quiet around here

What is. Considered northern mi? The up or LP n anything north.

As a kid growing up in the D I considered regular trips up to the Au Sable River and/or Houghton/Higgins Lakes as "going up north". As an adult I considered my trips up to the Traverse and Mackinac areas "northern Michigan". Now as an old broken down man, my bathroom is on the north side of my home :eyesmoke:

Man Dr. B*B sure fucked up the medical marihuana law with his advocacy for bona fide physician patient relationship added to the Act.

My Doctor would have screwed my form up had his one staff lady been on top of the new rules.
He had just done one last week and forgot the initialize part.

Lansing took the application and designed it to make your application get denied for a technicality.
The directions on the form are either confusing or incomplete.
You need to check up to 15 boxes off in the proper sequence for one thing.
For another thing the plant possession checkbox on page one is hidden near the bottom in what could easily be mistaken for a legalese footer.

But the worst part is that the Doctor now has to check off 8 questions and he must initialize 4 others on another page.
The Doctor has to explain why you have chronic pain now and in just the right manner or you will have to resubmit.

I figure my chances of getting my renewal done on the first submission with Lansing are 50/50.
It's that confusing and onerous of a process compared to the original forms the program launched with in 2009.

One other thing you need to know - and it is just another thing they did to help you fuck up your application:
You have to copy both the front and back of your drivers license/state ID card.
It is not clear if the front and back can be on two pieces of paper.
So you need to go through more crap to get it copied onto one page unless you have a newer printer that does two-sided scanning.

This helps us how?
WTF kind of bullshit is this B*B?
You wonder why we chewed you a new asshole?

Anyone using you for a recommendation is hiring the enemy in my opinion.
You advocated for this horseshit and now you have done more harm than good.

Be real careful with your forms people - especially if your physicians office doesn't make a living off certs alone.
I really believe the pols took B*B's advice and used it to design forms meant to confuse and delay and scare Doctors off.
Won't work with my family Doctor of decades; he actually practices his oath very responsibly and honestly.
His office called later to say that the Dr. wanted my bill reduced as he felt like the receptionist had overcharged me.
He knows I don't have insurance - and he told her to tell either come get the extra or use it next time.
He didn't have to do that - she didn't overcharge me - she just charged me regular.
At least you found a conscientious doc Marty! Having spent my career in government and medicine, nothing will put you out on the street quicker than a conscience :eyesmoke:
Man Dr. B*B sure fucked up the medical marihuana law with his advocacy for bona fide physician patient relationship added to the Act.

My Doctor would have screwed my form up had his one staff lady been on top of the new rules.
He had just done one last week and forgot the initialize part.

Lansing took the application and designed it to make your application get denied for a technicality.
The directions on the form are either confusing or incomplete.
You need to check up to 15 boxes off in the proper sequence for one thing.
For another thing the plant possession checkbox on page one is hidden near the bottom in what could easily be mistaken for a legalese footer.

But the worst part is that the Doctor now has to check off 8 questions and he must initialize 4 others on another page.
The Doctor has to explain why you have chronic pain now and in just the right manner or you will have to resubmit.

I figure my chances of getting my renewal done on the first submission with Lansing are 50/50.
It's that confusing and onerous of a process compared to the original forms the program launched with in 2009.

One other thing you need to know - and it is just another thing they did to help you fuck up your application:
You have to copy both the front and back of your drivers license/state ID card.
It is not clear if the front and back can be on two pieces of paper.
So you need to go through more crap to get it copied onto one page unless you have a newer printer that does two-sided scanning.

This helps us how?
WTF kind of bullshit is this B*B?
You wonder why we chewed you a new asshole?

Anyone using you for a recommendation is hiring the enemy in my opinion.
You advocated for this horseshit and now you have done more harm than good.

Be real careful with your forms people - especially if your physicians office doesn't make a living off certs alone.
I really believe the pols took B*B's advice and used it to design forms meant to confuse and delay and scare Doctors off.
Won't work with my family Doctor of decades; he actually practices his oath very responsibly and honestly.
His office called later to say that the Dr. wanted my bill reduced as he felt like the receptionist had overcharged me.
He knows I don't have insurance - and he told her to tell either come get the extra or use it next time.
He didn't have to do that - she didn't overcharge me - she just charged me regular.


WHAT??? you couldn't just walk in with cash and no records and get a cert? Your doctor actually had to see you, fill out the form properly, and take responsibility for the recommendation? Form is too complicated for you? Ever look at the application for social security, or unemployment? It is like any other state form, it is just the form you use to prove your qualifications to get special permission to use a schedule 1 narcotic. It isn't a handicapped sticker application.

We don't make the patients provide the forms or make copies, we are a FULL SERVICE CLINIC. We also don't have a problem with the forms. We got them the same time everyone else got them, learned how to use them and fill them out, and have the same 1-2% rejection rate we did with the old forms.

The best part is you seem to think I designed the form. I didn't. Guess you were too busy bashing me and telling everyone how you were a founder of CPU to actually pay attention and read the article I posted.

But thanks for the summary of the changes on the form, you did a decent job and hopefully saved someone a rejection by reminding them of the pitfalls to avoid. Nice job, thanks for contributing to the discussion.

Dr. Bob
Perhaps these little out of the blue on line shit fits like Marty just had are the reason it is so quiet in here. Nothing but a bunch of school yard bs and misplaced frustrations. Grow up.

Dr. Bob
I have to say that the process with the form in question was a piece of cake I thought. I sent the forms in and 4 weeks later I have a card. I guess I would not say that the form was designed for purposeful rejections.

As a side note, and this is not directed at anyone at all, but RIU in general has a distinctly punk-ass reputation out there on other forums. That's not my opinion, as this is one of the 2-3 forums I participate in, but if you venture to other forums you will see this is how RIU is characterized.

This sort of dialog does cause people to move on, however.
There are some tricky parts, you have to pay attention to what you are doing, but we have no problems with them at all. They did make some changes in the underlying rules, such as requiring the condition that results in the pain as noted. Looking at the rules it is very specific that it has to be a 'condition' that produces pain. I don't get worried about them wanting the condition named, they can and always could request it.

But as I was looking at the rules, I found something interesting. It is a 'condition' that either directly causes, OR THE TREATMENT OF THE CONDITION that causes, a symptom like pain, or nausea. This I found interesting. Let's look at anxiety. People get nauseated due to anxiety. The treatment medication for anxiety can cause nausea. If it does in YOU, I can certify you for anxiety. I find this helpful.

Thanks Lara, for causing me to look again and find another way to help my patients.

Dr. Bob
Perhaps these little out of the blue on line shit fits like Marty just had are the reason it is so quiet in here. Nothing but a bunch of school yard bs and misplaced frustrations. Grow up.

Dr. Bob

Dr. Bob what is your thoughts on the medical community utilizing HIPAA privacy laws fuel by lawyers in comparison to our government utilizing classified laws fueled by lawyers? I see it as cover for corruption for the "haves" against the "have nots" in this country. Am I so wrong in taking this position regardless of my in depth experience within both systems?
It is a 'condition' that either directly causes, OR THE TREATMENT OF THE CONDITION that causes, a symptom like pain, or nausea. This I found interesting. Let's look at anxiety. People get nauseated due to anxiety. The treatment medication for anxiety can cause nausea.

That's an interesting aspect for sure. So if the treatment of a condition leads to its own independent symptom, you can prescribe to relieve the symptom caused by a separate treatment?
That's an interesting aspect for sure. So if the treatment of a condition leads to its own independent symptom, you can prescribe to relieve the symptom caused by a separate treatment?

Likely one of the strongest arguments for the use of medicinal marijuana in our legalization fight has been the relief of nausea caused by chemotherapy. Seems elementary to me, although the medical community may have a much different take on this today as oncology has become such a money maker in the past decade or so. It has become a financial assembly line of pain and suffering that I cannot get out of my head. Hell Michigan State even opened an oncology department to pump our pets full of these poisons to appease pet owners as the animals suffer and the university pockets even more cash :eyesmoke:
That's an interesting aspect for sure. So if the treatment of a condition leads to its own independent symptom, you can prescribe to relieve the symptom caused by a separate treatment?

You got it sunshine....

Dr. Bob
Likely one of the strongest arguments for the use of medicinal marijuana in our legalization fight has been the relief of nausea caused by chemotherapy. Seems elementary to me, although the medical community may have a much different take on this today as oncology has become such a money maker in the past decade or so. It has become a financial assembly line that I cannot get out of my head. Hell Michigan State even opened an oncology department to pump our pets full of these poisons to appease pet owners as the animals suffer and the university pockets even more cash :eyesmoke:

Again, it is a matter of convincing those oncologists to have a look at it as another hammer in the tool box. Making the certification process legitimate and in compliance with good medical practice helps. Attacking physicians that are working in that direction does not, especially calling into question their legitimacy or competence- these doctors are the face of medical marijuana physicians to the rest of the community and our reputations and professional standing are the key to our effectively promoting this field as a legitimate field of medicine and treatment modality.

Dr. Bob
I have no problem with doctors, lawyers and/or politicians personally, as I obviously have collected many close friends from those disciplines throughout my lifetime. My personal problem is with the lack of true equality and integrity within these systems and I feel the recent and unfettered consortium of the three boarder criminal. I'm just tired of these conversations going unhad with the public under the guise of being too complex, rather than too corrupt as I believe they actual are. I think these kids are big enough to overhear and learn from such adult conversations :bigjoint:

The fact that doctors cannot and would not simply write a script for MJ, just as they would any other pain reliever or psychiatric drug, is beyond reason and simply impeding access to medication IMO. I believe it's time to stop working around all of this corruption (ways to means) and start acknowledging and fixing the actual problems here. Or is that what we are calling civil disobedience these days, what the rest of us can afford :bigjoint:
Likely one of the strongest arguments for the use of medicinal marijuana in our legalization fight has been the relief of nausea caused by chemotherapy.

Doh! Of course! And this is prescribable


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Doh! Of course! And this is prescribable

Sad but true brother, many chemo patients do not live long enough and/or cannot afford to jump through all the legal and medical hurdles today to actually "legally" receive the benefit of MJ under MMMP :sad:
That's an interesting aspect for sure. So if the treatment of a condition leads to its own independent symptom, you can prescribe to relieve the symptom caused by a separate treatment?
Over the counter ibuprophin has wrecked stomach to where I now need prilocec daily. All of my doctors hav checked nausa.
Again, it is a matter of convincing those oncologists to have a look at it as another hammer in the tool box. Making the certification process legitimate and in compliance with good medical practice helps. Attacking physicians that are working in that direction does not, especially calling into question their legitimacy or competence- these doctors are the face of medical marijuana physicians to the rest of the community and our reputations and professional standing are the key to our effectively promoting this field as a legitimate field of medicine and treatment modality.

Dr. Bob

It is notable that you refer to 'those' doctors who are the face of medical marijuana who are physicians and whose legitimacy or competence should not be called into question, rather than the 'we' term that would include you. But we, and apparently you, already knew that.

Where in hell is a doctor when we need one?

Oh yeah. Silly me.