi lawyers no way no how, if they were legal. mi lawyers would be all over this, now the 2 men are screwed, to greedy , I don't feel sory for them. if they were actually 100 % legal with mi , they would be out of jail already.
there were 2 caregivers = 144 plants 72 each. locked enclosed facility = greenhouse with 4 walls a roof and a lock on the door. 1 for each caregiver. sounds legal to me
Nobody deserves to be in jail over a plant. Period. It's fucked up and wrong.

However, if you're growing medical marijuana in the state you have to be aware of the laws, and stay in compliance with the laws. Anything more than 72 plants at one residence and you're rolling the dice at the state level. Anything more than 100 plants and now you've got the feds attention. These guys are an unfortunate example of this.
The laws here hav changed several times since these people started growing. bill shuttee (our AG) believes all MMJ is illegal..kinda hard to follow his rules.

shaggy? you ain't a pioneer.......... I'm tryin...I didn't give my opinion of what he is.. ;)
they broke, Michigan law. only allowed 72 plants per caretaker, on the property. in a locked unit. I don't think a green house qualifies , so they had over 100 how are they legal ? they are not. mi will not help them with mi lawyers no way no how, if they were legal. mi lawyers would be all over this, now the 2 men are screwed, to greedy , I don't feel sory for them. if they were actually 100 % legal with mi , they would be out of jail already.

It very clearly states in the video, that their garden was approved by the sheriff.
I do not think they would have bet the family farm on an extra 70 with out his
approval. Are they guilty of being naive? Probably.

If we choose to go over state limits, I think we should all be very aware of the stakes
we play for. But writing off their situation without empathy, because you think they were
greedy, you are essentially agreeing with state and feds, that this plant is a dangerous
substance and needs to be controlled.

Besides this plants extreme medical benefits, using it's fibers, oils and every other
byproduct has to be fully embraced. The only reason it is not fully being
embraced is because of the stigmatism in the mind of the zealot, that this plant is
dangerous and needs to be controlled.

Weather I grow 12, 72 or 720, I know in my heart I am in the right. If I only sell to healthy
people, so I can afford to give it away for free to people that are sick. Am I greedy?If my
main motivation to do well monetarily is so one day I will be able to give my time and
money to charity. Am I greedy?
The laws here hav changed several times since these people started growing. bill shuttee (our AG) believes all MMJ is illegal..kinda hard to follow his rules.

shaggy? you ain't a pioneer.......... I'm tryin...I didn't give my opinion of what he is.. ;)

This is true. What hasn't changed is the 12 plants per patient, 2.5 ounces of usable product per patient, and the 99 plant threshold for the feds. Stay below all of those and you will most likely avoid arrest ..... or at least stand a very good chance in court of having the charges dropped. Exceed those limits, and you're rolling the dice.

I have no issues with people pushing the boundaries. I choose to operate within the parameters of the law though. This plant is wonderful and very important to me .... but I value my freedom and my family more.

Each to their own.
If your needs exceed the plant count number of which you are allotted under state law, rather than increase plant numbers in order to increase production, increase surface space of which a plant can encompass and learn to use the method of scrog.1 plant can produce much more then you may think. If you have questions about how to do this I am here for you.

Hell ya woodsman. I would like to try your scrog method. Online, or not. Either/or. Please.
He must be illegal if he is worried about the cops, huh? Oh, that's right ,u guys are all buddys. exuse the fuck out of me King fuck asses.
It's called a commUNITY

this was blasted all across the forums. You and a few other members here are the only ones who took the side of law enforcement.

Ubi Concordia, ibi Victoria... where there is unity, there is victory
Is that your big-world version of deductive reasoning Shaggy? Have you ever been arrested in your past.... spent any time in the can, how about prison? Shaggy, it's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, specifically related to any cops (a lot on this board suffer from it, little bro). Those fuckers have the power to ruin your life, steal everything you have, really you're allowed to be very concerned that you stay clear of them suckers without even being guilty of jackshit.

Don't ever wish the popo on anyone, that's a law you haven't learned yet. still gonna talk uniformed shit shaggy, hope not.